Sea Salt


Posted : 03/14/2011 3:47 pm

Okay i know it's not new by any means. But what the hell,

So i was walking around Venice (California) and was amazed by the clarity of the population's skin. I could tell who was from around there and who was not. So I decided, eh what the hell, my skin is a train wreck anyways. Why not throw some sea salt at it so I can look like these beach folk.


I currently suffer from whiteheads/inflamed acne on the sides of cheeks/jawline, chin,and top of neck, none on my nose/front of cheeks (so where facial hair grows... interesting)


So I got a can of sea salt from Trader Joes, only $1.50ish. I've been adding water to it and pasting my face with it, and leaving it on for a half an hour or so. I've heard it naturally contains sulphur and zinc etc. stuff that we associate with treating acne, so why the hell not?


It's only been 2 treatments (last night/this morning) but it did bring out some whiteheads, make other things form a head, and made existing ones easier to pop, I guess that's the IB.


So, what are your experiences with salt?




Posted : 03/15/2011 10:20 pm

very nice.


Posted : 03/16/2011 12:45 pm

You can also make it into a toner with water and the salt so you don't have to rinse it off. Makes your regimen quicker.


Posted : 11/29/2012 2:33 am

make it into a toner. dilute it with water. i like to make a toner out of : sea salt , apple cider vinegar, water, or green tea or mix them all together. they are all good for your skin


Posted : 11/29/2012 12:46 pm

Yeah you don't need to make a paste out of it. A little goes a long way, and too much can be overdrying. You only really need like a quarter teaspoon per cup of water, roughly. And the better quality salt you get, the better the results. Himalayan pink, Celtic light grey, Dead sea, Real salt...and many other hawaiian/mediterranean varieties are great. But i question the quality of your 1.50 purchase. Even many sea salts go through lots of processing involving bleaching and high heat refining.
