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Big Pimple Under Jawline Once A Month? Hormonal?


Posted : 06/21/2013 12:59 pm



I've noticed that my face is relatively clear. I get around a few whiteheads, but no biggie. On the other hand, once a month (usually right after my period) I get a big pimple (not a cyst, as it subsides in a week or so, but I'm guessing a big pustule) under my jawline, and it tends to be ONLY on the left side of my face.


Do you think this might be hormonal? If so, what do you recommend? I wish to avoid birth control and I'm wondering if there are natural courses I could take instead.

Oh yes, and I'm 17. My acne has gotten less since before last year, then again that could be the result of the regimen I've started using.


Posted : 06/23/2013 1:33 am


1)Treat spots. If you have one or two pimples you want to isolate and destroy, spot-treatment is the way to go. Instead of putting drying, acne-killing agents all over your skin, focus on applying them only on top of the worst offenders. You can try several different formulas, from store-bought to homemade


2)Get your beauty rest. Sleep deprivation and stress can cause hormonal changes that make your body more susceptible to breakouts. Try to make sure you're getting a solid 8 hours of sleep every night, and find ways throughout the day to de-stress and relax.


3)Get rid of residual dirt and oil from your hair. Whether your hair comes in direct contact with your face or not, some leftover oils from your scalp can cause acne on your face. Try these strategies for keeping your hair from foiling your plans for clear skin


4)Set up a regular skincare regimen. Consistency is key in getting rid of acne and preventing its return, so settle into a routine that seems to work for your skin and stick with it. Here's a sample routine that you start with, modifying as necessary:

Wash your face with a gentle, non-drying cleanser.

Use a toner to pick up any leftover dirt or dead skin (optional). Make sure it won't completely dry out your face.

Apply a light or gel moisturizer.

Apply any spot treatments, such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid (optional). If your skin tends to be dry, consider only applying these treatments at night.

Remove all makeup, including eye makeup.

Wash your face with a gentle cleanser.

Mix a fine-grain exfoliant with your face soap every few nights (optional).

Use a toner to pick up any leftover dirt or dead skin (optional). Make sure it won't completely dry out your face.

Apply a light or gel moisturizer. If your skin tends to be dry, you can use a heavier moisturizer at night.

Apply any spot treatments, such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
