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[Sticky] Scarless Healing


Posted : 03/15/2014 12:05 pm

Well you know, I've seen images and descriptions of the skin of the entire forearm of a burn victim being removed. Subsequently they used various treatments. So in other words, there's bigger problems that people aim to treat in the future than acne scars by which I mean that if they think they can fix those then treating acne scars isn't going to be a problem either. These doctors and scientists I'm sure will take all things they need to into consideration.

Also, I think that for some the transient experience of surgery is worth having a scarless future. The amount of suffering and distress caused by an entire life of having acne scars is worse than going through three unpleasant weeks which you know will end.

But I don't think you'd have to have a palm's worth of skin removed. It doesn't really make sense to remove perfectly fine skin. I think there's such a thing as punch grafts where they have a technique to remove small areas of skin. Sort of the size of a fingertip or smaller. So I think it would be more along the lines of that in the case of acne scars instead of a huge wound that's made. But like I said, even large wounds will be treated in the future so that they can heal properly. The limits as to what they'll be able to do in the future seem to be basically non-existent so all these things you're worrying about I'm sure they'll find an answer to at some point down the line.

Here is an example i want to make. This isnt my skin but here is what IM getting at. Take note this is an AFTER treatment (lasers subcision etc) . you see where the start of good skin occurs around the upper jaw or just below the eyes? Thats perfect skin. The area above is ruddy damaged and with generaly scar tissue. HOW would you using hydrogel make that skin like the skin around the jawline in color?

you telling me you cut out that entire area of ruddyness and plonk on some hydrogel and voila, Magic?



Posted : 03/15/2014 12:22 pm

I see what you're getting at and I don't have an answer really. :( Maybe the basic principle of the hydrogel can applied in a different way, I don't know... But there's probably some way to reverse the damage. I'd put money that. :)


Posted : 03/15/2014 2:48 pm

Thats the is another thing i want to say. If this hydrogel proves to be as miraculous as some people are claiming and here and gives 100% perfect skin back then i guess theres no need for other research for the skin. we are done and dusted.

this would have leaked and this would be making world news.

im just keeping it real here. until photos are shown. be it 3rd degree burns and deep widspread acne scars all completley resolved and the skin is perfect i say take whatever words you are hearing with a pinch of salt.


Posted : 03/15/2014 3:40 pm

Thats the is another thing i want to say. If this hydrogel proves to be as miraculous as some people are claiming and here and gives 100% perfect skin back then i guess theres no need for other research for the skin. we are done and dusted.

this would have leaked and this would be making world news.

im just keeping it real here. until photos are shown. be it 3rd degree burns and deep widspread acne scars all completley resolved and the skin is perfect i say take whatever words you are hearing with a pinch of salt.

The complete regeneration has so far only been shown to work in mice. They are conducting large animal trials and later human trials to determine if it will work that well on humans. Those results are still pending, but from what I've heard, the results for the large animal trials should be wrapping up soon.

And no, you are wrong, there is still much work to be done on human skin, even if this proves to be miraculous for skin regeneration. This would only be a temporary fix for chronic skin diseases that continually damage the skin over time. For example, I have Keratosis Pilaris and Rosacea, but there are many others you can read about online.

There are people like me suffering from far worse than just scars...


Posted : 03/15/2014 4:15 pm


Thats the is another thing i want to say. If this hydrogel proves to be as miraculous as some people are claiming and here and gives 100% perfect skin back then i guess theres no need for other research for the skin. we are done and dusted.

this would have leaked and this would be making world news.

im just keeping it real here. until photos are shown. be it 3rd degree burns and deep widspread acne scars all completley resolved and the skin is perfect i say take whatever words you are hearing with a pinch of salt.

The complete regeneration has so far only been shown to work in mice. They are conducting large animal trials and later human trials to determine if it will work that well on humans. Those results are still pending, but from what I've heard, the results for the large animal trials should be wrapping up soon.

And no, you are wrong, there is still much work to be done on human skin, even if this proves to be miraculous for skin regeneration. This would only be a temporary fix for chronic skin diseases that continually damage the skin over time. For example, I have Keratosis Pilaris and Rosacea, but there are many others you can read about online.

There are people like me suffering from far worse than just scars...

I understand. I didnt mean it that way, I was implying what you were saying. Acne and laser treatments has created a rosacea like appearance for me in my inner cheeks. I had before all this very mild rosacea. not noticecable really and more a subtype 2. Ie when my skin was clear from acne the rosacea was non existant. I believe enlarged sebaceous glands have a big role in subtype 2 rosacea.

the human skin and diseases of it are far more complex then mouse or even animals. I think seab135 is being very conceptual and not looking at the big picture with hydrogel. Your example is a good one. What is the potential for hydrogel on skin which while damaged with scars and other skin diseases. Does it recreate a fresh start of some kind? A blank canvas?

its too complicated and untiil human trials are done id recommend being skeptical just for the sake of not being let down.


Posted : 03/15/2014 5:13 pm

I agree. Human skin is much more complex than mices or other mamals and animals. Acne is a almost exclusive or exclusive human issue. There are lots of things to have in mind while talking about skin. We know skin varies a lot from human to human now imagine human to animal. I can give you an example: lizards and reptils. My guess is we should apply our biological knowledge from species like lizard and try to apply those in humans.


Posted : 03/15/2014 6:58 pm

Honestly i like having hope .... it had complete regeneration of 3rd degree burns which is soo deep it reaches down to fat and muscle tissue ...


Posted : 03/15/2014 7:13 pm

hope is one thing, rationality is another. Dont put your hope on something that probably isn't going to give you perfect skin. Could it be useful in helping improve the appearance? perhaps..but until there are before and afters which are undeniable ( correct lighting etc) and in numbers I suggest you get on with your life and live it and dont worry about a cure any time soon.

sorry but when it comes to this condition there are wayyyy to many variables. The human skin is a different ballpark to most animals if not all.

Honestly i like having hope .... it had complete regeneration of 3rd degree burns which is soo deep it reaches down to fat and muscle tissue ...


Not People. Yes that is no small difference.


Posted : 03/16/2014 2:45 am

hope is one thing, rationality is another. Dont put your hope on something that probably isn't going to give you perfect skin. Could it be useful in helping improve the appearance? perhaps..but until there are before and afters which are undeniable ( correct lighting etc) and in numbers I suggest you get on with your life and live it and dont worry about a cure any time soon.

sorry but when it comes to this condition there are wayyyy to many variables. The human skin is a different ballpark to most animals if not all.


Honestly i like having hope .... it had complete regeneration of 3rd degree burns which is soo deep it reaches down to fat and muscle tissue ...


Not People. Yes that is no small difference.

Quite interested in this company. Dr. Travis in Virginia uses Dermapen with acell to treat scars.


Posted : 03/16/2014 5:04 am


hope is one thing, rationality is another. Dont put your hope on something that probably isn't going to give you perfect skin. Could it be useful in helping improve the appearance? perhaps..but until there are before and afters which are undeniable ( correct lighting etc) and in numbers I suggest you get on with your life and live it and dont worry about a cure any time soon.

sorry but when it comes to this condition there are wayyyy to many variables. The human skin is a different ballpark to most animals if not all.


Honestly i like having hope .... it had complete regeneration of 3rd degree burns which is soo deep it reaches down to fat and muscle tissue ...


Not People. Yes that is no small difference.

Quite interested in this company. Dr. Travis in Virginia uses Dermapen with acell to treat scars.

acell gives improvement but its not consistant and there is no perfect skin afterwards unless very superficial. Acell is old news and is not the answer. A 2nd degree burn is actually easier to improve than deep acne scars which are one of the hardest things to do so.

You see if you are talking about imrovement than fine. But total perfect skin regeneration. Hogwash. Until you show us ( with people in mass numbers), its decades away.


Posted : 03/16/2014 5:32 am

Sigh. Some people just don't seem to get it. It has been scientifically proven to fully regenerate the control (mice/mouse)'s skin. It has been tested repeatedly over and over again and the control behaved the way it should each and every time. This is the cure for scars. And you can be skeptical all you want, but the results have showed consistency and it's been true to it's word (in provided scarless healing).

As for the application process, there are some people out there who are more than willing to have large amounts of their skin removed (I have scarring all over my body) just so they can get normal skin. I'm pretty sure that there are a myriad of ways plastic surgeons/derms would think of/use to apply the hydrogel. You can use ablative lasers all you want but in order to get the skin to heal fully (without any scarring), you'd have to remove all the scarred tissue. Total removal.

The trials for the "bigger" animals (I'm assuming pigs) will be ending this summer. There's also a website coming up this April, which means that things are looking pretty damn good.


Posted : 03/16/2014 6:06 am

Sigh. Some people just don't seem to get it. It has been scientifically proven to fully regenerate the control (mice/mouse)'s skin. It has been tested repeatedly over and over again and the control behaved the way it should each and every time. This is the cure for scars. And you can be skeptical all you want, but the results have showed consistency and it's been true to it's word (in provided scarless healing).


As for the application process, there are some people out there who are more than willing to have large amounts of their skin removed (I have scarring all over my body) just so they can get normal skin. I'm pretty sure that there are a myriad of ways plastic surgeons/derms would think of/use to apply the hydrogel. You can use ablative lasers all you want but in order to get the skin to heal fully (without any scarring), you'd have to remove all the scarred tissue. Total removal.


The trials for the "bigger" animals (I'm assuming pigs) will be ending this summer. There's also a website coming up this April, which means that things are looking pretty damn good.

I'll believe it when I see it. Not just any kind of scarring by the way. All kind of scarring.


Posted : 03/16/2014 8:44 am

hope is one thing, rationality is another. Dont put your hope on something that probably isn't going to give you perfect skin. Could it be useful in helping improve the appearance? perhaps..but until there are before and afters which are undeniable ( correct lighting etc) and in numbers I suggest you get on with your life and live it and dont worry about a cure any time soon.

sorry but when it comes to this condition there are wayyyy to many variables. The human skin is a different ballpark to most animals if not all.


Honestly i like having hope .... it had complete regeneration of 3rd degree burns which is soo deep it reaches down to fat and muscle tissue ...


Not People. Yes that is no small difference.

You can't just dismiss something that has yet to be tested on humans do you know for all you know this could be the cure everyone that has suffered scarring has waited for ....


Posted : 03/16/2014 10:11 am


hope is one thing, rationality is another. Dont put your hope on something that probably isn't going to give you perfect skin. Could it be useful in helping improve the appearance? perhaps..but until there are before and afters which are undeniable ( correct lighting etc) and in numbers I suggest you get on with your life and live it and dont worry about a cure any time soon.

sorry but when it comes to this condition there are wayyyy to many variables. The human skin is a different ballpark to most animals if not all.


Honestly i like having hope .... it had complete regeneration of 3rd degree burns which is soo deep it reaches down to fat and muscle tissue ...


Not People. Yes that is no small difference.

You can't just dismiss something that has yet to be tested on humans do you know for all you know this could be the cure everyone that has suffered scarring has waited for ....

Have you read this thread. I was on in 2007 under a different username. I was like you..this was my HOPE . I was the one being positive.

nearly 8 years later..

lets just see it before we start believing it.


Posted : 03/16/2014 11:39 am


hope is one thing, rationality is another. Dont put your hope on something that probably isn't going to give you perfect skin. Could it be useful in helping improve the appearance? perhaps..but until there are before and afters which are undeniable ( correct lighting etc) and in numbers I suggest you get on with your life and live it and dont worry about a cure any time soon.

sorry but when it comes to this condition there are wayyyy to many variables. The human skin is a different ballpark to most animals if not all.


Honestly i like having hope .... it had complete regeneration of 3rd degree burns which is soo deep it reaches down to fat and muscle tissue ...


Not People. Yes that is no small difference.

You can't just dismiss something that has yet to be tested on humans do you know for all you know this could be the cure everyone that has suffered scarring has waited for ....

Have you read this thread. I was on in 2007 under a different username. I was like you..this was my HOPE . I was the one being positive.

nearly 8 years later..

lets just see it before we start believing it.

I've had facial scarring for 7 years now .... i wake up everyday hoping for a cure ... it's what prevents me from taking a handful of sleeping pills and putting a bag filled with helium over my head and calling it a day .... being rational is one thing but to dismiss something that has yet to be proven on humans doesn't make things better ... it's hope is what makes me carry on through this hell ... and when i read people like you shit on something that hasn't been proven instead of having the attitude of lets wait and see it bothers me ... none of us have it easy having scars and scarring ... it's a living hell for all of us and no one unless they have it can understand ... so instead of being pessimistic can we for the love of god just have hope ... the future will no doubt come up with a cure for scarring and give human skin complete regeneration .... the question is not if ... it's when .. so lets just take it for what it is and wait and see instead making conclusions ok.


Posted : 03/16/2014 12:13 pm


hope is one thing, rationality is another. Dont put your hope on something that probably isn't going to give you perfect skin. Could it be useful in helping improve the appearance? perhaps..but until there are before and afters which are undeniable ( correct lighting etc) and in numbers I suggest you get on with your life and live it and dont worry about a cure any time soon.

sorry but when it comes to this condition there are wayyyy to many variables. The human skin is a different ballpark to most animals if not all.


Honestly i like having hope .... it had complete regeneration of 3rd degree burns which is soo deep it reaches down to fat and muscle tissue ...


Not People. Yes that is no small difference.

You can't just dismiss something that has yet to be tested on humans do you know for all you know this could be the cure everyone that has suffered scarring has waited for ....

Have you read this thread. I was on in 2007 under a different username. I was like you..this was my HOPE . I was the one being positive.

nearly 8 years later..

lets just see it before we start believing it.

I've had facial scarring for 7 years now .... i wake up everyday hoping for a cure ... it's what prevents me from taking a handful of sleeping pills and putting a bag filled with helium over my head and calling it a day .... being rational is one thing but to dismiss something that has yet to be proven on humans doesn't make things better ... it's hope is what makes me carry on through this hell ... and when i read people like you shit on something that hasn't been proven instead of having the attitude of lets wait and see it bothers me ... none of us have it easy having scars and scarring ... it's a living hell for all of us and no one unless they have it can understand ... so instead of being pessimistic can we for the love of god just have hope ... the future will no doubt come up with a cure for scarring and give human skin complete regeneration .... the question is not if ... it's when .. so lets just take it for what it is and wait and see instead making conclusions ok.

you need to go to a mental institution. Read some Krishnamurti books. the difference between you and I is simple. I'm not letting my skin get in the way of my life. Its all ego. I want you to re-read what you just wrote. That is no way to live. Thats why im a realist. I no longer am clingiing on to something fake. you know whats fake? thinking life is only worth living to its fullest if you look a certain way.

you need to recontexualize your life. I dont like how my skin looks but i sure as hell am not going to let it take away fun laughter friends. im 30 now. I was like you when i was 24-28. I was a model and girls were into me. Then shit hit the fan so to speak. Wasted 4 years of my life in a house. No job no communcation. Acne.orging it nonstop..looking at this forum non stop

NO WAY to live. SURE i check up every now and again to see if anything new has come to the fray but you are pathetic if you are letting this control you like a puppet. You think girls will like you more if you have a perfect complexion? bullshit.Fake ego based lust. How about you see who really does like you for YOU rather then your appearance.

You remind me of another forum member called SAM who was the epitome of misery.



Posted : 03/16/2014 12:32 pm


hope is one thing, rationality is another. Dont put your hope on something that probably isn't going to give you perfect skin. Could it be useful in helping improve the appearance? perhaps..but until there are before and afters which are undeniable ( correct lighting etc) and in numbers I suggest you get on with your life and live it and dont worry about a cure any time soon.

sorry but when it comes to this condition there are wayyyy to many variables. The human skin is a different ballpark to most animals if not all.


Honestly i like having hope .... it had complete regeneration of 3rd degree burns which is soo deep it reaches down to fat and muscle tissue ...


Not People. Yes that is no small difference.

You can't just dismiss something that has yet to be tested on humans do you know for all you know this could be the cure everyone that has suffered scarring has waited for ....

Have you read this thread. I was on in 2007 under a different username. I was like you..this was my HOPE . I was the one being positive.

nearly 8 years later..

lets just see it before we start believing it.

I've had facial scarring for 7 years now .... i wake up everyday hoping for a cure ... it's what prevents me from taking a handful of sleeping pills and putting a bag filled with helium over my head and calling it a day .... being rational is one thing but to dismiss something that has yet to be proven on humans doesn't make things better ... it's hope is what makes me carry on through this hell ... and when i read people like you shit on something that hasn't been proven instead of having the attitude of lets wait and see it bothers me ... none of us have it easy having scars and scarring ... it's a living hell for all of us and no one unless they have it can understand ... so instead of being pessimistic can we for the love of god just have hope ... the future will no doubt come up with a cure for scarring and give human skin complete regeneration .... the question is not if ... it's when .. so lets just take it for what it is and wait and see instead making conclusions ok.

you need to go to a mental institution. Read some Krishnamurti books. the difference between you and I is simple. I'm not letting my skin get in the way of my life. Its all ego. I want you to re-read what you just wrote. That is no way to live. Thats why im a realist. I no longer am clingiing on to something fake. you know whats fake? thinking life is only worth living to its fullest if you look a certain way.

you need to recontexualize your life. I dont like how my skin looks but i sure as hell am not going to let it take away fun laughter friends. im 30 now. I was like you when i was 24-28. I was a model and girls were into me. Then shit hit the fan so to speak. Wasted 4 years of my life in a house. No job no communcation. Acne.orging it nonstop..looking at this forum non stop

NO WAY to live. SURE i check up every now and again to see if anything new has come to the fray but you are pathetic if you are letting this control you like a puppet. You think girls will like you more if you have a perfect complexion? bullshit.Fake ego based lust. How about you see who really does like you for YOU rather then your appearance.

You remind me of another forum member called SAM who was the epitome of misery.


Give it a fucking break .... how dare you make comments that i need to go to a mental institution ... if your skin doesn't brother you then what the hell are you doing on theses forums exactly ? surly you should be getting on with life instead of looking up the latest news on scarring related topics ? yeah my skin does brother me a hell of alot but then again why would there be a forum about skin issues to begin with ? leave it to people seeking help to improve there skin issues , people are depressed because of scarring ... so are you insinuating that your self esteem wouldn't improve if your skin was back to what it was before ? .... i ain't going to bullshit and say no ... why else would i be on here ? ... you sound like a hypocrite as far as i can see ... commenting how pathetic it is for scarring and or acne to rule my life where you yourself are on this forum in the first place making comments about this subject for 7 years !!!... would it be far out to assume that you're just on here to piss on everyones hope to get rid of there scarring ? if you don't contribute anything to this other then pessimistic babble then please save it ... if this Hydrogel doesn't work then leave it to the scientists to burst our bubble not someone with a subjective opinion who gives no bases for there argument and opinion, i'll agree with you on one thing it's no way to live life ... but everyone has different levels of severity of scarring and or acne where it even effects the feeling and movement of your face because of the scar tissue ... so until you can give me evidence of how bad your condition is i'd suggests to keep your opinions to yourself.


Posted : 03/16/2014 12:56 pm

I have an interest but I'm not basing my life on it. Sorry, but you have skin dysmorphia. You also appear to have deeper issues. Anger is very apparant here. I have an account on here because if there is indeed something concrete or questions id like to ask I do so. It doesnt mean I live my life based on it.

My esteem is fine. You know why? Because I know I am more than just skin. I dont just feel it, I show it. At the end of the day, your going to be old. People arent going to care if you are cute or not. You are still stuck in a high school mentality. I was like you, but this is no way to live.

You are angry not because of what im saying but because you truthfuly have no clue about hydrogel working or not and this is your defense mechanism.

Go out there and live, you will find life will be better then waiting for something that may not end up being important anymore if you decide to say hello to your life.

you are the pessimistic one

i choose life and if theres something out there thats 100% concrete and safe and works, great go for it. Until then, you are in a dark dark place and basing your life on the lowest form of thought.

before you go into a trance again, i really suggest you ask yourself what life is really about. Ask yourself what true happiness is. Of course, we all would like to look out best, but what if you cant. WHAT IF hydrogel dissapoints? you going to wait for SEAB135 to post the next ''sure thing''?

Live life and you will oddly enough find things that might help will feel like they have come around quicker.

Hydrogel is interesting, thats why ive commented on it. However, I have seen so much hype around so many different things. I asked these questions about hydrogel but I will wait for human trials and trials with ACNE SCARS and its deep discoloration as well as indentations.

If the results are perfect, Wonderful, if not i pray you find solace in something more worthwhile then hope.


Posted : 03/16/2014 1:11 pm

I have an interest but I'm not basing my life on it. Sorry, but you have skin dysmorphia. You also appear to have deeper issues. Anger is very apparant here. I have an account on here because if there is indeed something concrete or questions id like to ask I do so. It doesnt mean I live my life based on it.

My esteem is fine. You know why? Because I know I am more than just skin. I dont just feel it, I show it. At the end of the day, your going to be old. People arent going to care if you are cute or not. You are still stuck in a high school mentality. I was like you, but this is no way to live.

You are angry not because of what im saying but because you truthfuly have no clue about hydrogel working or not and this is your defense mechanism.

Go out there and live, you will find life will be better then waiting for something that may not end up being important anymore if you decide to say hello to your life.

you are the pessimistic one

i choose life and if theres something out there thats 100% concrete and safe and works, great go for it. Until then, you are in a dark dark place and basing your life on the lowest form of thought.



before you go into a trance again, i really suggest you ask yourself what life is really about. Ask yourself what true happiness is. Of course, we all would like to look out best, but what if you cant. WHAT IF hydrogel dissapoints? you going to wait for SEAB135 to post the next ''sure thing''?

Live life and you will oddly enough find things that might help will feel like they have come around quicker.

Hydrogel is interesting, thats why ive commented on it. However, I have seen so much hype around so many different things. I asked these questions about hydrogel but I will wait for human trials and trials with ACNE SCARS and its deep discoloration as well as indentations.

If the results are perfect, Wonderful, if not i pray you find solace in something more worthwhile then hope.

I have alot of issues ... having anxiety disorder and depression while losing loved ones at an early age does that while having an emotionally cold stepdad and a mother that's crippled ..


Posted : 03/16/2014 1:49 pm


Thats the is another thing i want to say. If this hydrogel proves to be as miraculous as some people are claiming and here and gives 100% perfect skin back then i guess theres no need for other research for the skin. we are done and dusted.

this would have leaked and this would be making world news.

im just keeping it real here. until photos are shown. be it 3rd degree burns and deep widspread acne scars all completley resolved and the skin is perfect i say take whatever words you are hearing with a pinch of salt.

The complete regeneration has so far only been shown to work in mice. They are conducting large animal trials and later human trials to determine if it will work that well on humans. Those results are still pending, but from what I've heard, the results for the large animal trials should be wrapping up soon.

And no, you are wrong, there is still much work to be done on human skin, even if this proves to be miraculous for skin regeneration. This would only be a temporary fix for chronic skin diseases that continually damage the skin over time. For example, I have Keratosis Pilaris and Rosacea, but there are many others you can read about online.

There are people like me suffering from far worse than just scars...

I understand. I didnt mean it that way, I was implying what you were saying. Acne and laser treatments has created a rosacea like appearance for me in my inner cheeks. I had before all this very mild rosacea. not noticecable really and more a subtype 2. Ie when my skin was clear from acne the rosacea was non existant. I believe enlarged sebaceous glands have a big role in subtype 2 rosacea.

the human skin and diseases of it are far more complex then mouse or even animals. I think seab135 is being very conceptual and not looking at the big picture with hydrogel. Your example is a good one. What is the potential for hydrogel on skin which while damaged with scars and other skin diseases. Does it recreate a fresh start of some kind? A blank canvas?

its too complicated and untiil human trials are done id recommend being skeptical just for the sake of not being let down.

Again, the irony of people using pov and then using the word sceptic or claiming to be rational is lost here.

Btw, my interest is scar free healing, and the 'reliability of information to do with scar free healing' and 'scientific expectancy from information.' To repeat, when there is evidence, I try to look at cited evidence, and the scientific expectancy that comes from evidence. Ironically to me anything else discussed from anonymous posters that ignores evidence really is irrational, speculation and unreliable.

Example this tested comparison is very, very reliable: you have a control that works on all tissues, in all mammals, the controls behaviour is known. You have something that beat the control in a repeatable test, this something that got complete regeneration. Using the control as a reference, this shows or suggests there is an expectant 'rational' parallel process going on. Imo this information is testable and reliable.

On the other hand a pov and speculation, it could be yours or someone else's, is not reliable and is not 'rational'...


Posted : 03/16/2014 2:37 pm


I have an interest but I'm not basing my life on it. Sorry, but you have skin dysmorphia. You also appear to have deeper issues. Anger is very apparant here. I have an account on here because if there is indeed something concrete or questions id like to ask I do so. It doesnt mean I live my life based on it.

My esteem is fine. You know why? Because I know I am more than just skin. I dont just feel it, I show it. At the end of the day, your going to be old. People arent going to care if you are cute or not. You are still stuck in a high school mentality. I was like you, but this is no way to live.

You are angry not because of what im saying but because you truthfuly have no clue about hydrogel working or not and this is your defense mechanism.

Go out there and live, you will find life will be better then waiting for something that may not end up being important anymore if you decide to say hello to your life.

you are the pessimistic one

i choose life and if theres something out there thats 100% concrete and safe and works, great go for it. Until then, you are in a dark dark place and basing your life on the lowest form of thought.



before you go into a trance again, i really suggest you ask yourself what life is really about. Ask yourself what true happiness is. Of course, we all would like to look out best, but what if you cant. WHAT IF hydrogel dissapoints? you going to wait for SEAB135 to post the next ''sure thing''?

Live life and you will oddly enough find things that might help will feel like they have come around quicker.

Hydrogel is interesting, thats why ive commented on it. However, I have seen so much hype around so many different things. I asked these questions about hydrogel but I will wait for human trials and trials with ACNE SCARS and its deep discoloration as well as indentations.

If the results are perfect, Wonderful, if not i pray you find solace in something more worthwhile then hope.

I have alot of issues ... having anxiety disorder and depression while losing loved ones at an early age does that while having an emotionally cold stepdad and a mother that's crippled ..

Read some Krishnamurti. I recommend ''the first and last freedom''



Thats the is another thing i want to say. If this hydrogel proves to be as miraculous as some people are claiming and here and gives 100% perfect skin back then i guess theres no need for other research for the skin. we are done and dusted.

this would have leaked and this would be making world news.

im just keeping it real here. until photos are shown. be it 3rd degree burns and deep widspread acne scars all completley resolved and the skin is perfect i say take whatever words you are hearing with a pinch of salt.

The complete regeneration has so far only been shown to work in mice. They are conducting large animal trials and later human trials to determine if it will work that well on humans. Those results are still pending, but from what I've heard, the results for the large animal trials should be wrapping up soon.

And no, you are wrong, there is still much work to be done on human skin, even if this proves to be miraculous for skin regeneration. This would only be a temporary fix for chronic skin diseases that continually damage the skin over time. For example, I have Keratosis Pilaris and Rosacea, but there are many others you can read about online.

There are people like me suffering from far worse than just scars...

I understand. I didnt mean it that way, I was implying what you were saying. Acne and laser treatments has created a rosacea like appearance for me in my inner cheeks. I had before all this very mild rosacea. not noticecable really and more a subtype 2. Ie when my skin was clear from acne the rosacea was non existant. I believe enlarged sebaceous glands have a big role in subtype 2 rosacea.

the human skin and diseases of it are far more complex then mouse or even animals. I think seab135 is being very conceptual and not looking at the big picture with hydrogel. Your example is a good one. What is the potential for hydrogel on skin which while damaged with scars and other skin diseases. Does it recreate a fresh start of some kind? A blank canvas?

its too complicated and untiil human trials are done id recommend being skeptical just for the sake of not being let down.

Again, the irony of people using pov and then using the word sceptic or claiming to be rational is lost here.

Btw, my interest is scar free healing, and the 'reliability of information to do with scar free healing' and 'scientific expectancy from information.' To repeat, when there is evidence, I try to look at cited evidence, and the scientific expectancy that comes from evidence. Ironically to me anything else discussed from anonymous posters that ignores evidence really is irrational, speculation and unreliable.

Example this tested comparison is very, very reliable: you have a control that works on all tissues, in all mammals, the controls behaviour is known. You have something that beat the control in a repeatable test, this something that got complete regeneration. Using the control as a reference, this shows or suggests there is an expectant 'rational' parallel process going on. Imo this information is testable and reliable.

On the other hand a pov and speculation, it could be yours or someone else's, is not reliable and is not 'rational'...

It's good that this is of interest to you. All im saying is, until we see something that is clearcut for use on human skin with no margin for error and works to restore a perfect complexion in human skin i'm not going to hold on to this like it's a sure thing. Don't jump the gun. Until it's shown to solve acne scarring I really dont care.

One can use scientific evidence until the cows come home but until photographs come to the fray showing 100% skin regeneration with perfect tone and texture, i honestly have reached the stage where anything up to that is white noise to me. Basicaly show me , dont tell me why. By showing me, i dont mean mice studies or pig studies. Photos of real people with severe scarring that suddenly have perfect skin after using hydrogel after excision or whatever it is thats required.


Posted : 03/16/2014 3:40 pm

by the way i have been reading some articles. The words ''similar to normal skin '' and ''minimal scarring'' after hydrogel indicate to me while the structure might be there it doesn't mean it will be perfect aesthetically.


Posted : 03/16/2014 5:19 pm


I have an interest but I'm not basing my life on it. Sorry, but you have skin dysmorphia. You also appear to have deeper issues. Anger is very apparant here. I have an account on here because if there is indeed something concrete or questions id like to ask I do so. It doesnt mean I live my life based on it.

My esteem is fine. You know why? Because I know I am more than just skin. I dont just feel it, I show it. At the end of the day, your going to be old. People arent going to care if you are cute or not. You are still stuck in a high school mentality. I was like you, but this is no way to live.

You are angry not because of what im saying but because you truthfuly have no clue about hydrogel working or not and this is your defense mechanism.

Go out there and live, you will find life will be better then waiting for something that may not end up being important anymore if you decide to say hello to your life.

you are the pessimistic one

i choose life and if theres something out there thats 100% concrete and safe and works, great go for it. Until then, you are in a dark dark place and basing your life on the lowest form of thought.



before you go into a trance again, i really suggest you ask yourself what life is really about. Ask yourself what true happiness is. Of course, we all would like to look out best, but what if you cant. WHAT IF hydrogel dissapoints? you going to wait for SEAB135 to post the next ''sure thing''?

Live life and you will oddly enough find things that might help will feel like they have come around quicker.

Hydrogel is interesting, thats why ive commented on it. However, I have seen so much hype around so many different things. I asked these questions about hydrogel but I will wait for human trials and trials with ACNE SCARS and its deep discoloration as well as indentations.

If the results are perfect, Wonderful, if not i pray you find solace in something more worthwhile then hope.

I have alot of issues ... having anxiety disorder and depression while losing loved ones at an early age does that while having an emotionally cold stepdad and a mother that's crippled ..

Read some Krishnamurti. I recommend ''the first and last freedom''



Thats the is another thing i want to say. If this hydrogel proves to be as miraculous as some people are claiming and here and gives 100% perfect skin back then i guess theres no need for other research for the skin. we are done and dusted.

this would have leaked and this would be making world news.

im just keeping it real here. until photos are shown. be it 3rd degree burns and deep widspread acne scars all completley resolved and the skin is perfect i say take whatever words you are hearing with a pinch of salt.

The complete regeneration has so far only been shown to work in mice. They are conducting large animal trials and later human trials to determine if it will work that well on humans. Those results are still pending, but from what I've heard, the results for the large animal trials should be wrapping up soon.

And no, you are wrong, there is still much work to be done on human skin, even if this proves to be miraculous for skin regeneration. This would only be a temporary fix for chronic skin diseases that continually damage the skin over time. For example, I have Keratosis Pilaris and Rosacea, but there are many others you can read about online.

There are people like me suffering from far worse than just scars...

I understand. I didnt mean it that way, I was implying what you were saying. Acne and laser treatments has created a rosacea like appearance for me in my inner cheeks. I had before all this very mild rosacea. not noticecable really and more a subtype 2. Ie when my skin was clear from acne the rosacea was non existant. I believe enlarged sebaceous glands have a big role in subtype 2 rosacea.

the human skin and diseases of it are far more complex then mouse or even animals. I think seab135 is being very conceptual and not looking at the big picture with hydrogel. Your example is a good one. What is the potential for hydrogel on skin which while damaged with scars and other skin diseases. Does it recreate a fresh start of some kind? A blank canvas?

its too complicated and untiil human trials are done id recommend being skeptical just for the sake of not being let down.

Again, the irony of people using pov and then using the word sceptic or claiming to be rational is lost here.

Btw, my interest is scar free healing, and the 'reliability of information to do with scar free healing' and 'scientific expectancy from information.' To repeat, when there is evidence, I try to look at cited evidence, and the scientific expectancy that comes from evidence. Ironically to me anything else discussed from anonymous posters that ignores evidence really is irrational, speculation and unreliable.

Example this tested comparison is very, very reliable: you have a control that works on all tissues, in all mammals, the controls behaviour is known. You have something that beat the control in a repeatable test, this something that got complete regeneration. Using the control as a reference, this shows or suggests there is an expectant 'rational' parallel process going on. Imo this information is testable and reliable.

On the other hand a pov and speculation, it could be yours or someone else's, is not reliable and is not 'rational'...

It's good that this is of interest to you. All im saying is, until we see something that is clearcut for use on human skin with no margin for error and works to restore a perfect complexion in human skin i'm not going to hold on to this like it's a sure thing. Don't jump the gun. Until it's shown to solve acne scarring I really dont care.

One can use scientific evidence until the cows come home but until photographs come to the fray showing 100% skin regeneration with perfect tone and texture, i honestly have reached the stage where anything up to that is white noise to me. Basicaly show me , dont tell me why. By showing me, i dont mean mice studies or pig studies. Photos of real people with severe scarring that suddenly have perfect skin after using hydrogel after excision or whatever it is thats required.

Jumping the gun? Again looking at the evidence that brings rational expectancy is not jumping the gun, it is being 'reasoned' or 'rational,' and progressive. Using comparable evidence against a control is reliable. Jumping the gun is blindly doing something like say, blindly 'speculating,' or prejudicing science, which is what you are doing with your pov. The phrase jumping the gun in another context could even be used as a glib sound bite.

You use scientific evidence because it is 'reviewed evidence,' and/or it brings expectancy that can be tested. You use scientific evidence as it comes from the most reliable testable method man can have and because it is not yours, or someone else's, version of speculation or prejudice. It removes ignorance.

You can ignore evidence all you want; but evidence and expectancy can be tested until the cows come home.


Posted : 03/16/2014 5:52 pm

Seab135 you have said the same things before. Science proves this etc...your posts reek of deja vu.

I would love to see hydrogel be the answer like all of you. I used to be quite gullible, but trust me, recreating perfect skin from deeply scarred large areas of skin on the face (with discoloration be it red or brown) doesnt seem feasible yet. Improvements? No doubt. On the right track? Possibly. But if you are telling ,e dextran hydrogel is going to be the answer and it will be available soon(according to reports) we might as well throw a party because the mice and pigs trials worked out. We dont know if the pig trial has worked out yet..


Wait for the human trials. You have trumped your horn with other failed" solutions" on this thread. You have quoted numerous articles dating back years ago only to find it didnt work out.


Learn that until its there to see, unless you are the scientist involved, you know nothing. For instance the 1720 nm laser has been shown since 2006 to be the optimal wavelegnth to destroy sebaceous glands and theoreticaly cure acne. Its been documented in articles as recently as 2013 to cure sebaceous hyperplasia. Why isnt it out there in the market yet? Its proven more effective than all other wavelegmths that are our there on the market.


Posted : 03/16/2014 7:22 pm

I've said if something is proven, it is proven.

Btw any ignorant assertion that we have to create (use an artistic license) something new or interesting for the thread is wrong imo. (This thread repeats itself, you are right in claiming deja vu)

Seriously, what more can you do than repeat cited reliable facts that do with scar free healing??? Do you want to expand on bs over facts?

Example do you want, anonymous people to be creative and write a non cited essay? Do you want posters to speculate? Discuss things that are not scar free healing? Do you want people to talk pseudo science and bs?

You mentioned before, being 'rational' inferring we are not rational, and you used the term 'huff and puff' and clamed this is all 'huff and puff'? Then surely, though boring, and being 'deja vu,' 'sticking to the facts' as dull as it is, is actually 'rational,' and is not 'huff and puff'???

So what do you want? Huff and puff and irrationality (artistic license), or rationality and science (not being gullible)???

Deja vu/btw, I have never failed, or brought up any solutions, example I have never stated anything that is not cited, I have never pulled something out of my but. Though what I have done is highlight what has the highest expectancy by citing stuff.

Again you state I know nothing, I have never claimed to know something. All I do is bring up, deja vu, sources. deja vu, preferably scientific sources to do with scar free healing.

Seab135 you have said the same things before. Science proves this etc...your posts reek of deja vu.
I would love to see hydrogel be the answer like all of you. I used to be quite gullible, but trust me, recreating perfect skin from deeply scarred large areas of skin on the face (with discoloration be it red or brown) doesnt seem feasible yet. Improvements? No doubt. On the right track? Possibly. But if you are telling ,e dextran hydrogel is going to be the answer and it will be available soon(according to reports) we might as well throw a party because the mice and pigs trials worked out. We dont know if the pig trial has worked out yet..

Wait for the human trials. You have trumped your horn with other failed" solutions" on this thread. You have quoted numerous articles dating back years ago only to find it didnt work out.

Learn that until its there to see, unless you are the scientist involved, you know nothing. For instance the 1720 nm laser has been shown since 2006 to be the optimal wavelegnth to destroy sebaceous glands and theoreticaly cure acne. Its been documented in articles as recently as 2013 to cure sebaceous hyperplasia. Why isnt it out there in the market yet? Its proven more effective than all other wavelegmths that are our there on the market.
