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1St Week Breakouts From Accutane?


Posted : 05/27/2013 8:56 am

This has prob already been answered but has anyone had a breakout in the 1st week of accutane? These pimples aren't just "pimples", they are very painful pimples conjured up by the devil of the underworld and this isn't normal for me. They are on the lower part of my face (nose down) and they all are white heads (sorry ew). Accutane is most likely the cause. But so far my face has slowly begun to dry, (my lips havnt yet got to really dry yet), and this morning one eye was kind of goopy (ew again). Thanks! eusa_think.gifeusa_think.gifeusa_think.gif


Posted : 05/27/2013 1:22 pm

Yes! For the first three days on Accutane, my skin was beginning to clear up. I only had small pimples that were beginning to vanish. Then from day 5 and onwards, Bam!, new painful pimples every day (Not like the usual :/). I thought the initial breakout began 2-3 weeks in, but I guess I'm not the only one. Hey atleast in the long run, it'll be worth it (:


Posted : 05/28/2013 9:53 am

Same thing happened to me! My accutane pimples were the most painful zits I've ever had. They felt like the were rooted to the bone or something. They felt deep and sharp and painful! I remember sitting around with ice packs on my face for the first 2 months while I was having my IB. Hang in there and have an ibuprofen for the pain. That's what my dermatologist recommended. Ice packs help too!


Posted : 05/28/2013 7:04 pm

Ugh they hurt so bad. I've really never experienced acne like this. i mostly suffer for small-ish white heads and rosacea! But anyways im about done week 1 and i had to switch from my usual cerave foaming cleanser (which i loved loved loved so much) to my Avene Extremely gentle cleanser lotion because my skin is starting to get peely which doesn't make my makeup look too hot either.
