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Try a low-carb diet


Posted : 01/01/2007 11:03 pm

Hi everyone,

I feel for all of you, because I have suffered from adult acne too. It started when I was in my mid-twenties, and I'd never had a problem before.

There's so much that can go into finding the root cause of adult acne, but I really think that many (maybe not ALL) people could find relief from following some type of low-carb diet. If you look in the diet logs, you'll see some people (including Dan) who have been successful with the Paleo diet. This is great, but it's a really strict diet that allows only meat/fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit and nuts. No dairy, grains, sugar, salt, vinegar. It has been too difficult to follow for some people (even though it's been successful for them). However, I follow a pretty liberal low carb style diet and my acne has disappeared. My menstrual cramps are much better and my stomach is flat, whereas it used to be so bloated I looked like I was pregnant.

It's just something to look into and try, because it apparently DOES work for some people and it's at least a tool you can use in fighting acne. There are many possible reasons why it works, which I won't go into, but I really think it's worth a shot.


P.S. Please don't move this to diet/holistic because everybody there already knows this. I'm just trying to spread the word, because it has been so successful for me.


Posted : 01/02/2007 10:13 am

I agree that my skin is clearer on this diet and my weight stays down. I still have to use some topicals, but I just wanted to add some support to this notion :)


Posted : 01/03/2007 4:46 am

Oh yes, this can definitely work. I know so many people that had acne-even cystic acne-clear up on low carb. When I was on Atkins my skin was baby smooth and clear.


Posted : 01/03/2007 10:33 am

This is going to make me sound like an idiot, but oh well. I re-read the original post and saw that you said "no vinegar." Is vinegar high in carbs?


Posted : 01/03/2007 12:29 pm

sadly for me i could never ever try a low carb diet.



Posted : 01/03/2007 2:15 pm

I usually follow a low-carb diet. I started doing it simply because I decided that sugar, white bread, most pasta and rice really have very little nutritional value, and I could get "good carbs" from whole grains and vegetables (along with some fiber and vitamins, etc.). A few weeks ago, I had several meals with pasta for the first time in a long time, and it seemed not too long after, I had one of the worst breakouts I can remember. It is very possible that there is a connection between carbs and acne...


Posted : 01/03/2007 5:59 pm

This is going to make me sound like an idiot, but oh well. I re-read the original post and saw that you said "no vinegar." Is vinegar high in carbs?

Posted : 01/03/2007 7:27 pm

I have had some success in using the zone diet in the past. The Zone diet is basically a less restrictive version of the Paleo diet.




Posted : 01/11/2008 5:04 pm

Hey all :)



Just backing this notion up toooo


Low carb works wonders on your skin..currently clear myself apart from the slip up I had two days ago with lots of icing and wait LOTS AND LOTS of icing..was heaven but back to FULLY clear skin in less than a week me hopes :)


By increasing the amount of fat and protein in my diet I find that my skin has a plumpy glow to it...which is actually really surprising you would think as I had to give up fruit even though its FANTASTIC full of vit and minerals etc....... just goes to show that I find the best thing you can do is ignore all the nutritionists and find your own eating habits...


If eating fatty meats and vegetables/low carb natural foods, which in turn cause less of an insulin response, blood sugar crashes, keeps you full, less oily skin for you (and other people) then ignore all the crap about cholesterol and fats etc in the diet and do what feels good for you....


Always amazes me how someone can turn around and lecture or tell me that what Im eating is bad for me ..especially when they are using a butter spread full of trans fats and layering it onto their low fat scones!!! with waists the size of a house


Long story works!



Posted : 01/11/2008 5:08 pm

I totally agree! Helped me a lot last summer but too difficult to cut on whole grains like bread and rice sometimes. Also got skinner (from 112 lb to 107!)

Definitely a good topic! :-)


Posted : 01/11/2008 10:12 pm

This is something you need to do with your Doctor's guidence. My brother-in-law's father went on a low carb diet and his colesteral went through the roof; my mom tried it and her blood pressure went sky high. If you have any suseptability to these things DON'T do it without talking to your Doc. first.

I wouldn't because my BMI is already 16.5 and my Doctor told me to gain weight , though I honestly can't, I've tried.


Posted : 01/12/2008 4:20 pm

I'm trying to gain weight... Cutting my carbs doesn't sound like a good idea :D


Posted : 01/12/2008 5:34 pm

I'm trying to gain weight... Cutting my carbs doesn't sound like a good idea :D

Posted : 01/14/2008 2:05 pm

However, I follow a pretty liberal low carb style diet and my acne has disappeared. My menstrual cramps are much better and my stomach is flat, whereas it used to be so bloated I looked like I was pregnant.

Posted : 01/15/2008 9:44 am

By increasing the amount of fat and protein in my diet I find that my skin has a plumpy glow to it...which is actually really surprising you would think as I had to give up fruit even though its FANTASTIC full of vit and minerals etc....... just goes to show that I find the best thing you can do is ignore all the nutritionists and find your own eating habits...


If eating fatty meats and vegetables/low carb natural foods, which in turn cause less of an insulin response, blood sugar crashes, keeps you full, less oily skin for you (and other people) then ignore all the crap about cholesterol and fats etc in the diet and do what feels good for you....


Posted : 01/16/2008 3:02 am

I've followed a low carb diet for almost 10 years. I never made the correlation, but I think you might have hit the nail on the head. Prior to changing my diet, I suffered with mild cystic acne. Since adapting the low carb "lifestyle" my skin has cleared.


Relating to health concerns:

If a low carb diet is followed correctly - cholesterol and blood pressure stablize to normal levels. The high fat content is negated by the restriction of starch and sugar. The acidic nature of the human body easily breaks down the fat and eliminates as long as the "bonding agents" of starch and sugar are restricted. Analogy: hot melted butter can easily be poured out of the pan until you add flour - then it sticks.




Posted : 01/20/2008 12:04 am

Hmm, interesting. I try a low-carb diet mainly for cutting down on my weight, but i didn't know that it can help clear up acne?


One more reason for low-carb diet. However, seriously, i am struggling with low-carb diet. I get so sick of the same kind of food that i get to eat that it's pretty depressing.


Posted : 01/21/2008 10:38 am

Hmm, interesting. I try a low-carb diet mainly for cutting down on my weight, but i didn't know that it can help clear up acne?


One more reason for low-carb diet. However, seriously, i am struggling with low-carb diet. I get so sick of the same kind of food that i get to eat that it's pretty depressing.


Posted : 01/21/2008 12:08 pm

This is going to make me sound like an idiot, but oh well. I re-read the original post and saw that you said "no vinegar." Is vinegar high in carbs?



The paleo diet when followed strictly doesn't allow vinegar. I have no idea why, although there must be some reason. I think it's a totally unnecessary restriction for most people.




Posted : 01/21/2008 2:51 pm

This is going to make me sound like an idiot, but oh well. I re-read the original post and saw that you said "no vinegar." Is vinegar high in carbs?



The paleo diet when followed strictly doesn't allow vinegar. I have no idea why, although there must be some reason. I think it's a totally unnecessary restriction for most people.




Posted : 01/21/2008 9:17 pm

Hmm, interesting. I try a low-carb diet mainly for cutting down on my weight, but i didn't know that it can help clear up acne?


One more reason for low-carb diet. However, seriously, i am struggling with low-carb diet. I get so sick of the same kind of food that i get to eat that it's pretty depressing.


Posted : 01/21/2008 9:37 pm

Great topic and here's why I think so. Many years ago Michigan Medical School did a study on cadavers that had acne (adult) and do you know what they found? They found a cellular intolerance to glucose among all the sufferers.


Simply put, sugar/carbohydrates is a common enemy of the adult acne sufferer, (and no you don't have to be dead to confirm this; there's a simple test your doctor can do.) I know because I've confirmed it medically in myself and I've had adult acne. It may not be the only reason for acne however.


Further, many doctors consider your skin the "3rd kidney;" that is, it flushes waste out of you. So as always consult with your doctor and see if you have it. Clues you might? Excessive thirst, craving/aversion for sweets and a familial history of diabetes and/or alcoholism.


FYI, a low carb diet means staying away from simple carbohydrates (sweets, candy) and complex carbs (breads, grains, potatoes etc.)


What else has helped my acne besides a low carb diet? Drinking lots of water, hard daily exercise and different topicals. Oh, and What a great resource for us all, all kinds of info on here.


Here's a related thread:




Posted : 01/21/2008 9:54 pm

I don't find the low carb diets help my skin. My breakouts are monthly so are clearly hormone related. I've been following the South Beach plan faithfully for months, and though I'm pleased with my weight, the breakouts are just about the same.


If I need to glow before a big occasion, though, I've always found that eating lots of antioxidants - berries, very dark chocolate, green tea - for about a week ahead helps my complexion glow. I'm not sure about the effect on my acne, but I just mention this to support the notion that diet does affect skin.


It's just not the cure-all for some of us.


Posted : 01/22/2008 6:55 am

Hey guys - just to let you know, after trying all sorts of things i found a low carb diet got me almost clear, but never 100%. After reading LiliVG's post on fructose & taurine and trying that i got 100% clear and i've stayed for the first time in 19 years. My low carb diet also limited fructose and glucose which were my actually causing my symptoms (which is why i improved, but didn't get clear). So anyone finding that a low carb diet improves them may well benefit from a low or fructose free diet and Taurine/B Vitamins. Check out the thread here for more info!


Fructose, Inflammation, And Taurine!


I think there are many causes of acne and i don't think this causes everyones acne, but so far it's helped 5 people out of 7 that have tried it, so it sounds like a few people have the same problem as liliVG and i think more will benefit from this info!


Posted : 04/03/2019 6:31 am

Sorry, I know this is an olddddddddddd thread.

I've had a fair few breakouts lately and I couldn't work out why. I was Googling (as you do) and came across keto and paleo diets and people saying these low carb, high fat diets helped their skin.

I spent about 2 hours yesterday stressing about the amount of carbs I actually eat, which were foods I thought were meant to be healthy for you and good for acne prone skin such as sweet potatoes, quinoa, GF oats and some GF bread. Then reading that beans and pulses and even certain vegetables were out of the question...

As a vegan and someone who eats clean and whole foods, I already find my diet incredibly restrictive and I am underweight. The idea of reducing these carbs and having even less choice was just crazy, despite the possibility that it could help clear my skin more.

The point is, I think at some stage you have to find a happy balance. Certainly I think my carb intake could be reduced (literally somedays I'm eating high carbs with every meal - Oats at breakfast, beans in a salad for lunch, lentils and sweet potatoes as part of a dinner) and look at ways to increase my healthy fats (things like coconut yoghurt, Vegan cheese and olives etc.) but I'm not going to completely restrict myself. I mean, acne is a fucking pain but I can't think of anything worse than having to eat such a restrictive diet for the rest of my life. Never being able to eat out... Never really looking forward to your dinner...

So, yes - balance is the key. I'm still going to eat my oats and sweet potatoes and vegetables but I'm also going to consider how many carbs I'm eating and, where possible, try and reduce those carbs or have less in one day. Also try to up my healthy fats.

Anyone else have any thoughts on these diets? Have they worked for you, were you able to stick them out longterm?
