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Finally Agreed To Accutane


Posted : 05/18/2012 3:50 pm

You're beautiful! Wishing you the best of luck, at least the drug is doing *something* haha. I don't know HOW you guys can't pop those things. I mean, I would advise against it, but when I have zits like those I just can't help but pop pop pop pop.


Awh thanks so much! :) Yeah that's definitely how I'm trying to look at it too, so I have something positive to go off of. And nooo I'm totaly with you there! Haha after I woke up, took a shower, then took this picture, those suckers were popped right then. I know so many people who freak out about popping zits, but I could never leave that on my face all day. Noo way. haha


Posted : 05/18/2012 5:32 pm

Heyy! I've missed you! Darn those things look very painful! But you are gorgeous! I want to see a prom picture!!!


Posted : 05/18/2012 6:05 pm

LOL, Honkers! I like your wording. But I'm sorry to see that you're dealing with breakouts. This cluster of pimples on my jawline look like that and they are sooo sensitive. It actually has been throbbing with pain. Hang in there, girlie. It's going to get better for us both. :) <3


Posted : 05/18/2012 10:01 pm

Sorry to hear about the breakouts! :( They look so painful! I know it's not good to pop zits, but how could anyone not pop a zit with a head on it like that?! I think that would drive me crazy if I didn't pop them. I hope they heal soon!


Since a lot of people are using Neosporin to help with the healing process (myself included), I wonder if the pain relief kind would help with painful cysts. I don't know that I've ever put Neosporin on any kind of painful injury, so I'm not sure if it works at all. If it does, it would be great for cysts. I'm going to have to try it out!


Posted : 05/26/2012 12:49 am



Posted : 06/07/2012 6:03 pm



Day... I really have no idea.. like 58 or something cuz its almost 2 months?


Guys, I'm so dissapointed in myself for not being on here in foreverrrr. I missed my Accutane family bunches. <3

BUT! I have a liable excuse.. I had to finish all my end of the year work and was so stressed cuz I was super behind, then now I'm in summer school and its hard. Sucky right? And I have to take it for two months, so no summer for me. Awesomeee..

I also have been out of town and just got back from an eventful week in California at the ocean and DISNEYLAND! It was so much fun and I came home yesterday and now I'm at work all day today, then leaving town again in 2 days. Ah hectic. But i like being busy I guess. Just takes me away from my log on here with y'all! haha smile.png


Okay on to the face...

BLAH. No difference really.. I am almost done with month 2 now and nothin really noticeable to talk about. My derm a few days ago at my appt said things are clearing up for sure and I am staying on 40 mg for the rest of the course. He said I might even get to get off early if things keep going like this. I should be jumping for joy right? But im not. Where does he see this improvement?? My face is pretty atrocious at the moment still... I feel like im just getting filled with false hope, but maybe hes right and Im just being dumb cuz I look at my skin like every second..


Mother fuggin Ipledge system... Where to start? It's so annoying and I almost got locked out for a whole month cuz I couldnt pick up my prescription on time since I was out of town. The past 2 months would have been for nothing. You fellow Accutaners can understand my distress, but thankfully I got it all worked out. That thing is still such a hassle every month though.. It's SO time sensitive its unbelievable.


Side effects: DRYYY. Omg drier than ever before. Under my nose is just horrible. No matter how much lotion or vaseline i put there it just looks all flaky and awful.. anyone else have this problem area? All around my face is dry, but that spot is just horrible..

The back pain isnt too bad now, so whoo! Just flares up when I move certain ways now. (i really hope i dont jinx myself...)

The tiredness is finally starting to wear in. I just always want to take naps now, and I seriously only used to take naps when I was sick, or sometimes not even then. But really all my side effects I truly deal with now are that little bit of tiredness and dryness. So much easier than I was expecting.


Oh and one other random side effect.. So like I said I went to the ocean recently, and My legs. They burned soo bad, like just stung like crazy and turned bright (i mean BRIGHT) red. I have neverrr experienced this before and I have been to the beach so many times. Only since I have been on Accutane. Could it have anything to do with this weird reaction? Like the salt or something? The rest of my body was red too kinda but my legs were the worst. My boyfriend was like "good god, your legs!" Waahh idk why D:


Taylor!!! AHH i have missed you dearly too my friend <3 Awhh you're too nice, thanks! I will put one up smile.png Haha i see you changed your name on here. Your boyfriend finally get you to be just as addicted? wink.png


Kaydon: haha thanks, gotta add some humor to this horrible situation we have to deal with. But really they were truly honkers.. haha but thankfully they're gone! Left some nasty red marks though.. sad.png Yes it will, I hope so for both of us<3 Hows your skin lately?


redhead rachel: Thanks! They're better now which is great. And i completely agree! I could NEVER leave them just sitting there, taunting me in the mirror.. I would've probably scared everyone away too... haha. And yeah that's good thinking. It would help. Darn I shoulda tried that! Ha but I do like using them on my other smaller ones when I pop them and they look like they could leave a scar.



My god. That was so long. My apologies to you all..


Posted : 06/07/2012 6:15 pm

Oh my goodness - you posted right after I was thinking about you and went to your log! YAY you're back! :)


Sorry to hear that your skin isn't clearing like you wanted it to. I've been feeling the same way. I'm in month three right now, and I am JUST now feeling my skin is about to make a huge turn-around. There's still time for things to change for you! Don't give up hope.


Posted : 06/07/2012 6:29 pm

OMFG YES. I missed you twin!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes he did :D Except I spelt the name wrong and now I have to wait a month to change it hahah stupid >:(


You all are so ahead of me ;( Promise when you all are done with your courses you won't leave me :(?


I'm sorry your skin isn't how you'd like it to be. Butttt we are our own worst critics! Let me see a pic and I bet you look gorgeoususususus.


Posted : 06/07/2012 10:32 pm

Welcome back to the boards!! I bet Cali was a blast!! I was just in Disney world last month so much fun! I've not done the Disneyland yet.. I will one day though. Sorry to hear about the bad burn!! That is a bummer. Hopefully some clearing starts soon for you! I am about to start month 4 and I might be starting to see results.


Sorry to hear about the summer school. I remember always being worried I would have to go to summer school. Never had to thank god but I understand it's going to be crappy to have barely no summer. Are you in school all day or just a couple hours a day?


OMFG YES. I missed you twin!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes he did :D Except I spelt the name wrong and now I have to wait a month to change it hahah stupid >:(


You all are so ahead of me ;( Promise when you all are done with your courses you won't leave me :(?


I'm sorry your skin isn't how you'd like it to be. Butttt we are our own worst critics! Let me see a pic and I bet you look gorgeoususususus.



I promises I won't leave you Taylor, I'll check in. Life will feel empty without hearing from you guys!! Good thing most of us are Facebook pals ;)


Posted : 06/08/2012 10:57 pm

Oh my goodness - you posted right after I was thinking about you and went to your log! YAY you're back! smile.png

Sorry to hear that your skin isn't clearing like you wanted it to. I've been feeling the same way. I'm in month three right now, and I am JUST now feeling my skin is about to make a huge turn-around. There's still time for things to change for you! Don't give up hope.


Haha ironic, but awh yes I am! :) Well I really hope your skin is making a turn around finally! You deserve it. We all do. Haha and yes I know there is still plenty of time. I'm really hoping month 3 will show me some improvement. Thanks, I'm really trying not to. <3

OMFG YES. I missed you twin!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes he did biggrin.png Except I spelt the name wrong and now I have to wait a month to change it hahah stupid brow.gif

You all are so ahead of me ;( Promise when you all are done with your courses you won't leave me sad.png?

I'm sorry your skin isn't how you'd like it to be. Butttt we are our own worst critics! Let me see a pic and I bet you look gorgeoususususus.


Hahahah i missed you moreee! I kept checking up on this and would see your comments and was like awh.. But i never had time to reply to everythingg so I waited. Ha but I'm back! Ahahah omigosh I didn't even notice till you said something. Shows how observant I am.. but sorry, it is a little funny.. ;) Of course we won't leave you! Even when I'm done I will still come on here and share my experience with others and see how people who were behind me are doing. :)

Thanks. I'm trying to be patient, its just hard. And yeah thats definitely true, I always criticize my skin way too much.. Hahaha awh shucks, okay I'll put one up :b

Welcome back to the boards!! I bet Cali was a blast!! I was just in Disney world last month so much fun! I've not done the Disneyland yet.. I will one day though. Sorry to hear about the bad burn!! That is a bummer. Hopefully some clearing starts soon for you! I am about to start month 4 and I might be starting to see results.

Sorry to hear about the summer school. I remember always being worried I would have to go to summer school. Never had to thank god but I understand it's going to be crappy to have barely no summer. Are you in school all day or just a couple hours a day?


Thanks! Yeah it was awesome!! :) Yeah I hear they're like pretty much the same, just Disney World has a few extra things to it, and they're in different areas obviously haha. But it's only like 5 hours away so it was an easy trip and great vacation. Yeah the burn was weird.. now im almost afraid to ever go back to the beach. Haha but I'm sure it was the salt or something reacting with my dry/sensitive skin. Or at least I'm hoping that's all it was.. haha. Thanks, I hope so too. Awh good, I hope it continues for you!

Yeah you're lucky. Ha it's not cuz I had bad grades either, its because the beginning of the year when I switched to online school it got all messed up and I didnt get any credit for my previous work in the school year, so now Im behind and trying to make it up so I can graduate on time next year. And well its online summer school, because thats the school I do. And it might not sound as bad since its only online, but its super hard and I have to sit on the computer for hoursss everyday. Like today I have been on here doing work for about 10 hours cuz going to Cali got me behind and now im trying to catch up. I kinda just wish I did public summer school cuz I would honestly being putting less hours in. Haa but I guess thats just life!


Posted : 06/22/2012 11:23 am

Day 74!


Day 74 guys? Seriously? Time honestly flies by while you're on this stuff if you just keep yourself busy. I just now realized im much over halfway through my Accutane course and it kinda feels like I just started. That's so exciting! smile.png


Anyways, I'll try to keep this short and sweet for ya.


Skin: Eh its slowly clearing up. Cheeks are still bad as always. But I havent had a breakout on my chin in months, and that was the worst part when I first started Accutane. I think it push all the nasties outta there somewhat for good. But i didnt breakout anywhere else bad when I started so maybe thats why I still am..

I have a hugee zit like on the side of my nose, by my eye and ugh its so gross and painful. Dontcha just love acne?


Side effects: DRY DRY DRY. Haha that's all I usually ever have for side effects to list. I mean which is a good thing. But especially under my nose still. It looks like I blow my nose every second of the day, but i donnttt D: And around my mouth and cheeks is super dry too. Well, everywhere pretty much. My body too, around my knees and elbows have gross little dry patches. Super chapped lips.. you guys know how it is.



Oh! Taylor, I keep forgetting you wanted to see a prom picture. I almost did it again, haha but heres one. It's not the best picture of my dress, but like every other one I had was either with my boyfriend, a family member, or friend.. haha so I needed just one of me. But my dress was lonng. This was before I had my corsage and jewelry an stuff on too :P


Posted : 06/22/2012 2:54 pm

Come back to the logsss :( I miss you! YOU LOOK GORGEOUSSS and your dress is beautiful.


Your makeup looks amazing, what the hell do you use for your face girly?


Posted : 06/22/2012 3:43 pm

I love your dress!! And I agree with Taylor what the hell do you use on your face? Because you don't look like you have acne at all!!!


Posted : 06/23/2012 3:50 pm

Come back to the logsss sad.png I miss you! YOU LOOK GORGEOUSSS and your dress is beautiful.

Your makeup looks amazing, what the hell do you use for your face girly?


I love your dress!! And I agree with Taylor what the hell do you use on your face? Because you don't look like you have acne at all!!!


Haha im sorrry twin :( I always check up on mine just to see if people say anything, and my messages. But ive been super sucky at actually like updated it or reading other peoples blogs. I know, i suck.. But I've been on more lately :)

THANKS LADIESS :D You're too kind ;) But well thats the beauty of makeup. Haha i wish I could say it really looked that nice, but for some reason the flash was superr bright on this pic so it like made my face look all nice. And for prom I also had a boatload of makeup on, since I knew I would be taking so many pictures. In real life though, you could see the acne more than a picture. BUT I will say I do have a little gem that makes my skin look 10000 times better. Its from Avon and its a little powder concealer you dab on each zit with a brush. Ugh it looks soo good, like my skin almost looks flawless with it, but they stopped selling it.. Which was like the worst news of my life. hahah so now I only use it for special occasions when I needa look my best, so every other day is a poopy lookin face :(


Posted : 06/23/2012 4:05 pm

You do not look poopy eva! How is your skin doing?


Posted : 06/25/2012 4:30 pm

You do not look poopy eva! How is your skin doing?


Hahah why thank youu <3 And its doin okay I suppose. I only see a little bit of improvement so far I guess and I'm almost on month 4! I mean geez c'mon let me see some clearing going on! Haha but yeah its just suppppeeeerrrrr dry and annoying mostly. I've been keeping up on reading your log, but hows yours doin the past couple days?


Posted : 06/26/2012 12:24 am

You do not look poopy eva! How is your skin doing?


Hahah why thank youu <3 And its doin okay I suppose. I only see a little bit of improvement so far I guess and I'm almost on month 4! I mean geez c'mon let me see some clearing going on! Haha but yeah its just suppppeeeerrrrr dry and annoying mostly. I've been keeping up on reading your log, but hows yours doin the past couple days?


I'm doing good, more improvement than there is breakouts, but I am still breaking out, especially near my mouth on the left side. It was 4 actives, and now today it's only 2, 2 of them dried up during the night, that's how dry,my skin is :D

My forehead, chin, and the right side of my cheek are clear, the left is taking a small beating, nothing horrible.


Posted : 06/30/2012 7:28 am

Thats great about the skin Taylor!! I saw on your log too its doing even better and thats awesome smile.png



Okay sorry ive been kinda MIA again lately guys.. but i have a reason. This isnt acne related but i'll still share. My boyfriend i have been with for a long time now is leaving for boot camp for the marines in a week... Ive been super busy with him and trying to spend like every second we have left together with him. We are going on a last time vacation together today as well so I might not be on here during that time. Then i'll probably be too busy crying when hes gone to come on here. Haha just kidding, well sorta..


But yeah just thought id inform you all on that. Its gonna definitely be the hardest thing Ive ever had to go through but hes worth it to me<3 Im just hoping by October when i see him for the first time I will finally be acne free and lookin better than ever for him.


Posted : 06/30/2012 2:51 pm

Aww I am sorry that is a bummer. I bet that is going to be hard! October feels so long from now! Enjoy your last days together girl, don't worry about keeping us updated! Hang in there!!


Posted : 07/09/2012 2:11 pm

Aww I am sorry that is a bummer. I bet that is going to be hard! October feels so long from now! Enjoy your last days together girl, don't worry about keeping us updated! Hang in there!!


Thanks so much <3 He left yesterday morning.. It killed me and I couldn't stop crying, ha everyone was. Even some of his guy friends couldn't help it. My boyfriend actually was crying too, and let me tell you, that was the hardest thing ever.. seeing him cry. He got to message me yesterday on facebook from the hotel he was at, and today at the airport he said he might even get to call me before he flys to camp Pendleton in San Diego. Its not for sure, but i really hope he can, and im dreading the thought of missing his call... cuz ive been so sick for the past 12 days so I have to go to the doctor and my appointment is around when hes supposed to call.. That will be the last time I hear his voice until October :/ But thanks girl, im staying strong for him <3

... On another note though to everyone, my skin is the same pretty much. The dermatologist's office screwed up my appointment so I'll probably run out of pills by my next refill, but oh well, it'll still be in my system. My appointment is tomorrow though so I'll let you guys know how it goes.


Posted : 07/09/2012 2:40 pm

Thanks so much <3 He left yesterday morning.. It killed me and I couldn't stop crying, ha everyone was. Even some of his guy friends couldn't help it. My boyfriend actually was crying too, and let me tell you, that was the hardest thing ever.. seeing him cry. He got to message me yesterday on facebook from the hotel he was at, and today at the airport he said he might even get to call me before he flys to camp Pendleton in San Diego. Its not for sure, but i really hope he can, and im dreading the thought of missing his call... cuz ive been so sick for the past 12 days so I have to go to the doctor and my appointment is around when hes supposed to call.. That will be the last time I hear his voice until October :/ But thanks girl, im staying strong for him <3

... On another note though to everyone, my skin is the same pretty much. The dermatologist's office screwed up my appointment so I'll probably run out of pills by my next refill, but oh well, it'll still be in my system. My appointment is tomorrow though so I'll let you guys know how it goes.


Awww hun I am so sorry. I cannot even imagine what you are going through. I guess it helps to know he is doing a wonderful thing for our country and without people like him we wouldn't be the USA ya know! So many people are thankful for what he is doing for us :) Oh my god I would have cried too! I cry when anyone cries. It is terrible. It sounds like it was a tough time. Hang in there and I really hope that you are able to hear from him today and you don't miss the call! I hope you figure one why you are so sick! Feel better on many different levels hun!!!


Posted : 07/19/2012 4:22 pm

Thanks so much <3 He left yesterday morning.. It killed me and I couldn't stop crying, ha everyone was. Even some of his guy friends couldn't help it. My boyfriend actually was crying too, and let me tell you, that was the hardest thing ever.. seeing him cry. He got to message me yesterday on facebook from the hotel he was at, and today at the airport he said he might even get to call me before he flys to camp Pendleton in San Diego. Its not for sure, but i really hope he can, and im dreading the thought of missing his call... cuz ive been so sick for the past 12 days so I have to go to the doctor and my appointment is around when hes supposed to call.. That will be the last time I hear his voice until October :/ But thanks girl, im staying strong for him <3

... On another note though to everyone, my skin is the same pretty much. The dermatologist's office screwed up my appointment so I'll probably run out of pills by my next refill, but oh well, it'll still be in my system. My appointment is tomorrow though so I'll let you guys know how it goes.


Awww hun I am so sorry. I cannot even imagine what you are going through. I guess it helps to know he is doing a wonderful thing for our country and without people like him we wouldn't be the USA ya know! So many people are thankful for what he is doing for us smile.png Oh my god I would have cried too! I cry when anyone cries. It is terrible. It sounds like it was a tough time. Hang in there and I really hope that you are able to hear from him today and you don't miss the call! I hope you figure one why you are so sick! Feel better on many different levels hun!!!


Thanks so much girl, it means a lot to me<3 Yeah that makes me feel somewhat better, ha cuz he makes me so incredibly proud with what he is doing. Nope we couldn't!:P Haha me too, im a total crier with anything. That was just something that made me cry a whole lot extra :/ haa Thanks, I didnt miss his call :) 🙂 I had an appointment scheduled for 3 then changed it to 1 and he ended up calling at 3. I got SO lucky!! haha. Now I've just been waiting for almost 2 weeks now for his first letter. But i got to send my letters yesterday ive been writing cuz I got his address finally! Yeah i went there and I had pneumonia :( Ugh it was horrible, its been like almost a month and its still not all gone totaly. I was put on antibiotics, steroids, got an inhaler, and did breathing treatments though and that helped a tonn. I've been keeping strong and doing pretty good actually, and I am a lot less sick than I was thankgod haha but thanks soo much!!


Posted : 07/20/2012 10:55 am

I would cry too for.. forever. Before you know it you'll see him again! I'm sorry you're going through this :( I hope everything gets better. Is your skin improving? That could be an upside to some of this :(


Posted : 07/27/2012 8:49 am

So I'm taking some time today to let all of you know how much I appreciate the fact that you are keeping these logs and allowing others to follow your progress. I'm starting accutane in about a week and a half (I hope) and it has helped me SO MUCH to see how others are handling their experiences. You, Taylor and Rachel are probably the three I can identify with the most. I will be keeping a log with the hope that I can help someone else.


I will soon be 17 and starting my junior year this fall. I will be taking online classes for a semester because we are in the process of moving from the east coast to Arizona (yup...Arizona!) I was a little nervous when I read about your online experience and how you said it was HARDER. Craps. I will be taking honors chem, honors American gov., honors English, Spanish lV, pre calc and psych. Am I gonna die????? It's like I told Taylor....At least I will be able to hide in my coccoon while I'm transforming into a hidous creature. But hopefully I will emerge a beautiful butterfly ;)

Also, I'm sorry about your boyfriend having to leave :(((( That's gotta be hard.

I'm not gonna lie, the things I am most afraid of are the initial bad breakouts, scaly skin and THE LIPS! Tell me the truth, can I kiss while I'm on accutane or is too gross? BE HONEST. I don't want to miss out on dating for 6 months, nor do I want my lips to fall off during a makeout session! I do not currently have a boyfriend (although I am talking to a couple guys) but I really don't know if I should persue anything. I know it sounds so stupid and shallow, like if they really liked me they could see past my acne and the side effects. But lets be honest, it would be one thing if I already HAD a's entirely different to try and start a relationship looking like something from a horror movie. So sad. Sorry about the tangent but I'm worried about so many things!


Anyhooo...Thanks again for sharing. I just wanted to let you know that someone appreciates it!




Posted : 07/29/2012 6:37 pm

My mans in the marine corps also! <3 semper fi do or die! <3 hope your doing well I'm on a second course of accutane
