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Spiro /Epiduo


Posted : 03/29/2016 8:18 pm

I just started spiro today.. 50mg for this month and then upping it to 100 next month. I have about 6-8 cysts and/or pimples on my face at any given time and topical treatments have not been working. I have been on the pill (gildess FE 1.5/30) for about 6 mos and I love it, it has definitely helped A LOT (no more cysts or pimples on my forehead or upper cheeks for about three months now). I also adapted a healthier diet and have been drinking more water. These things have helped but I am really hoping the spiro comes in to save the day lol. The derm is also having me use epiduo gel at night.

I have read bad and good reviews about both but I am trying to be positive!


Posted : 03/30/2016 12:35 pm

I dont have much to add as I think Ive tried every rx but epiduo (??)
I am on day #4 of 50mg spiro
Call me crazy but i got a few red bump in weird places since starting..but ive heard skin doesnt get worse before better with spiro and its awfully hoping its a fluke!
No side effects so far..I take at around 5-6 with dinner



Posted : 04/04/2016 9:41 am

I am traveling next week so I haven't been using the epiduo since I cant take it on the plane because the bottle is too big (crazy reason but I am afraid to use it then go off it for a few days) So I am using my leftover Aczone gel for now. As I approach my one week mark I don't see anything drastic ( I didn't expect to lol) but I will say my skin feels a lot softer. Red itchy bumps I had are gone. I do have two new cysts right over my jawbone but they aren't huge and disgusting..just small and disgusting lol. Since I am in the days before my period I would normally have about 4-5 cysts and/or pimples all over my jaw area.

I stopped eating bananas and I am trying to watch my potassium intake. I read somewhere that it isn't that huge of a deal for people taking lower doses as long as you do well on your blood work. I've also been drinking a lot of water so I think the more frequent trips to the br are from that.

Routine is:
Morning - wash with cetaphil, put on cerave am mousturizer, apply aczone as a spot treatment only & my bc pill
Night: spiro at 5:45 on the dot with food, cerave facewash (cetaphil didn't do a good job of removing makeup), cerave night mousturizer and aczone gel all over my lower jaw/chin area

Here's to hoping 🙂
