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I Have Found The Cure For Scars I Think Please Read


Posted : 12/21/2013 8:04 pm

Peer reviewed journals or bust. No anedoctal evidence.

Your intentions may be good, but ultimately pushing this kind of stuff does people more harm. You don't know what you're talking about, stop it.


Posted : 12/22/2013 9:49 am

I don't see how this can repair the collagen enough to the extent that the scar becomes flat, but Im so desperate to get rid of my scars that i guess its worth a shot?


Posted : 12/22/2013 10:34 am

what kind of scars are we talking about ?

fruit diet isnt gonna help indented scars at all

also eating just a fruit diet will most likely cause acne as it has alot of natural sugar combined ( do your research on that )

fruit diet wont help regular scars that much either as you be getting more acne then before seeing results

Scarred tissue is physically different than unscarred tissue. Eating a healthy diet would be a positive thing for your overall health, and it might reduce inflammation but it cannot change scarred tissue back to unscarred.

With subcision, the doctor is physically cutting the bonds underneath the scarred tissue, so that the scar will lay flat. If you examined that section of skin with a magnifying glass, it would still look different where the scarred and unscarred areas were. It's just flatter now, so nobody will notice. There is no way that your diet can do the same thing as a subcision. Think about how indirect the effects of diet would be, on skin that is already scarred it's not going to magically change that tissue. Even with active acne, the effects of diet might be arguable if you're having hormonal upheaval and breaking out, in my opinion eating a raw diet is not going to make you not have acne (I would agree that it could help not to eat certain foods, but help is not the same as prevent). But with scarring, it's simply impossible for diet to make scars less noticeable. If lasers and TCA cross only help incrementally (takes multiple sessions) how will your diet possible remodel a scar?

I hate to see threads like this because it raises false hopes in people, and leads to more discouragement and disillusionment. This forum should be the source of accurate information. I also saw another thread here that said putting urine on your scars would make a difference. I hope nobody was fooled by that.

There are also people who say that you can cure cancer with positive thinking, and so on. It's a bunch of nonsense, in my opinion. This guy Robert Morsend talks about "detoxifying" the body which is also nonsense - there are no "toxins"(poison) produced in the body, or lurking in the body. That's a bunch of bunk. A quick Google of his name claims he has cured 100,000 people of cancer. Even if that number is correct, millions of people get cancer, and statistically some of those people will go into remission with no treatment at all. Just eat a healthy diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, don't eat junk food, avoid sugar and so on. There will be no need to "detoxify" in the first place, if you do that, IMO.

Bottom line though - eating a raw food diet will not convert scarred tissue into unscarred tissue, will not untether your rolling scars, will not soften the edges of your box scars, will not fill in your icepick scars. It's simply impossible.

refer to this

/case closed


Posted : 12/22/2013 7:05 pm

why dont you look into dermarolling or dermastamp dude.. even IF this diet worked, it could take years and years, by which time skin would darn near heal itself anyway?

just a thought. I am not saying don't do it.. if it were me (and in my case) I am just eating a healthy diet and will seek dermastamp


Posted : 01/04/2014 9:53 am

why dont you look into dermarolling or dermastamp dude.. even IF this diet worked, it could take years and years, by which time skin would darn near heal itself anyway?

just a thought. I am not saying don't do it.. if it were me (and in my case) I am just eating a healthy diet and will seek dermastamp

i am looking into that as well just a quick update my skin has a really nice glow guys do your research your scars can heal i have mostly rolling this man has seen acne scarring disappear he sure as hell aint lying he has seen and worked on people who have neurological problems in getting to walk again healed advanced cancers ask your medical docter if they have achieved any of this.


Posted : 01/04/2014 9:59 am

pictures? are there any bonafide pictures?

have you taken any of yourself yet man


Posted : 01/04/2014 11:19 am

pictures? are there any bonafide pictures?

have you taken any of yourself yet man

i have taken a before pic i will be posting it along with a update pic on june join me jack on this journey if you want.



you also need to take the herbs to get everything moving


Posted : 01/04/2014 6:55 pm


pictures? are there any bonafide pictures?

have you taken any of yourself yet man

i have taken a before pic i will be posting it along with a update pic on june join me jack on this journey if you want.



you also need to take the herbs to get everything moving

ok well that sounds good. be great to see the original pic and the june picture! got a while to wait though


Posted : 01/05/2014 7:25 am


pictures? are there any bonafide pictures?

have you taken any of yourself yet man

i have taken a before pic i will be posting it along with a update pic on june join me jack on this journey if you want.



you also need to take the herbs to get everything moving

ok well that sounds good. be great to see the original pic and the june picture! got a while to wait though



Posted : 01/07/2014 5:57 pm

Well I don't know about you guys, but I think its worth a shot.

I think it's pretty factual that certain foods have certain pH levels.

So he says to get high in alkalinity and our body will get rid of scars (can't tell if he's talking about red marks or actual scars)

Here's a list of foods that are alkaline that you should try to eat more of, according to the doctor, and acid foods that you should stay away from


He also talks about herbs. Now I'm a teen and I don't have access to herbs so I'd love if someone could try some and see if theres any effect on red marks.

Here's some herbs and their effects.



Posted : 01/08/2014 5:50 am

On 1/8/2014 at 4:57 AM, y0y0ma said:

Well I don't know about you guys, but I think its worth a shot.

I think it's pretty factual that certain foods have certain pH levels.

So he says to get high in alkalinity and our body will get rid of scars (can't tell if he's talking about red marks or actual scars)

Here's a list of foods that are alkaline that you should try to eat more of, according to the doctor, and acid foods that you should stay away from


He also talks about herbs. Now I'm a teen and I don't have access to herbs so I'd love if someone could try some and see if theres any effect on red marks.

Here's some herbs and their effects.


he is talking about everything but obviousaly the more serious the problem the longer it will take


Posted : 01/10/2014 6:01 pm

So I've thought about it, and this is what I think he's talking about and how it relates to acne.

The blood is alkaline with a ph of 7.4. If it gets too much lower from that, we'll die, so our body does everything it can to stop it from getting lower than that. So when we eat all this acidic food, we suffer from acidosis, which is our body trying to keep the blood at 7.4. Acidosis hurts the lymphatic system, which takes waste away from our cells, and make up for 3/4 of our intravenous fluid. This hurts our kidneys, along with other glands. Our kidneys don't filter properly, and acidic waste has to get out of our body somehow. The only other way is through the skin, the body's third kidney. Then we get acne, because our body can't properly heal because it has a malfunctioning lymphatic system.

SO, to fix this we simply eat/drink more alkaline stuff. The simplest way to do this, instead of becoming a vegetarian, is to mix baking soda or many lemons, very alkaline substances, and mix them with water(I do baking soda, it's easier). This balances out any acids that we eat, if we get enough alkalinity into our system. However, in the video, he says that the body will "eat up the scars if we get up there in alkalinity". I agree, but the factor that truly affects the SPEED to which our body heals scars are the amount of nutrients that we get, specifically those that our body requires to reproduce skin and have healthy collagen and whatnot.

The things I believe that we should take, on top of the baking soda or lemon water, are omega 3s, vitamin a, vitamin c, amino acids, zinc, and bromelain. What other nutrients do you think our body needs to help collagen production and skin reproduction?


Posted : 01/10/2014 8:58 pm

Animal protein has the highest acidity possible..going vegan is really...the first step


Posted : 01/10/2014 11:10 pm

Animal protein has the highest acidity possible..going vegan is really...the first step

I disagree

1. Protein, and a good amount of it, and amino acids are needed for skin healing

2. No it doesn't

3. Acidity can be balanced out if you consume enough alkalinity (my baking soda water idea0

4. The body needs acid too, what this doctor doesn't say is that while the blood has a higher ph level, the stomach has a very low level, bringing down what ph you actually need to be eating, because the body can send the higher ph material to the blood and send lower ones to the stomach.


Posted : 01/11/2014 2:16 am

Just putting this out there:

Most vegans get the recommended protein, often higher quality protein from whole foods. The reason lots of vegans get skinny is not because of 'protein defeciency' but because they are under eating

1. Protein is over hyped

2. Protein is over rated

3. You disagree because you can't leave your meat



4. protein is over rated

watch the video i posted ^

and check out his other videos if you'd like.

sorry we can't agree


Posted : 01/11/2014 4:15 pm

Just putting this out there:

Most vegans get the recommended protein, often higher quality protein from whole foods. The reason lots of vegans get skinny is not because of 'protein defeciency' but because they are under eating

1. Protein is over hyped

2. Protein is over rated

3. You disagree because you can't leave your meat



4. protein is over rated

watch the video i posted ^

and check out his other videos if you'd like.

sorry we can't agree

I don't disagree that vegetarians may get some protein from the fruits and vegetables.

Okay Mr. Cocky you can say that protein is over-rated as many times as you want, but you can't deny that it's a necessary part of skin health and collagen production and whatnot.

And I hardly eat any meat anyway. But grains and dairy are acidic too, are you going to cut those out of your diet too, even if they have necessary nutrients that you need?


Posted : 01/11/2014 4:58 pm

I eat high raw vegan (Plant based diet), usually 50% more or less of calories coming from raw fruits/vegetables. Dinner is almost always steamed sweet or baked potatoes, with steamed veggies such as brocolli and spinach.

Dairy? Liquid fat? Nahh that's disgusting

Grains? Very rare, usually 2-3x a month, again very rare I don't digest grains properly, rice usually breaks me out..

Sure protein is necessary.. never said I don't recommend it but large amounts of protein, especially that of animal products is very acidic and not good for ones' health.

Still...protein is verry over rated in today's world..

and did you watch the entire video?


Posted : 01/11/2014 5:48 pm

My only advice is to make sure your acne is diet related before you go into this "cure", it is a longggg road to go down, but i have learned A LOT about proper nutrion since focusing on the acne and diet conection. While it may not be my trigger, it defiently is for some people out there.


Posted : 01/11/2014 6:18 pm

Yep I think I'm gonna become an almost vegetarian, and eat meat as little as possible. I'll get my proteins/amino acids in my protein shake, which is alkaline. I'll do my baking soda idea, but I'll definitely still be eating grains and dairy, they definitely have nutrients and energy that the skin needs to heal. I tried not eating anything but fruits and vegetables for a week and my red marks weren't getting any better.

I agree that Americans eat too much meat.

I think that this is all a preventative thing. Since I've been eating less acidic stuff I haven't broken out at all, but I rarely break out anymore because it's winter. My problem is red marks.


Posted : 01/18/2014 5:02 pm

Yep I think I'm gonna become an almost vegetarian, and eat meat as little as possible. I'll get my proteins/amino acids in my protein shake, which is alkaline. I'll do my baking soda idea, but I'll definitely still be eating grains and dairy, they definitely have nutrients and energy that the skin needs to heal. I tried not eating anything but fruits and vegetables for a week and my red marks weren't getting any better.

I agree that Americans eat too much meat.

I think that this is all a preventative thing. Since I've been eating less acidic stuff I haven't broken out at all, but I rarely break out anymore because it's winter. My problem is red marks.

hey there y0.

Interesting you say you don't break out because its winter.. so is your skin more dry then during this period?

i have problems with red marks and my skin was terribly dry recently - winter - but now i use a moisturiser and so far its done nothing but wonders. inc reduced the redness


Posted : 01/19/2014 8:37 pm


Yep I think I'm gonna become an almost vegetarian, and eat meat as little as possible. I'll get my proteins/amino acids in my protein shake, which is alkaline. I'll do my baking soda idea, but I'll definitely still be eating grains and dairy, they definitely have nutrients and energy that the skin needs to heal. I tried not eating anything but fruits and vegetables for a week and my red marks weren't getting any better.

I agree that Americans eat too much meat.

I think that this is all a preventative thing. Since I've been eating less acidic stuff I haven't broken out at all, but I rarely break out anymore because it's winter. My problem is red marks.

hey there y0.

Interesting you say you don't break out because its winter.. so is your skin more dry then during this period?

i have problems with red marks and my skin was terribly dry recently - winter - but now i use a moisturiser and so far its done nothing but wonders. inc reduced the redness


I think that I don't break out because bacteria is the cause of my breakouts, and bacteria doesn't thrive or whatever in the cold.

Also, about this doctor robert morse, after thoroughly testing out his idea, I believe, part of what he says is true, part of what he says is false.

True part: Metabolic acidosis hurts our immune system and stems from eating too much acidic food.

False part: Consuming foods with high Ph's will help our lymphatic system

When deciding what to eat, focus on the good ol' food pyramid and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, that's my suggestion. Because it's all about balance. If you only eat fruits and vegetables, that throws your body out of balance because it's getting a ton of some nutrients that it needs, but not enough of other nutrients. Only supplement I'll be taking is omega 3 every once in awhile, in order to keep that balance I was talking about.


Posted : 01/20/2014 9:32 pm

it sounds logical that scar tissue would improve through eating the needed vitamins and minerals .... however i don't know about " getting rid " of them .... sounds too good to be true ....


Posted : 01/23/2014 5:39 am

There is so much bad advice in here this thread is a disaster. I hope nobody follows this advice without doing additional research (hint: NOT watching kooky "healers" on Youtube). If eating a raw vegan diet worked to clear up scars (and heal diseases), everybody would be doing it. It would be discussed on the front page of every newspaper.

And the fruit and vegetable industry (yes, they have lobbyists too! Just like every big industry!) would be pushing this diet 24/7. But they don't why not? Don't they wanna make money too? Don't they want to heal the world with fruits and vegetables?

What's wrong with eating this way? Well for one thing, not enough fats. Your body requires fats in order to function properly. This basic info is in any Nutrition 101 course, and since the importance of fats is being glossed over, you can be certain that the people pushing this here don't have a clue what they're talking about. You need fats for hormonal functions, as well as skin and hair health. You cannot just eat a bunch of bananas, and be healthy.

You also need protein to survive, and while there is some protein in fruits and vegetables, you have to be smart and plan your diet carefully, in order to not become protein deficient especially important if you are a teenager. If you don't get sufficient protein, your body will begin cannibalizing itself (that's what muscle wasting is, your body needs proteins for organ function and repair) you will lose muscle tone and eventually that protein will come from vital organs. Most people will recognize that something is wrong before that happens, but unfortunately diet is something that certain people can become dysfunctional about. And if you don't know what you're doing, and just get your information from Youtube idiots and the internet, instead of proper nutritional planning, then eating like this is really just a type of eating disorder. You're just acting dysfunctionally.

Somebody posted here that they've tried the diet and they feel great now, but the point is that this is not a healthy diet in the haphazard way it's being approached here, and it's not going to feel good long-term. If people want to eat Vegan, more power to you. But please do your research first, learn the correct way to eat a vegan diet, don't expect it to cure diseases, and most importantly, don't expect it to fix your acne scars!!! Furthermore, even if you approach a vegan diet correctly, with all the proper nutritional planning, some people simply cannot handle vegan diets over the long term. You can find examples of people who had to modify their vegan diet after they started getting NEW health problems due to the restrictions of veganism (anemia is a common complaint). Even some people who started pro-vegan blogs have had to modify their diets to eat a wider range of foods, after hitting the point of diminishing returns.

This thread is a mess because the people espousing this really don't know what they are talking about, and reading their posts will make people who read this thread become dumber. And that sucks.

Yes, everybody here is worried about their complexions. Don't compound your problems by becoming nutritionally deficient, or getting an eating disorder too. I am not anti-vegan, I am anti-ignorance!


Posted : 01/23/2014 5:56 am

On 1/8/2014 at 4:57 AM, y0y0ma said:

Well I don't know about you guys, but I think its worth a shot.

I think it's pretty factual that certain foods have certain pH levels.

So he says to get high in alkalinity and our body will get rid of scars (can't tell if he's talking about red marks or actual scars)

Here's a list of foods that are alkaline that you should try to eat more of, according to the doctor, and acid foods that you should stay away from


He also talks about herbs. Now I'm a teen and I don't have access to herbs so I'd love if someone could try some and see if theres any effect on red marks.

Here's some herbs and their effects.


You can't change the pH of your body through diet. For one thing, food undergoes chemical changes in the digestive system. Also, your body self-regulates it's pH and it has to stay in an extremely narrow range. This "alkaline vs. acid" is the same kind of junk as "removing toxic buildup" etc. Your body is highly efficient at regulating wastes, and there are no "toxins" in your body, it's all marketing and fake science.

If you are interested in nutrition, that's great. But learn the basics before you start experimenting with fringe theories. Some of you guys don't even know the basics. It's like the blind leading the blind in here.


Posted : 02/10/2014 8:06 am

so the guy who posted this a couple months ago , where are your " results " ?
