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Try a low-carb diet


Posted : 04/03/2019 6:31 am

Sorry, I know this is an olddddddddddd thread.

I've had a fair few breakouts lately and I couldn't work out why. I was Googling (as you do) and came across keto and paleo diets and people saying these low carb, high fat diets helped their skin.

I spent about 2 hours yesterday stressing about the amount of carbs I actually eat, which were foods I thought were meant to be healthy for you and good for acne prone skin such as sweet potatoes, quinoa, GF oats and some GF bread. Then reading that beans and pulses and even certain vegetables were out of the question...

As a vegan and someone who eats clean and whole foods, I already find my diet incredibly restrictive and I am underweight. The idea of reducing these carbs and having even less choice was just crazy, despite the possibility that it could help clear my skin more.

The point is, I think at some stage you have to find a happy balance. Certainly I think my carb intake could be reduced (literally somedays I'm eating high carbs with every meal - Oats at breakfast, beans in a salad for lunch, lentils and sweet potatoes as part of a dinner) and look at ways to increase my healthy fats (things like coconut yoghurt, Vegan cheese and olives etc.) but I'm not going to completely restrict myself. I mean, acne is a fucking pain but I can't think of anything worse than having to eat such a restrictive diet for the rest of my life. Never being able to eat out... Never really looking forward to your dinner...

So, yes - balance is the key. I'm still going to eat my oats and sweet potatoes and vegetables but I'm also going to consider how many carbs I'm eating and, where possible, try and reduce those carbs or have less in one day. Also try to up my healthy fats.

Anyone else have any thoughts on these diets? Have they worked for you, were you able to stick them out longterm?


Posted : 04/17/2019 4:05 pm

I couldn't agree more with the idea of major diet change to clear up acne. Especially a diet really high in fiber. I don't want to re-type my post, but this is what worked for me at 37. Finally looking forward to being out in the sunshine in summer again!

