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8 weeks, 4 days on Adapalene 0.3%


Posted : 12/05/2017 12:43 pm

2 days later.. mino seems to be working. Im way more lightheaded and my lips are getting dry. Im getting little pimples still but the mino makes them almost just tiny whiteheads. I have a big recurring cyst on the right side of my face which formed while I was eating dairy and on the lower mino dose. Threw some tea tree oil and ice on it so hoping for the best. Slowly introducing probiotics into my system and the healthy eating.. that may be why Im still getting small pimples (detox?)


Posted : 12/06/2017 4:46 pm

Next day, no new pimples when I woke. Skipped probiotic this AM. 2 small new ones developing right now (feel the itch!) Cyst on right side of face still going. I know the mino is working and this is the clearest I™ve been in a while, but it™s not doing enough and the mino gives me 24/7 lightheaded ness and spaceyness. I also dislike Differin... fuck I just hate having that shit on my face. It feels so wrong.

i have a derm appt in 2 days and I™m going to ask about Accutane. I™ve done the research and I think that since I™m on a retinoid already + Minocycline, there™s a good chance I won™t get an IB.

it just seems like the right choice, the final step. I™ve detoxified my system, killed the bacteria with antibiotics, skinned my face with retinoids. I feel like it™s prepped me perfectly for Accutane. I feel like one course of Accutane could be all I need to clear up forever.

its honestly so sad though, that acne will likely ruin my entire senior year :/ fuck. It sucks cause I™m a really good looking guy, but Differin has made my face so pale it™s an entirely different shade than my body, and I have all this acne/mostly PIH from it also.


Posted : 12/08/2017 8:41 pm

Met with the derm today and she suggested accutane immediately. Convinced my mom to sign the consent form and schedule blood work, but shes freaking out reading the bad reviews and side effects. Still hopefully will go to get the blood work tomorrow, and parents are warming up to the idea.

honeslty, my acne with Minocycline is mild, but I dont see mino as a long term solution. Im still getting at least 1 new pimple every day and that translates to lots of scarring.


Posted : 12/09/2017 12:16 am

More pimples have showed up by tonight. Got the parents to say OK to Accutane. Blood work tomorrow, hopefully start as early as Monday. If I have an IB, hoping the timing will be right so it is over by the end of winter break (month from now)


Posted : 12/11/2017 10:50 pm

Ok, Monday now. Test results came in all good but my mom didn™t confirm with my derm that we want to start until just now smh. Anyway hopefully it can get filled tomorrow. Not sure what dosage I™m starting on. Probably 30-40mg.. my mom asked for not the strongest but not the weakest. Probably going to start a new thread so if you would like to read on check my profile in a few days :)
