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What Is This? Chemical Peel Burn?


Posted : 03/26/2014 10:22 am

I apologize if this has been discssed before, but I'm new here, and didn't see anything when I searched the form.

This morning I got my first pyruvic acid pee at my dermatologists officel. It tingled a little, but nothing too bad. When she was removing the peel, there was a spot that felt tight on my upper cheek, very similar to how glue feels on the skin. She cleaned over it, then I felt her rub in the area. It wasn't until I got home that I saw what the spot looks like. Is this a burn? Will it scar? What can I do to soote and help heal it, and to also prevent scarring? I'm hesitant to call and ask, because she did this and didn't mention it to me, so maybe she thinks its normal, or doesn't know what to do herself?

*sigh* great how you try and do something to get rid of scars, and might have gotten yourself a nice big scar in the process.

Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



Posted : 03/26/2014 1:44 pm

Did you educate yourself before this peel? The skin will get red and look like a burn for the first few days, then peel and eventually go back to normal. It will scar however if you pick at the skin that is being peeled


Posted : 03/26/2014 2:03 pm

Did you educate yourself before this peel? The skin will get red and look like a burn for the first few days, then peel and eventually go back to normal. It will scar however if you pick at the skin that is being peeled

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I did read about the peel beforehand. The thing is, is that this isn't just red, it's open and there is an obvious indentation.
