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TCA CROSS: Raised and bumpy spots?


Posted : 05/07/2019 4:41 am

Hi guys my doctor did my first TCA CROSS and today is my 5th day, most of the scabs are still intact. But the texture of the some of the spotareas where TCA was used felt raised and bumpy. is this normal during healing process? i only used sunscreen and feeling quite depressed and worried. made me think that i should not havelistenedto his advice to do the TCA cross. will the raised bump turn into something worst?im asian with olive skintone.


please enlighten me!




Posted : 05/07/2019 10:03 am

@kirabearThis is completely normal. These are basically scabs that have formed to heal the fresh skin underneath. Of course you are going to feel irregularity. One treatment with Cross is not going to make your skin perfect and smooth. It's progressive taking many. For some it widens the scar by design and raises the scar floor. You resurface at the end for overall texture.

Because you are ethnic. I would have prepped your skin for several weeks before using a retinoid and lightening cream(See below). After the scabs come off you must do this nightly again as it's part of treating with your skin type. Also be aware they will be red for some time, you put concealer over it. IT's part of treating your skin type to use pulse dye laser if things stay red for some time.

You don't want to hasten the healing of the scars prematurely and make new scars. You can do 50 % water and 50% white vinegar splashes/ or patson the face daily and that helps a bit as well.

It's just a slow process. Everything is with scar work. Your scars will be healing over 2 to 3 months.

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Disclaimer: Information and support is not meant to diagnosis, treatment, or cure any health or mental condition and is not a substitute for professional face to face medical care (consult with a few Dr's and pick your favorite one). Posts are for informational purposes only, please consult your personal health care practitioner before engaging in anything discussed.


Posted : 05/07/2019 9:59 pm

@beautifulambitionhey thank you so much for your reply!

Just abit worried about the raised skin surrounding the scab. Only some. The rest with scabs are flat texture. Is this completely normal or is it something i should be concern about? Will the raised bump flatten overtime? I'm just afraid it will turn into hypertrophic scar (not sure if its the right word to use) after the scabs fall off :(


Posted : 05/08/2019 10:52 am

@kirabearPlease contact your Dr if you have any issues as he is responsible for your aftercare. It depends how he did the treatment and his skill. We just have to wait till the scars come off to move forward. If your prone to hypertrophic scars, let your Dr know he may give you a steriod cream.


Posted : 05/13/2019 12:11 am


Most of the scabs have fallen after I wash my face and massage it. There are redness left on the scabs which have fallen off, which i assumed is PIE. i have a couple of questions:


1. Will the PIE go away by itself in the next few weeks with just moisturiser and suncreen? my skin is super prone to breakouts so i'm abit hesistant to try any pigmentation removal creams and serum. but let's see.


2. if i don't wish to buy creams and opt for a laser instead is Pico laser suitable for PIE?


3. Some of the areas where scab fell off feel bumpy, almost like i'm "breaking out". is this normal?


Thank you.


Posted : 05/13/2019 10:19 am

@kirabear"massage" the face, this can make the scabs come of like picking, hopefully you did not cause them to come off prematurely and make scars.

1) It goes away for many in a month to 3 months, hence you wear concealer over it. Redness is part of the process of cross healing. If you want to keep it simple sure sunscreen and moisturizer. Otherwise I have many use a retinoid nightly and the pca hydroquinone free gel (Amazon) for skin turnover and to prevent hyperpigmentation.

2) I would op in your case for V-beam or pulse dye laser, it's also cheaper to try first

3) Yes it can be normal for areas to feel bumpy, ... the above gel / lotions can help with this, ... I cannot say for sure at this point, but healing is not perfect, you need multiple cross sessions not one. Please see the treating Dr if you have any concerns of break outs, or bacterial issues, ... some even are prone to hypertrophic scarring. They should handle your aftercare, you pay them for that.

- Welcome!



Posted : 05/14/2019 12:27 am



wow thanks for taking ur time off to reply me! appreciate it! last few qns :)

1. i first did my cross on the 3rd of May, now scabs are gone and left with red marks. Any idea when should i fix an appointment to do the v beam laser if i were to decide to do it? if i were to go too early, im just afraid it will affect the healing process


2. do u have any brand recommendation for retin A that is suitable for sensitive acne prone skin like me? 


3. did some reading and came across skinceuticals discoloration defense, do u think that this will help with PIE?


thank you!





Posted : 05/14/2019 10:22 am

@kirabear1) I would not do V-beam right away, as you said redness is part of the healing, give it a few months then consider it, but as you know cross requires multiple treatments to work, so you could do them between your cross treatments if you wish.

2) The ordinary makes a retinol product, Avene makes a rettinaldehyde product, Differin in some countries is over the counter, other products are prescription.

3) That product is ok - reviews are variable on it, ... if you like it so be it, I recommend the PCA hydroquinone free gel above 😉 Try either.


Posted : 05/17/2019 2:13 pm


it has been almost 16 days since my first cross.

1.seems like the healing is pretty slow even after scabs fell off. the spots are red as seen of the photo,is this normal? will the red marks go away? starting to feel regret getting this hah

2. some of the bumps on the temples are not going down as well, if anything the redness became more pronounced. is it a sign of infection or something should i ask the doc for some antibiotic ointment? or is it just a normal breakout from the areas when tca was done?


thank you.






Posted : 05/18/2019 11:33 am


I want you to use nightly a retinoid, differin, or tretinorin, if you can. Even once a night if that's all you can do. Get a serum like niacinamide and start using it(the ordinary), use the pca hyroquinone free gel cream(amazon).

Yes redness means healing, time to do the topicals above and allow things to heal. During the day use concealer. If it does not heal in 2 months then go see a Dr. Your Dr may need to use pulse dye laser on you as your a slow healer. We have had sensitive and slow healers that took several months to heal. See a Dermatologist and have them take a look. 16 days is NORMAL 😉 This is how this treatment works, put some makeup or conealer over it. Let it heal and do something more sensitive if you need next time. It takes 3 months totalto heal from a treatment often.

Sign of infection would be pimples that do not go away and spread, a fever, or spreading redness. This is healing skin. Perhaps your Dr was aggressive and next time they can use a lower % if you wish.

Sure ask the Dr for a antibiotic ointment if you wish as a preventive.

