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Accutane Question


Posted : 11/24/2012 12:16 pm

Hey guys, I'm 17 and for the past few years I've been stuggling with acne, it was never severe but it was there and every month or so recently I'd get one of the cystic like ones under the skin that scar. I tried Doxycycline, Minocycline, and Solodyn(which I was allergic to). None of them did anything at all and I also tried tons of over the counter washes and creams, you guys know the usual stuff.


I went to the dermotologist and he prescribed me Accutane 40mg twice a day so 80mg a day (145 pound male). And also Prednisone 10mg every other day to avoid the inital breakout.


My question is, I'm on my fourth day now and I noticied when I take a deep breathe I can kinda feel myself breathing in(inhaling) if that make sense, almost like there's a little pressure, it feels kind of funny. It's completely tolerable and I can deal with it as long as it's nothing serious. I'm not sure if it's form the Accutane or Prednisone but maybe someone here can give their input.




Posted : 11/24/2012 4:06 pm

I've never heard of that being an Accutane side effect, but I know it effects everyone differently. I would definitely see if it persists and if so, call your dermatologist ASAP. When I first started mine, I called a lot because I was worried about how normal my side effects were. When in doubt, call.


Posted : 11/24/2012 7:19 pm

It might be from the Predisone. That's a steroid, right? Accutane, as far as I know, doesn't have that as a side effect.
