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Accutane-How Long Will This Initial Breakout Last?!


Posted : 02/03/2015 12:27 pm

Week 3 of Accutane, will the initial breakout really last 3 months?! How can that be considered "initial"?! Honestly, I almost wonder if its going to worth it. My acne is worst now than it was before taking Accutane. I'm really struggling with this. I feel like as soon as you think its starting to heal 3 new spots appear. This has been so hard so far, I'm really trying to be patient and I know its only been 3 weeks but I just feel so defeated.


Posted : 02/03/2015 12:59 pm

My feelings EXACTLY!
Dr ensured me IB would come within the first 2 weeks


I hate to be the bearer or bad news and this has only been my experience but i am on 10 weeks and have the WORST IB this past week

This I woud classify as my 3rd bad IB (lol..but ot funny)

It seems for me though to happen with a dose increase

If I knew then what I know now, I might start at a dose and ride it out the entire treatment or only increase one time...rather than 3 or 4 increases

BUT everyone is so different...before taking tane I spoke to many people that NEVER experienced an IB...




Posted : 02/03/2015 1:50 pm

Are you guys using any products on your face that you didn't before accutane? Like moisturizer? It could be breaking you out worse.


Posted : 02/03/2015 4:39 pm

I'm also on week 3 and its getting better, right now I'm battling flakey skin.


Posted : 02/03/2015 4:48 pm

Hearing that you're battling flaky skin might be a good sign for me! I only say that because im also at week 3 and today I noticed how bad my skin is flaking around my mouth and my chin, its literally peeling and burning. I know its supposed to do this right? Is this a good sign?!

I'm only using Cetaphil , cleanser and moisturizer, all I use and have used in the past. I HAVE to wear makeup, I can't go without it. Any recommendations on other products to use, moisturizer, makeup and concealer? Thanks to all who have commented!!!


Posted : 02/03/2015 6:25 pm

hi, I'm just about on my 6th week of accutane. My skin is the worst it has EVER been in my life, i have so many spots everywhere, what makes it worse is the dryness and flakey ness of my skin as it causes me to pick my skin more. What make up do you use ? I have just started to use my bare minerals foundation again as I stopped using it cause my skin got so bad and started using Mac as the coverage was so much better, but the Mac is supposedly is really bad for your skin and makes you break out even more !! so now I'm back to using bare minerals or no make up the days I don't see anyone :)


Posted : 06/28/2015 9:44 pm

Good luck to everyone battling their IB I'm starting accutane in about a month and I'm freaking out over the IB :(


Posted : 06/29/2015 6:23 pm

I had zero breakouts after starting accutane. Literally one zit a year for 7 wonderful years after accutane :)


Posted : 01/07/2016 5:53 pm

This kind of makes me anxious. I think most of us are terrified of the IB. I hated that my dermatologist just mentioned it offhandedly and didn't even try to recommend anything to make it bearable. I'm only on day 3 of my treatment, right now if anything my face looks better than it did a week ago, as I had gotten a pretty bad breakout (during the holidays no less) on my right cheek and it seems to be healing now. I'm just so scared because I had my acne under control not a month ago but then I started breaking out again and that's why I changed dermatologists and this one prescribed accutane right away which I know is used to treat more severe acne. The thing with me is that it is moderate but persistent, so I fear that the accutane will make it so much worse.
When did you guys notice the breakout? and how were your first days like? I know it's too soon for me to really get any side effects and that this "Improvement" I've noticed of my earlier breakout is pretty likely just a coincidence but I want to be prepared.
