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Desperate! Does Anyone Have Similar Acne To Me? (Pictures)


Posted : 08/29/2015 4:21 pm

Hi there,


So, I'm a 17 year old female and I've been on accutane for about a month and a week now (20 mg first month and 40mg for the rest, I know, not until third month until I may see results) but I really don't know where to turn to, all I can think about is acne. Just acne, acne, acne! And I'm so fed up, as you can probably expect most people on accutane are and I know I'm being impatient but please hear me out, it's made everything so much worse and there's just stuff popping up all over my face and it's so frustrating. :(


So I guess I'm just wondering, does anyone else have similar acne to me? If so, please leave your journey and thoughts for me to read! If not, I would still LOVE to hear your experience and what you also did about the red marks after accutane? How long did they take to fade?


Thanks so much!post-479523-0-89743200-1440883234.jpg


Posted : 08/29/2015 7:33 pm



Just wanted to say hang in there! Even though I haven't personally taken Accutane, I have known people who have and had AMAZING results. Keep your eye on the prize! If I were you, I would go on Youtube and watch videos of folks who are currently in your shoes going through the process as well as videos of people who have completed treatment and have beautiful skin. It might be helpful in keeping a positive attitude and get you excited for what's to come.


Hold on just a little longer!


Take care xoxo


Posted : 08/30/2015 1:53 am

Dont worry you'll be fine! Accutane took 3-4 months for me to stop getting big big acne spots. I still have some pigmentation but overall i'm clear, and I had acne just like yours, however it was more on my cheeks/temples.


It's a tough ride, all I ever think about now is acne, but I'm so happy and you will be too


Posted : 08/30/2015 4:39 am

Thank you both so much! Really needed some kind words and you both hit on the head!

I'll try to keep pushin on! :)


Posted : 09/02/2015 7:57 pm

I'm 16 and I've been on accutane for 4 months and it's still not better. Be wary of the fact that after about a month just about everybody gets worse. There is an 80% of a chance that accutane will make your skin better and those odds are pretty good. You should wash your face with cold water and apply moisturizer when your skin is dry. If your skin is too oily try using a GENTLE face wash made specifically for acne and follow up with a moisturizer. Other than that try to keep away from topical treatments because they irritate your skin even more while you're on accutane. Stress and greasy/oily food (and dairy) are also known factors that cause acne. Just hang in there and think about the times when you'll be completely clear


Posted : 09/03/2015 9:57 am

Omg yes!!! Look at my blog!
