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Tretinoin for clogged pores


Posted : 07/14/2016 8:18 am

     After suffering from acne when i was 12 onwards and now im 31 ive got clogged pores all over my face especially my chin and cheeks area. i tried alsorts of products salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, duac once daily everything going. Ive researched everything and tried nearly everything and although some helped with the spots especially benzoyl peroxide. Nothing actually got rid of the clogged pores. when squeezed white stuff comes out like stringey but they just fill up again. ive just got tretinoin gel 0.1% prescribed but find my face is way too flakey, red and sore. Ive started buffering with moisturiser by putting moisturiser on before tretinoin and mixing moisturiser with the tretinoin. Does anyone have any tips for me on how to stop skin being less red and flakey on the tretinoin? Also will the tretinoin really help with these clogged pores as everything else ive tried hasnt. Thank you in advance! image.jpeg


Posted : 07/14/2016 11:51 pm

I think the tret will help but it will be a long wait. Im on tret and still have breakouts but my nose is clear of black heads (yay). Overall skin texture is great except for the lingering breakouts :( js wait longer before putting on tret that should help with the redness and peeling. Otherwise you have to wait longer for your skin to adjust unfortunately. 


Posted : 07/15/2016 8:47 am

Hi thanks for the reply. I have no problem waiting ive had acne 15 years now so i can wait another year to see an improvement. ill try waiting longer before putting the tretinoin on see if that helps. Will also keep buffering for awhile until my skin gets used to it. Ive found that buffering stops the redness. i still peel slightly but nothing too bad. then i can gradually put less and less moisturiser on until i no longer need to use it. i have really high hopes for this product i really hope it works!
