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You Might Have Heard About This Before..


Posted : 07/08/2013 6:42 pm


I've been reading a lot of topics lately about those pimples that start out as a painful, no head zit, then develop into multiple heads. I've only seen someone with up to 7 heads, but this is where I'm kinda worried.


I've recently got one of these monsters, and it broke out into not 7. Not 10. But 14 white heads. (Yes, I sat and counted) Now I'm not too sure what to do, I don't think I should pop them, maybe a heat compress might help?


Advice would be appreciated, thank you.


Posted : 07/08/2013 8:23 pm

Whatever you do don't pop them. That will just spread the infection and cause it to last longer and possibly spread. I wish I had taken my own advice because my acne is currently spread all around my mouth due to my constant picking.

I would just use a warm compress and let the pimples heal naturally. You could also try using a spot treatment overnight to help dry them up. I know it sucks to have whiteheads, but it is so much better to just get rid of it then spread the infection and cause scarring.
