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Daily Aha With Tretinoin Cream At Night?


Posted : 02/12/2014 8:27 pm

Hi guys,

So i was prescribed some tretinoin cream yesterday by a derm for my PIH. I do not really have active acne at the moment. I've used it yesterday night before bed and have not experienced any adverse reactions or initial breakouts (touchwood, hopefully it stays that way).

Before this i used to use a daily AHA that contained mandelic acid to help with my PIH as well. I was intending to use the tretinoin cream only ever other night, so i was wondering i could still use the daily AHA in the meantime.



Posted : 02/12/2014 8:32 pm

There isn't much about mandelic acid out there, but from what I can gather it's not as strong as, say, glycolic acid.

You can use low to moderate concentrations of AHAs in the daytime, but you must use SPF 30+ and reapply per directions. Also, be careful how much AHAs you apply and watch out for irritation. Best to wait out the irritation period with retinoids before adding more topicals in your regimen.
