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Cheaper Options For Indented Scars?


Posted : 06/02/2013 3:31 am

I have acne scarring on both sides of my face from the horrible acne I used to have during highschool. I really want to get rid of them or, at the very least, conceal them in some way.

I'm a guy and I'm not going to buy makeup, regardless of what people say. Nothing against people who wear makeup, I'm just not going to do it.

So far the only options I've seen for getting rid of acne scars involve laser surgery or dermabrasion, both of which are way more expensive than I can afford as a college student.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I really dont wan't to live with these for the rest of my life :/


Posted : 06/03/2013 4:31 am


Unfortunately treating our scars means we have to hand over hard earned cash... and the better the treatment, the more expensive. It's sad and frustrating but it's the world we live in.


If you're not ready to take on an invasive procedure like laser or the Dermaroller how about you look into Dermaflage ( )? It's a form of make-up but not what you think! smile.png It's a special silicone that you apply to your scars to fill them in. Designed by a leading prosthetics artist to give people like us more confidence. Looks like there is a small learning curve to get it right when applying but it is certainly not rocket science. I have just purchased the starter kit to see if the product would work for me. It would be easier for someone like you though, as it is best applied on fresh, clean skin without make-up. It's not what I would call cheap, at around $50 for the starter kit, but if it works for you it'd be a heck of a lot cheaper than laser etc.

For $50 for the starter kit it's worth a shot, in my books!

