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How To Go About Blood Test For Accutane?


Posted : 09/23/2013 4:51 pm

So I was supposed to get the prescription for accutane at the end of july, but my insurance did not cover it, so I had to wait until the beginning of september. In July, my derm wrote me a script with the info: "CBC, CMP, UA, Lipid Profile, 706.1" and he signed it. When I got the new script for the accutane in september, the receptionists told me that the script with the blood test info will still be good to take to a testing agency lab. My insurance covers labcorp, so when filling out an appointment form online, it asks me what type of blood test I want. I did not see anything related to my condition, so I just selected "other" and put everything on the script that my doc gave me in the description for "other" that ok? I also included "for accutane", so will they accept that and test everything I need for accutane?

Also, labcorp gives you a list of what to bring to the appointment, and one of them is a test form signed by your doctor allowing you to take the test. My doc just signed a script with the above abbreviations, so will labcorp accept that? It's not an actual form, and I don't want to show up to find out it isn't accepted. The receptionists said it would be valid, even though it was from july too..what are your thoughts?


Posted : 09/23/2013 8:51 pm

I just had my blood drawn through labcorp last week so I think you should be fine as far as the info you gave them online. My doctor gave me an actual labcorp form with her signature on it so I am not sure about what you have...

But the time frame should be okay. There is a question about it on LabCorp's website here:

I would call LabCorp/your doctor to double check that what you have will work before driving to the lab.
