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Glycolic Acid Breaking Me Out


Posted : 05/22/2013 8:07 pm

So I started using this product maybe 4 days ago and its broken me out (not severely but I can tell this product has had an effect on how many pimples I get). Im 15, (just turned), and usually I'll get a pimple or two every 2-3 days, but with this product I've gotten 8 maybe 9 pimples in a period or 3-4 days. Most arent even white heads, just bumps under my skin. Should I stop using it or continue? I haven't seen results (using it for my acne dark marks I have left over from all the previous pimples) but I wouldn't expect much in 3-4 days. BTW, I don't think my skins purging. They're big cystic ones, and theres small purging type zit mixed in here and there. ITCHES SO BAD UGHHH.

Update: I've been using it for about 6 days now, and I've broken out even more. The weird thing is these pimples go away crazy fast. Usually my pimples would stay for 15-20 days until I popped them. These go away in 2-3 days. Even though I broke out more, the old ones are gone and I'm still at about 9-10 pimples on my face. They're not really pimples, more like big bumps. The glycolic acids helped my skin tone even out though! Should I keep going?


Posted : 05/22/2013 11:48 pm

Hi hi, sorry to hear that.


What are u trying to achieve from buying that? You're doing exfoliating or trying to get even skin tone?

Since it may have caused a breakout, why are you still using it?
