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1.5 Years Dermaneedling Update - 13 Sessions


Posted : 02/18/2017 5:58 am

8 hours ago, FeelsGood said:

Hello, that's me. The after make it look better than the actual results. Subcision does work but it's not a miracle like the picture makes it believe.

How much improvement did you have?


Posted : 02/18/2017 6:13 am

Subcision or any procedure only gives a percentage of improvement, often not more than 50% over many years and many treatments. Younger or fresh scars greatest soonest give the best results. It all depends on your type of scars. I get postings all the time saying fix my scars and they are textural like these scars. Microneedle will do very little for the texture. This is what TCA is for. These are boxcars and more often laser is needed with long down time, possible fat loss, and possible results (or harder treatments to harsh of results). Then you have peels, the deeper the more it works, TCA can work every other month alternating with microneedle (everything heals then do next treatment), this is done for a year. Finally the most effective treatment for surface scars is dermabration, many doctors do not do it anymore. It must be done by a "facial" plastic surgeon who has done hundreds of them and can show you pictures, there is long down time, it's bloody, and you need 3 of them. But it individually files scars down to the surrounding skin,.


Posted : 02/18/2017 8:11 am

Do you think a laser works for tethered scars?


Posted : 02/18/2017 10:17 am

Nothing works for tethered scars except subcision or a face lift. The vertical tethers need to be cut. Lasers don't even reach the tethers or bottom of the scars. Possibly filler could but it also causes doughnuting. 

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