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To 'tane Or Not To 'tane


Posted : 05/13/2013 9:52 pm

Yikes! I remember reading that acne in males tend to be less persistent than in females, but tends to be more severe. It could be because of hormonal changes, everyone develops a little differently. It's hard to figure out what is causing acne. It could even be something in the water. :/

It's good that you're getting acne treated early on, before scarring is an issue. Though, I've read that accutane can deter growth. Do you think you have reached your full height?

Yeah it seems that is the case...

I think I have, though a few more inches wouldn't hurt! At least I'm taller than my dad biggrin.png


Posted : 05/14/2013 2:16 am

Haha! Catchy.

Yeah, if I do decide to go ahead and do accutane, I'm going to ask the derm what he/she thinks about dosage. I know that if I feel bad during accutane, I can just stop.

Are you planning on making an accutane log if you get the go ahead?

Yeah, that's what I really want to be enforcing - don't want to risk ANYTHING more, even if taking accutane is already a risk in itself.

I haven't really thought about it, but it sounds good to be able to track progress and maybe you guys can see if I'm having some signs of craziness in my posts haha.

Yeah, you should. I'll let you know if you start going crazy. But, I'm one to talk. I'm horrible at keeping up with logs.

I just made an appointment to see the derm next week. Was it difficult to get prescribed accutane? I don't want to walk out of the clinic with yet another antibiotic or topical prescription.

They hand out accutane like candy these days, I was able to get it just for very mild acne and oily skin on the second visit. If you really want accutane, just give some sob story and you'll get it.


Posted : 05/14/2013 2:23 am

They hand out accutane like candy these days, I was able to get it just for very mild acne and oily skin on the second visit. If you really want accutane, just give some sob story and you'll get it.

It's really sad. Such a potentially dangerous drug without provision...


Posted : 05/14/2013 10:14 am

Haha! Catchy.

Yeah, if I do decide to go ahead and do accutane, I'm going to ask the derm what he/she thinks about dosage. I know that if I feel bad during accutane, I can just stop.

Are you planning on making an accutane log if you get the go ahead?

Yeah, that's what I really want to be enforcing - don't want to risk ANYTHING more, even if taking accutane is already a risk in itself.

I haven't really thought about it, but it sounds good to be able to track progress and maybe you guys can see if I'm having some signs of craziness in my posts haha.

Yeah, you should. I'll let you know if you start going crazy. But, I'm one to talk. I'm horrible at keeping up with logs.

I just made an appointment to see the derm next week. Was it difficult to get prescribed accutane? I don't want to walk out of the clinic with yet another antibiotic or topical prescription.

They hand out accutane like candy these days, I was able to get it just for very mild acne and oily skin on the second visit. If you really want accutane, just give some sob story and you'll get it.

Yeah, I've been looking at a few accutane logs. And by the looks of some of the pictures, some people had almost clear skin to begin with. No cysts or nodules, just tiny little papules. I've been thinking I would have to fight tooth and nail for accutane, and my acne is worse than others who have been prescribed it.


Posted : 05/14/2013 11:51 pm

Yeah, I've been looking at a few accutane logs. And by the looks of some of the pictures, some people had almost clear skin to begin with. No cysts or nodules, just tiny little papules. I've been thinking I would have to fight tooth and nail for accutane, and my acne is worse than others who have been prescribed it.

A lot of the time I see people with such mild acne and I'm like "Why?!" lol.

But anyways say hello to my little friend...

It's like my whole life has come down to this single moment - where the stars and planets align.

All the hype and hate of one tablet has created anxiety which no acne could ever achieve.

My name is James and this is my story.

*fade to black*



I'm totally not starting today, it's 2:48 and I'm back from a short day of school. tomorrow, maybe.

I'll make a log thread pretty soon. I think I'll do weekly updates, daily updates are too much for me and people who come by will probably be turned off - I know I do.



Posted : 05/15/2013 1:52 pm

This could be the hardest decision ive ever had to make in my life.


Posted : 05/16/2013 3:34 am

This could be the hardest decision ive ever had to make in my life.

I feel you bro/sis. It could also be the best decision you've ever had to make. Just weigh it up.


Posted : 05/16/2013 10:42 am

One thing everybody should know is accutane is NOT a sure cure for acne. It has an almost 100% remission rate, yes, but once it wears off a lot of people have acne return, some as far as 5 years later but sometimes within a few months. I think its taking a huge gamble with your health to possibly get long-term damage for a cure which may not work in the long-run anyway.

Acne is hormonal in origin however you look at it. Thats why its easier to treat in females with birth control, spiro etc. Males dont have as many safe options, unfortunately.

I am in the same boat as you. I'm thinking of trying accutane too. I've been trying to avoid it by trying different diets, BP, natural products, supplements, antibiotics, a variety of topicals, and so on. I'm letting acne rule my life. I shouldn't let it do that but I can't help it. I want to be free of this disease once in for all, and I want to do it before my scarring gets worse.

Where is the truth?

I've trawled the interwebs for the truth, nothing. This whole ordeal is probably just as bad as the religion debate, the creationism vs evolution debate; never-ending and seemingly without a proven, consise conclusion or evidence to support a side. Maybe there isn't truth?

I've pretty much given up on researching Accutane and it's side effects. There's only the black and the white. Depression/Crohn's Disease/Inflammatory Bowel Disease vs. The mild dryness of skin/lips. With the people giving advice being basically "sheep", the blind Christian or the manic Athiest, with only past experience to support their arguments.

It basically comes down a coin flip right? Or maybe not?

What really confuses me is how on Earth, after 30 or so years of pure "Accutane is the only solution for severe acne", has the human race not discovered or developed a consistent, safe treatment for acne? Like c'mon, with all this technology, one would think.. ah well.

Google Glass is still cooler right?

Thank you.

I think you should take it. I have finally made that decision and should have done it YEARS ago. At almost 26 and still breaking out like I am a teenager, I am ready to give it a go. I truly believe that none of the side effects can be worse than the constant anxiety, stress, and depression that acne has caused me. Nothing is worse than not being able to look myself in the mirror.

Don't become me and some of the other people on this forum who are on multiple topicals, ridiculous diets, a ton of supplements, always searching for the "root cause". Even if you find it, do you want to be on a gluten free/dairy free or whatever the hell it is diet for the rest of your life?

While Accutane doesn't cure everyone and for some people it does come back, there is no other medication that offers a chance at curing you. BP, Diet, Antibiotics, all are all bandaids in the end as when you slack off or stop doing them, the acne comes right back.


Posted : 05/16/2013 6:41 pm

Just chiming in here. I'm a chick too and my acne doesn't care about my hormones. I've tried all the rx's and many different birth control pills and such (Yasmin, Yaz, Diane 35, Alesse, Tricyclin), to no avail. I've tried antibiotics. I've tried all the topicals (Retin-A, BP, Salicylic Acid, Clindomycin, Stevamycin, and the list goes way beyond that). My acne is exactly like my Dad's was, and the only thing that helped him was Accutane. He took it in his 40s and while he did get extremely cracked lips and a couple other side effects, he said his only regret was not taking it sooner. He was extremely self conscious his whole life because of it and had some serious, awful scarring on his face, chest, and back. For me, after 10 years of this persistent acne and persistent maintenance trying to keep it in is worth it to at least try. And as a side note, I already have arthritis, and I'm only 23 (had it long before Accutane, about 2 years now).

I guess it boils down to, is it worth it? You seem to be doing all the right things.. talking to your derm, research, and getting the public's opinions. Plus knowing your body and being able to tell yourself if you feel weird. Personally, I'm almost a month in and I've just got dry lips, dry nose, and hypersensitivity to the sun. As of right now, for me its worth it to at least try.

Hope everything goes awesome for you!


Posted : 05/16/2013 10:42 pm

Just chiming in here. I'm a chick too and my acne doesn't care about my hormones. I've tried all the rx's and many different birth control pills and such (Yasmin, Yaz, Diane 35, Alesse, Tricyclin), to no avail. I've tried antibiotics. I've tried all the topicals (Retin-A, BP, Salicylic Acid, Clindomycin, Stevamycin, and the list goes way beyond that). My acne is exactly like my Dad's was, and the only thing that helped him was Accutane. He took it in his 40s and while he did get extremely cracked lips and a couple other side effects, he said his only regret was not taking it sooner. He was extremely self conscious his whole life because of it and had some serious, awful scarring on his face, chest, and back. For me, after 10 years of this persistent acne and persistent maintenance trying to keep it in is worth it to at least try. And as a side note, I already have arthritis, and I'm only 23 (had it long before Accutane, about 2 years now).

I guess it boils down to, is it worth it? You seem to be doing all the right things.. talking to your derm, research, and getting the public's opinions. Plus knowing your body and being able to tell yourself if you feel weird. Personally, I'm almost a month in and I've just got dry lips, dry nose, and hypersensitivity to the sun. As of right now, for me its worth it to at least try.

Hope everything goes awesome for you!

I agree, it's definitely worth a try for you and I'm glad you got over the initial anxiety phase.

For me, I've never seen anybody with acne of my severity get clear without Accutane. So I'm not going to waste years of my life trying to find some clean and natural way to do it. And as AuguriesofInnocence pointed out, males don't have the options that women have.

And likewise, I wish you well!
