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Starting New Meds


Posted : 02/10/2015 7:45 pm

So today, my dermatologist put me on minocycline and tazorac, also an acne pad that I haven't picked up from the pharmacy yet. Does anyone have any experience with these drugs? She swears they will work and I won't have a purging period.


Posted : 02/10/2015 8:38 pm

she swears they will work....have to love that, and totally question her sanity- must not have the same experience I've had with acne, a tricky foe different for each of us....I can honestly swear I never know what will work, but I keep trying!!

they have a good chance of working on mild to moderate acne, but swearing they will work with no purging? minocin yep, tazorac nope- read the boards here

I'm still using taz and I love it, but there was a purging period

start it, hang in there for 3 months before you give up on it...but you likely will purge so be ready


Posted : 02/10/2015 9:00 pm

Lol, ok maybe 'she swears' was a bit strong. but she did tell me that I wouldn't have a purging period. I am fully prepared to experience one though. Thank you so much for your input and advice!


Posted : 02/11/2015 11:47 am

I'm also on an antibiotic (doxycycline) and a retinoid topical (ziana) together. I was on the antibiotic for about a month before starting the retinoid and still have had a pretty bad purging experience. My brother, on the other hand, was on the same retinoid topical but without an oral antibiotic and he had almost no purging whatsoever and his face cleared up in about a month. I'm on week 7 and still purging, but it's definitely getting better. It just depends on your skin. But based on everything I've read and doctors I've talked to, retinoids are the way to go for longterm gains. It can apparently take several months to see results and requires longterm use, so I've been told to be patient and trust the process...easier said than done, but again, it is working. Slowly.

btw, what is the acne pad you mentioned?


Posted : 02/11/2015 6:45 pm

Thanks for responding. The acne pad is clindamycin phosphate. I will start that in the morning after washing my face with dove.

My skin looked way better this morning. I fully expect there to be a purge coming though. My face has been very itchy this afternoon, I don't know what that is about?


Posted : 02/12/2015 1:57 pm

yeah, that's a common thing for a while. I'm still experiencing itchiness, but it's only on my chin and jawline now. if you moisturize at night every other day or so and also wait 20-30 minutes before applying the medicine after you wash your face, it will help a lot.

Psalm23 liked

Posted : 02/13/2015 8:48 pm

I have started to notice a bit of purging on my right cheek. My left cheek and forehead seem to be getting a little better at that moment. I was unaware of the 'wait 20 minute' rule for my night cream. I actually think my derm told me that but I forgot, opps! I've experienced some peeling today are my bumps. The itchiness when I get hot is almost unbearable. I took a benedryl for that today, it really helped!
