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Lymecycline / Tetralysal 300


Posted : 12/25/2011 2:38 pm

Quick question, has anyone experinced like depression while been on these tablets, or feeling more emotional than normal?

jfaye liked

Posted : 01/06/2012 5:31 am

Quick question, has anyone experinced like depression while been on these tablets, or feeling more emotional than normal?


I haven't..


Posted : 01/06/2012 8:51 am

Quick question, has anyone experinced like depression while been on these tablets, or feeling more emotional than normal?


I remember feeling pretty down when I first took Doxycycline and those feelings passed once I spoke to my doctor about it and stopped taking the drug. I'm currently taking it a second time and I haven't had those feelings as a direct result of the drug so I can only assume it's because I'm now older.

I never experienced that on Lymecycline but it's certainly not beyond the realms of possibility that these drugs can change our moods and the way we feel so if if it's prolonged and becoming something of an issue, I'd suggest speaking to your doctor to see if you can establish a connection.



Posted : 01/06/2012 3:43 pm

Ah thanks for the info. Its not constant but seem to be bit more sensitive than normal lately. Dont really want to stop the tablets though as they are working so well and have only been on them 4 weeks so far :D i'll bare with it for now.


Posted : 02/13/2012 7:19 pm

I've been taken off lymecycline today after about four months, it does seem to be working to me though so I am a little worried but apparently I don't have acne just something that looks like it so we shall see.


Anyway my original doctor said that you need to take it for at least two months to see any improvement, so some of the posts on this topic need to be patient.


The specialist I saw today said that the best way to use these sort of antibiotics is in cycles, three months on one month off or similar. Otherwise the acne bugs build up resistance and that's why they stop working.


Posted : 03/04/2012 4:53 pm

I have been on Tetralysal 300, one a day, for the past 8 months. They have definitely worked for me, cleared up my chin acne perfectly...until this morning! I woke up and my chin was inflamed with red patches and under the skin spots!

I am now going to stop taking them to see how it goes, perhaps they have become ineffective because I've been taking them for so long!


I was wondering if anyone has suffered from dry skin patches/irritated skin/eczema as a side effect of the medication? I have extremely irritated dry skin on my forehead. The doctor has prescribed me Diprobase to help the dry skin which does help but it makes my forehead very oily. I have also noticed that after splashing my face with water I break out in small red spots on my forehead and cheeks, this happens whether the water is hot or cold. Any suggestions to what this might be? Has anyone suffered from this before?


I have also felt depressed and irritated recently, I put it down to stress but after reading some of the replies on this forum perhaps it had something to do with the medication.


Posted : 03/12/2012 1:36 pm

just started tetralysal about 2 weeks ago with a Differin 0.1% regime from my derm.


had a pretty bizzare breakout this morning, counted around 25 whiteheads all around my chin (thats the only place i get acne).


i was pretty disheartened because i was getting some very nice results, and my face was looking its clearest its ever been since i was around 12 (I'm 19).


has anyone else had a similar breakout?



im guessing its a one step back, two steps forward approach with the tetralysal? i'll keep at it anyway and hopefully it will clear up again.


Posted : 08/15/2012 8:54 am

I just stopped taking Tetralysal after 7-8 months. I still got pimples while on the medication so I want to see how my body will react without it.

Have been two weeks now, and nothing crazy... just some normal whiteheads, which sucks but nothing really bad.


Posted : 09/14/2012 5:26 pm

I've been taking it over a year now. For six or seven months I was clear, or almost. Now, my skin's gradually stopped reacting to the antibiotic, and my teeth are stained brown in places


Posted : 10/05/2012 1:15 pm



I've had some form of follicitus (sp.?) decalvans for a little over a year. It tends to clump the hair together like a doll, and makes the scalp red and results in little scabs forming all over it.


Just recently, I've been prescribed some Tetralysal to take as Flucloxacillin didn't really make much of a difference. I'm very wary of taking it however, as I've had a kidney transplant. Despite the dermatologist and my renal consultant having spoken about it (funnily enough, there's no evidence on my notes of any great dialogue between them), I'm worried about what effect it will have on me. I've been asked to have a blood test every 3-4 weeks to make sure that my kidney/liver aren't packing up, which I have to organise myself (further complete lack of communication).


This is all in conjunction with the fact that I'm moving from the south coast of the UK to Reading in a week to begin a job where a professional, clean appearance is necessary. At the time of writing, I'm sitting with a bandage on my head after a skin biopsy which has resulted in an open wound which apparently is also infected. I feel very, very let down by the medical 'professionals' dealing with this case and wondered if anybody had any experience with this antibiotic being used on immunosupressed bodies/transplants?


Thanks in advance.


Posted : 08/26/2013 3:51 am

ive been taking Lymecycline for about 2 months now and have seen no improvement, it's really getting me down, I have spots all over my neck and on my face! I really hoped it was going to work, My doctor put me on them for 3 months soo I'm hoping this final month I'll see some improvement, if they haven't mad a difference what should I do any advise??


Posted : 02/06/2014 5:23 pm

I've used lymecycline (x1 a day)and zineryt for a few months last year. They worked really well and my skin was spotless (see what I did there? )


I was on differin 0.1% for two months after I stopped using Tetralysal and Zineryt which really has F**KED UP my skin (I have scars that weren't visible before). This is my first month on Zineryt and my second month on Tetralysal and my skin looks better than it did when I was on Differin. Going to stay on these antibiotics for two more months (maximum)


Posted : 03/10/2014 10:49 am

i was taking the tetralysal 300 for 3 months, my skin was so clear like wonderful but when i stopped, my acne returned :(

i think it stops acne but only temporarily


Posted : 04/02/2014 10:35 am

I may have been on the product longer than anyone here I've been on that Tetralysal 300 stuff for 3 years on was off taking 6 months out of the 3 years break due to not being able to get the product.

This product can't be that dangerous as I can get repeat prescritptions without a doctors consent, but I don't know for sure. One of my toe nails has fungal in it or underneath it, it became yellow over 2 years of taking the antibiotic Tetralysal 300 red/yellow capsules. The side effects I personally got in all the years of using it were on occasion sometimes for almost a day fatigue/shortness of breath/dizziness/tight chest/ feeling of tightness somewhere inside my body it can be a little painful to moderate at times, my teeth aren't as yellow as I thought because I use whitening toothpaste Janina sometimes BlanX stain remover all the time, they seem to work with the IBP Sonic rechargeable toothbrush I got off Amazon, its a great combo works for me.

I used to take it every night before bed I didn't eat anything 1 hour before and since I'm in bed 1 hour after also clear always with plenty of water like a full glass and on an empty stomach they said. I drink 2x the size of a typical whiskey glass but obviously water in it.

My Acne used to be pretty severe but in the week to a month of taking it and lasting about 3 years It cleaned it all up completely, there is faint residue of scarring but thats unavoidable I wish this antibiotic existed when I was 11 I would not have scars now :( still puts a huge dent in getting a girlfriend and the dent just gets bigger the more acne you have.

I notice when I stopped taking it after 3 years my face was clean for about between 2 weeks to a month, then it came back with a serious vengeance. my face covered with acne some big some small especially near and around the nose where the pores are, some forehead and little on chin too. I realize this tetralysal is not a cure but it is a relief for a time however long you want to take the product, the only downside are the side effects and the possible but extremely rare blood dissorder from taking it plus you could get fungal infection like i did lucky it was only 1 singlular toe nail that was the hue of Yellow and extremely dry nail breaking off. The pain wasn't bad I hardly felt anything odd just its the fact its kinda yellow that looked and felt freakish. Even with fungal infection they are treatable and can heal you back to where you were before.

I started back on it again because my body is immune to Duac and Zynaryt however you spell that, well that and because Its depressing I cant leave the house and do anything with acne on my face. without this antibiotic It takes 6 months to slightly clear up my skin with face products and thats slightly, not worth the time it takes to clear up thus I went back on the Tetralysal 300 I just hope science research in this evolves quickly before I end up taking it for 10 years straight or In case I end up worst off has anyone taken this product more than 3 years straight the long term effects of the antibiotic?

I did a full blood recently nothing came up bad, so even 3 years of taking it didn't effect me much. After starting it back again I'm going to try taking it in the morning 1 hour before breakfast see how that goes as at night I can always use a face product while I sleep keeping it 98.0% Acne free maybe more.

I can say one thing for sure Tetralysal 300 worked for me on some people it can take more time to work. I think I remember my Dr saying your supposed to be taking Tetralysal 300 for longer like a year was it without stopping. Didn't really get that since I've been taking it for 3 years and when stopping Acne just comes back. There's no stopping it, In each of us is the genes that can prevent it or encourage it and the balance in between, Taking it for me means side effects and rare disorders vs clear skin almost 100% of the time I think Its worth the risk being alone and depressed can be one of the worst things in life.

Good luck guys.


Posted : 08/20/2014 11:02 am

Started taking these about 3 months ago. Have had a virtually spot free summer (first time in years - I'm 43!).

Can't recommend them highly enough. Will take for two more months and then stop. For people worried about the antibiotics countering their natural gut bacteria. It's worth investing in these:-


Posted : 05/29/2015 12:24 pm

Hey all today is my first day of taking


Posted : 06/09/2015 5:10 pm

I have been on these tablets for almost one month (on a 6 month course). The doctor is treating me for two large cysts under my arms. Is it unusual not to have been seen by a dermatologist before taking these? I am 26 years old and I have always had problems with cysts which are usually dismissed as lumps and bumps by my GP. I had a infection in my sweat glands when I was 13 and was put on steroid creams which has ruined my skin and I do have quite a lot of scar tissue, this is where the cysts develop. I have been going to the doctors since January this year and feel like I am still no further forward.


Feeling very fed up!!


Posted : 06/12/2015 9:30 am

My doctor put me on Tetralysal from Tuesday with Epiduo cream.


So far I've seen no results. Although I think it has gotten worse and maybe using Sudocream has caused a reaction with the Epiduo cream.


I'm not that optimistic but I'll see how it goes.


Posted : 06/16/2015 7:37 am

Today is my first week on them and I can't actually see any visible improvement. The redness looked good on Friday and I thought we're getting somewhere although it's all back to square one today. I could probably be more consistent in the timing of when I take the medicine and usually take it after exercise when my skin is at its worst but it's still early days. Anyhow I don't really suffer with spots but it's like this red mark underneath the skin so I'm guessing it will take a little bit longer.

KitP liked

Posted : 06/24/2015 8:47 am

Well I can say this morning is the first time I've woke up with confidence and happiness over my acne. The red marks along my jawline and cheeks have seemed to go down exponentially over night, although there is a long way to go, I'm happy man.


I'm not sure what I've done to see the change in 24 hours but I did use a shaving cream called Aveda for men yesterday that has left my skin gleaming! I've also been drinking Pukka Detox for almost 5 days now. Having said that, since the 9th of June when I started my course I've eaten normally with plenty of fruit, veg, chocolate, cake etc but one thing I've cut out is milk!, coffee(2 months now), fizzy drinks(9 months) and alcohol(4 months).


I hope this is the beginning for completely clear skin.








Pukka Detox(Aniseed)


Posted : 07/14/2015 7:32 am

I've been on this (408mg) for about 2 months, taking one a day before bed and my acne has gotten so bad :(


I'm not sure whether it's the tablets or they're just not doing anything but my acne has became more sore and has spread to all over my cheeks and my neck where it wasn't before.


Before this I was on the pill (Dianette/Co-cyprindinol) for around 3 years before my new doctor took me off it because she thought I shouldn't have been on it that long. My skin was so clear on it though, literally no acne anywhere except for under the surface small spots on my face. After coming off it, my skin was fine for around 2 months and then I went on Lymecycline when I noticed it wasn't looking too good.


I'm really hoping of coming off this, really disappointed that it hasn't done anything but I suppose it can't work for everyone!


I really want to go back on the pill but I don't think I will be able to due to :(


Hope this works for you guys!


Posted : 07/16/2015 11:04 am

I'm sorry to read this hasn't worked for you but I wouldn't give up on it just yet for two reasons;

1. Your body may have to readjust to a different antibiotic after such a long time on something else.

2. Break-outs in my experience means something is working and the skin is actually getting rid of all the bad bacteria, and incremental break-outs seem to become less frequent right until the point of clear skin.


You're best getting professional advice on whether you should take them or not, if, like you said, that your skin was a lot better before going on this medicine then in the 2 month period there has been no improvement it may not be the option for you. There are loads of options out there so don't give up just yet.

KitP liked

Posted : 11/15/2015 6:54 am

I am on Tetralysal Lymecycline (408mg) currently. I have been on it for only a week now. I am using Duac gel topically as well and have been for the past two weeks. Though i have severe nodular cystic acne, I am only on Tetralysal rather than Accutane because i didn't i want to risk the side effects. I was glad my GP also recommended me to start with Tetralysal first. I am have been told to take it for two months. I am worried about the possibility of my skin purging on this new antibiotic. So far it is good. The Duac gel has helped quite immensely. So let see what will happen in the coming weeks. Fingers crossed!


Posted : 07/02/2018 6:03 am


How is everyone getting on withROACCUTANE?

Had folliculitisfor 8 years,lymecycline cleared me but came back up after 3 months


Posted : 05/18/2020 9:43 am

I take lymecycline, one per day at bedtime. I also take 2 probiotic mixed lactobacillus capsules before breakfast and dinner. Without the lactobacillus, I was experiencing intestinal discomfort and my haemorrhoids started bleeding. That cleared up within a few days of taking the lactobacillus.

I have had 4 courses of lymecycline in the past - all with attendant digestive problems, but effective against the rosacea. Seems you have to compensate for its destructive effect on intestinal flora.
