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Repairing the long-term damage from Accutane


Posted : 12/02/2021 10:39 am


6 years ago taking accutane. 60 mg per day for one year.

So far, I feel side effects: brain fog, no energy. Before accuatane it was different. I took antidepressants but there was no effect.

Current blood test results:

LH 4.10 IU / L (normal range 1.7 - 8.6)

FSH 3.8 IU / L (normal range1.5 - 12.4)

TT 8.69 nmol (normal range 8.64 - 29.00)

E2 56.15 pmol (normal range 41.40 -159.00)

Prolactin 254.20 mIU / L (normal range 86 - 324)

SHBG 18.6 nmol / l (normal range 14.5-48.4)

Cortisol 141.40 nmol / L (normal range 172-497)

i am 28 years old.


Posted : 12/02/2021 12:15 pm

Interesting cortisol score. When I scan my skin with the machine, dexamethasone comes up high for drug recommendations. Dex is a corticosteroid. I've had some short term success before with licorice root. Licorice helps the adrenals with cortisol balance.

Trying a combo of beef liver with sunflower lecithin. Will report good or bad later.

DeepA, no religion is superior to another, and pharmaceutical poisons are not exclusive to the USA. They come from every corner of the planet, including Europe, china, India, and others.


Posted : 12/04/2021 3:32 pm

I suspect some of you have identified intracranial hypertension or pseudotumor cerebri as being aftereffects of accutane treatment. Two of the most effective mainstream treatments for intracranial hypertension are saline drip at the hospital, or mannitol.

I've been to the hospital 2 or 3 times in my life post accutane, and each time the doc said I was severely dehydrated, and put me on a saline drip. I can recall leaving the hospital both times feeling tons better, like every part of my body was starting to feel normal again, and by the next morning I was back to feeling lousy again. I couldn't walk around with a saline drip my whole life and so I forgot about it.

Enter mannitol. Mannitol successfully treats ich, and so I ordered some today and should have it by tomorrow. Will keep the board posted on how it goes.


Posted : 12/05/2021 2:56 pm

On 12/1/2021 at 6:58 PM, Aaron76 said:

That's a link to a b infantis product retailing for only 7.31 usd. If anyone wants to try it let us know how it goes.

Dandelion is too estrogenic and i had to stop. Gallbladder and prostate issues have been some of the main issues for me post accutane. I believe these occur due to estrogen dominance. Damiana is known to be an aromatase inhibitor. Just started damiana capsules at 2grams daily and will see how it goes.

Vitamin A boosts dht, which counteracts estrogen. There's two different possibilities. The drug is trapped in the body, which blocks true vitamin A absorption and utilization, which creates a vitamin A deficiency, which lowers dht. Or the drug is long gone, but has genetically caused a permanent increase in aromatase enzyme, which increases estrogen and lowers T.

Regardless, the hope is that damiana can keep the gallbladder clear and functioning normally, so that if the drug is indeed still there, bile flow can be restored. Will keep the board posted on the damiana program.

I had signs of high DHT after using accutane: male pattern baldness, body hair growth on weird places like shoulders, neck and upper back and random dark hairs on my jaw (i don't have any facial hair and am blonde). My skin was also irritated (dry, flaky) and i had a bad scalp itch. My lips were also permanently dry.

I'm using finasteride for 8 months now and all the things i listed are "cured". My hairline is still shit, but the texture is better (softer and it just looks better) again and my skin (and lips) aren't dry and flaky anymore. My scalp itch is also completely gone.

I don't have any sexual issues, and my libido isactually very good and better than before taking fin.

But it looks like i'm an unusual case because most people here are mentioning low DHT and high estrogen. I was having low E2/high DHT signs and this is probably why i'm having such a positive experience on fin.

But i would call myself "cured" except maybe for the digestive issues (i'm still getting bloody stools and bloated gut sometimes).



Posted : 12/05/2021 9:29 pm

You've been reported eopong.

As for lifesucks and others, everyone has the right to try more pharmaceuticals. I just know that for myself, more drugs, particularly anti androgenic drugs, are absolutely the wrong direction for me.

I think what accutane does is it redirects water away from the skin and to the brain, which permanently cures acne, leaves it's victims with permanently dry skin, and with pseudotumor cerebri. I don't think mannitol is the answer for pseudotumor cerebri. I've just started a combination of retinol and tribulus. Will see what happens.


Posted : 12/06/2021 10:04 am

19 hours ago, Lifesuckshard said:

I had signs of high DHT after using accutane: male pattern baldness, body hair growth on weird places like shoulders, neck and upper back and random dark hairs on my jaw (i don't have any facial hair and am blonde). My skin was also irritated (dry, flaky) and i had a bad scalp itch. My lips were also permanently dry.

I'm using finasteride for 8 months now and all the things i listed are "cured". My hairline is still shit, but the texture is better (softer and it just looks better) again and my skin (and lips) aren't dry and flaky anymore. My scalp itch is also completely gone.

I don't have any sexual issues, and my libido isactually very good and better than before taking fin.

But it looks like i'm an unusual case because most people here are mentioning low DHT and high estrogen. I was having low E2/high DHT signs and this is probably why i'm having such a positive experience on fin.

But i would call myself "cured" except maybe for the digestive issues (i'm still getting bloody stools and bloated gut sometimes).


I also became very hairy after isotretinoin, but because of my DHT was borderline low I think my hair follicles just became sensitive to DHT. Afterwards I did finasteride, but it didn't help with anything. It made my skin and especially eyes more drier though.



Posted : 12/06/2021 5:17 pm

I have been feeling very "normal" for a couple of months now ever since i changed my diet. this is what i do:

100% organic

a tonmore fruit and simple salads

clean organic dressing

Lean meat

avocado oil to cook with

No junk

healthy clean snacks like siete chips cooked in avocado oil and trader joes popcorn again cooked in avacado oil

low/no carb!!!

More healthyfats like avocados (see a trend here? Lol)

only supplements are:

digestive enzymes (taken with meals)

probiotics (also taken with meals)

collagen fuel (by primal kitchen) one scoop in water first thing in morning


Very important***FIRST MEAL AT NOON! 6-7 hour eating window (17-18 fasting window)

that's it! I feel so so much better. Absolutely no digestive issues, no bloating, no headaches, no fatigue, no brain fog...


...matter of fact i can think so clearly again for the first timein 11 years it's amazing.

i lost 25 lbs (wasnt trying to, it just happened from clean diet, lowcarbs, and intermittent fasting


My skin is near perfect. Smooth and radiant. Hair (the hair remaining after 12 years of rapid hair loss) is smooth and feels and looks healthier


overall i feel and looks healthier

any questions, please ask


Guys and girls it's really simple. This drug is poison, very few argue that. You need to clean up you diet and drink more water. It's really that simple. We as humans are not meant to consume gmo, harsh preservatives, msg, yeast extract, glyphosate, high fructose corn syrup, high sugar, hydrogenated vegetable oils, etc


we are meant to consume water, fruit and simple salads. The meat is optional but that's it.


the answer is not in medications to treat damage caused by a medication. Lol


good luck to all of you


Posted : 12/06/2021 7:42 pm

Healthy diets work for some, but unfortunately not for everyone.


Posted : 12/06/2021 10:40 pm

I was already forgetting about this website, here is what I have done to feel good about my last symptom that in a certain way is nothing and is almost disappeared, I think the only person responsible for improving is the body.
My diet: Nothing, just I eat the same food; fruit, junk food, sweets, vegetables, sodas, everything is the same and I get better with time more and more, I think this is my last message on this website since I do not want to remember the bad times, this does not mean that I will delete my It counts, but maybe I will spend from time to time trying to advise people, I could say that I have overcome many ailments and maybe where I took it only for 15 days, but it only depends on the body, now I want to continue to have an improvement over time and I pray to God for that improvement that I want to continue to having, I wish you all the best and the best possible health.
Bye Bye.

Ishayat liked

Posted : 12/07/2021 4:32 pm

Looking forward to the MHRA findings outnext week.

Im sure its just a case of cleaning up diet and drinking more waterha ha ha

Cant believe people still come here to post that sort of crap


Posted : 12/07/2021 9:22 pm

True justice - have you tried cleaning up your diet? What did you eat and for howlong? And didit have any affect at all?


Posted : 12/08/2021 10:12 am

Some of you need to get rid of your victim mentality. I think it's that that's essentially hurting you. It took me personally 11 years to finally discover some thing that works very well, and that was diet. Never give up, Never give in, always stay positive and hopeful. Keep trying different things. It's totally not fair that you have to be experiencing this but adopting the victim mentality will only get you worse and you know that.


I come on here and tell you about my experience I'm feeling significantly better from changing my diet. The fact that you bash me for that is very telling of your mentality, not mine. I come on here trying to share good vibes and a possible solution. I dare you to try it. I dare you to eliminate 100% of all processed foods and your diet. I dare you to drink A lot more water throughout the day. I dare you to do this for a few weeks and come back on here and tell me it didn't make any difference. Step it up people, take control of your life. This is what I had to tell myself to finally make the change. It may not help you as much as it helped me. It may help you more than it helped me. But for gods sake give it a try. OK rant over, good luck and blessings


Posted : 12/08/2021 10:15 am

Honestly diet isn't the cure, once cured you can eat anything you want.



Posted : 12/08/2021 10:16 am

On 12/6/2021 at 7:42 PM, Aaron76 said:

Healthy diets work for some, but unfortunately not for everyone.

Aaron it's not just a healthy diet. It's a natural diet for human beings. 100% organic fruits and simple salads with a ton of water will make each and every single human being feel better regardless of their condition. I didn't say all better and I didn't say right away. So you use words like healthy and work. But you didn't mention to what extent. Everyone will react differently of course. The main thing is that you do it. You really think there's much of a difference between the chemicals they put in processed foods and the chemicals they put in Accutane that poisoned our bodies?But you didn't mention to what extent. Everyone will react differently of course. The main thing is that you do it. You really think there's much of a difference between the chemicals they put in processed foods and the chemicals they put in Accutane that poisoned our bodies? There really isn't. We've been eating that garbage our entire lives, cut it out and feel better There really isn't. We've been eating that garbage our entire lives, cut it out and feel better


Posted : 12/09/2021 10:57 am

On 12/8/2021 at 10:15 AM, Calcified said:

Honestly diet isn't the cure, once cured you can eat anything you want.


And how do you suppose we get "cured"? Don't you see, this is an opportunity to get healthy, not to go back to before accutane when we ate and drank and lived horribly.


Posted : 12/09/2021 11:45 pm

12 hours ago, LLL3 said:

And how do you suppose we get "cured"? Don't you see, this is an opportunity to get healthy, not to go back to before accutane when we ate and drank and lived horribly.

Youre not half interested in the IEWG findings in next weeks report??

Not to say diet isnt important but this Isotretinoinworking group will surely have more to say than just cleaning up diet as a possible cure, Im sure of that

The psychiatric and sexual side effects at the extreme end of horrible Accutaneside effects cant be downto whether you ate well or not..just saying

If youve got very mild side effects, maybe yes you can benefit from a diet change, it cant hurt but at the extreme end which is where many of us are at, well need more than some diet advice



Posted : 12/10/2021 6:12 am

19 hours ago, LLL3 said:

And how do you suppose we get "cured"? Don't you see, this is an opportunity to get healthy, not to go back to before accutane when we ate and drank and lived horribly.

I understand your treatment is low carb, but Iprefer a treatment which requires no food restrictions.


Posted : 12/10/2021 4:45 pm

10 hours ago, Calcified said:

I understand your treatment is low carb, but Iprefer a treatment which requires no food restrictions.

Do you prefer no food restrictions or doyou prefer to feel better?

have you tried completely cleaning up your diet for an extended time? What did you consume specifically and for how long and did you see any change?


look. I did it. It worked. I'm sharing that i did it and that it worked. Try it? What do you have to lose? It costs nothing. It's safe. All it takes is discipline. Don't be lazy. I used to be lazy and kept making excuses to not try it. I'm so very deeply sorry i didn't make the dietary change sooner. So many years gone to waste. So much pain and stress and mental torture...pretty much all behind me. Im not selling anything. I share my truth. Hoping you all wake up asap and realize a truly clean diet is life changing

17 hours ago, TrueJustice said:

Youre not half interested in the IEWG findings in next weeks report??

Not to say diet isnt important but this Isotretinoinworking group will surely have more to say than just cleaning up diet as a possible cure, Im sure of that

The psychiatric and sexual side effects at the extreme end of horrible Accutaneside effects cant be downto whether you ate well or not..just saying

If youve got very mild side effects, maybe yes you can benefit from a diet change, it cant hurt but at the extreme end which is where many of us are at, well need more than some diet advice


What is IEWG? I amcurious. Got a link?


Posted : 12/10/2021 5:01 pm

My bfast today:

1 avacado with avacado oil

handful raspberries

2 apples

1 piece chicken breast with garlic rosemary sea salt

digestive enzymes


everything organic

felt great and energized after




Posted : 12/10/2021 9:38 pm

4 hours ago, LLL3 said:

Do you prefer no food restrictions or doyou prefer to feel better?

have you tried completely cleaning up your diet for an extended time? What did you consume specifically and for how long and did you see any change?


look. I did it. It worked. I'm sharing that i did it and that it worked. Try it? What do you have to lose? It costs nothing. It's safe. All it takes is discipline. Don't be lazy. I used to be lazy and kept making excuses to not try it. I'm so very deeply sorry i didn't make the dietary change sooner. So many years gone to waste. So much pain and stress and mental torture...pretty much all behind me. Im not selling anything. I share my truth. Hoping you all wake up asap and realize a truly clean diet is life changing

What is IEWG? I amcurious. Got a link?

not entirely sure other than to say they are the group behind the MHRA report about to be released next week

Many of us filled in thesurvey last year, the findings are out end ofnext week.

Im trusting theres been some deep diving into isotretinoin side effects - well soon see I guess


Posted : 12/13/2021 10:06 pm

On 12/1/2021 at 11:58 AM, Aaron76 said:

That's a link to a b infantis product retailing for only 7.31 usd. If anyone wants to try it let us know how it goes.

Dandelion is too estrogenic and i had to stop. Gallbladder and prostate issues have been some of the main issues for me post accutane. I believe these occur due to estrogen dominance. Damiana is known to be an aromatase inhibitor. Just started damiana capsules at 2grams daily and will see how it goes.

Vitamin A boosts dht, which counteracts estrogen. There's two different possibilities. The drug is trapped in the body, which blocks true vitamin A absorption and utilization, which creates a vitamin A deficiency, which lowers dht. Or the drug is long gone, but has genetically caused a permanent increase in aromatase enzyme, which increases estrogen and lowers T.

Regardless, the hope is that damiana can keep the gallbladder clear and functioning normally, so that if the drug is indeed still there, bile flow can be restored. Will keep the board posted on the damiana program.

Just to clarify only one probiotic so far, strain35624 (Known as Align in the States and Alflorex in Europe) has shown it may have an impact on vitamin a metabolism. Other b. longum strains have been tested according to this patent and did not alter raldh2 expression as did strain 35624.

Some info,

WO2012140636A1 - A probiotic formulation - Google Patents

A formulation comprisingBifidobacteria infantis35624 in an amount to induce the expression of retinaldehyde dehydrogenase (RALDH) and a substrate that provides a source of retinal which is metabolised to all-trans retinoic acid by RALDH. The substrate may be retinal, retinol, retinyl acetate, retinyl palmitate, retinol acetate or retinol palmitate.

We have made the surprising discovery that B. infantis 35624 induces the immune-regulatory enzyme RALDH2 in dendritic cells and the product of this enzyme, retinoic acid, was essential for the induction of regulatory T cells. Thus, a formulation which combines the substrate, i.e vitamin A or its derivatives, with a bacterial strain that induces expression of the enzyme responsible for substrate conversion will ensure the optimal conversion of the substrate to its immunologically active product. This formulation will provide a profound therapeutic benefit in patients suffering from inflammatory disorders.

"The induction of ALDH1A2 in MDDCs by B. infantis 35624 was not observed with the other Bifidobacterial strains that were examined."

A few keynotes,


13. A formulation as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 1 1 for use in the prophylaxis and/or treatment of a mucosal inflammatory condition.
14. A formulation as claimed in claim 13 wherein the mucosal inflammatory condition is associated with gastrointestinal health such as diarrhoea, inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome; respiratory inflammatory disorders such as asthma and broncho-pulmonary dysplasia; disorders of the eyes such as uveitis; disorders of the nose such as rhinitis or allergy; or cancer associated with mucosal surfaces such as lung or the gastrointestinal tract.
15. A formulation as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 1 1 for use in the prophylaxis and/or treatment of one or more inflammatory disorder selected from the group comprising: asthma, gastrointestinal inflammatory activity such as inflammatory bowel disease e.g. Crohns disease or ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, pouchitis, or post infection colitis, gastrointestinal cancer(s), systemic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune disorders, cancer due to undesirable inflammatory activity, diarrhoeal disease due to undesirable inflammatory activity, such as Clostridium difficile associated diarrhoea, Rotavirus associated diarrhoea or post infective diarrhoea, diarrhoeal disease due to an infectious agent, such as E.coli.
16. A formulation as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 1 1 for use in the prophylaxis and/or treatment of vitamin A deficiency.
So if one wanted to talk about abuildup of vitamin A in the body, it could be possible, and missing bacteria may play a role.
Valeriia liked

Posted : 12/14/2021 2:10 am

I like the way youre thinking with this guitarman, this could exactly be whats going on - its a bacterial issue at play

I know my kinesiologist determined my whole brain was full of Vit A, weve gone down other paths since then but Ill see what he says about this during next weeks visit

I would say we have a bacterial issue at play ahead of saying we need to do more detoxing. Ive spent plenty of time getting rid of bad bacteria but at some stage you need to address replenishing with good bacteria or in our case not just good but the correct bacteria- I know this field continues to evolve in medicine.

Thanksfor the info on this


Posted : 12/14/2021 8:48 am

Alcoholics have a hard time absorbing vitamin A, are we the SAME?


Posted : 12/20/2021 5:16 pm

On 12/2/2021 at 7:39 PM, Tomas28 said:


6 years ago taking accutane. 60 mg per day for one year.

So far, I feel side effects: brain fog, no energy. Before accuatane it was different. I took antidepressants but there was no effect.

Current blood test results:

LH 4.10 IU / L (normal range 1.7 - 8.6)

FSH 3.8 IU / L (normal range1.5 - 12.4)

TT 8.69 nmol (normal range 8.64 - 29.00)

E2 56.15 pmol (normal range 41.40 -159.00)

Prolactin 254.20 mIU / L (normal range 86 - 324)

SHBG 18.6 nmol / l (normal range 14.5-48.4)

Cortisol 141.40 nmol / L (normal range 172-497)

i am 28 years old.

Im actually the same. Testosterone, estrogen BOTH below normal range in blood. What the hell does it mean. And cortisol low too. And many more things below normal.


Posted : 12/27/2021 12:19 pm

On 12/21/2021 at 1:16 AM, Moks said:

Im actually the same. Testosterone, estrogen BOTH below normal range in blood. What the hell does it mean. And cortisol low too. And many more things below normal.

Start HCG 250 iu 3x a week. Then do a bloodtest.
