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Wedding Day Count Down - Accutane Do Your Stuff!


Posted : 02/23/2010 2:55 pm

I'm glad things are going well for you! The brittle skin sucks. I have two massive cuts going down my right arm that I don't know how I got. My dad said a demon attacked me in my sleep. For some reason, I don't think that's what happened at all!


Your skin is looking great, and you're BEAUTIFUL. Keep up the progress! :D


Posted : 02/23/2010 4:54 pm

I noticed the thin skin too! I am currently learning about judging dogs for confirmation, and while sticking my hand in a dogs mouth my finger scraped against the teeth and it is like a big scrape! Normally this would not do anything at all to my hands!


Not look in the mirror? Was it a guy that told you such? I can not imagine walking out the door and not knowing what I looked like. I am pretty much addicted to reflective surfaces!


I have my fingers crossed for you too! Double fingers crossed makes it even we shall totally not hear bad news from you skin wise now right?


Posted : 02/23/2010 8:57 pm

michellemac: Im so glad that u are doing great!! Wow.. day 82.. seems so long yet so fast!! If u know what i mean!

im in Day 36 and it feels like each day is crawling by... but i cant believe that i managed to complete 1 month of my course! yay! haha...

Anyway.... hope that u would look better n better!! U r gonna be a beautiful bride very soon!


Posted : 02/24/2010 4:20 pm

Day 83


I just got back from seeing my derm and here's my update :)


He of course saw me in the one good week I've had so far, so he thinks I'm doing great and doesnt' want to increase my dose.... I didn't fight to hard because well...I guess I'd rather live without another IB and have my eczema start taking over other parts of my body. The good thing though is that as I loose my wedding weight it's like I'm uping my dose just a smidgen. And he's cool with that... so yay for more cardio I guess :P lol


He said my bloodwork was remarkable, it actaully surprised him because apparently I'm still healthier than the average person NOT on Accutane. My liver is holding up as if I wasn't even taking it so yay for my organs! :)


I'm going to try a new script for my eczema bc it's being so difficult and not always getting better when I use my Hydroval. The new cream is called Nerisone... anyone have experience with it??


He also prescribed a gel to put in my nose so it doesn't bleed so much. I'm not getting nose bleeds per say, but my nose is permanently crusted over inside with blood. Which is fine most of the time but on the odd occasion it hurts and I keep getting really stuffed up by it :P so hopefully that helps too :)


I also got the pleasure of having my two cysts injected. Hopefully that will make them go away soon but it may make them all red and swollen in my pics tomorrow :P My derm also said to just "pop in" any time I have one and he'll squeeze me in to take care of it! I swear this man is the best doctor I have ever met!


That's it for now!


I'll post a skin update and pics tomorrow! :D have a great afternoon everyone!


Posted : 02/25/2010 2:34 pm

Day 84 - 12 weeks!


so..... things don't suck. That sums it up pretty good :) I had a couple weeks there where things SUCKED! but now they don't suck so much anymore. They aren't awesome, but they'll do.


Skin - feeling a lot smoother. I have two healing actives and two new-ish actives around the edges of my face. I think i'ts from leaing on my hands too much. MUST NOT TOUCH FACE!


The two cysts I had injected yesterday are about smaller by half, but they're still red and bluish marks. So thats good


I also tried to squeeze a clogged pore last night and ended up leaving a red mark on my cheek above the active on my lip (I got the sucker out though lol). Again I'm an idiot I really have to stop doing that!


I had a horrible eczema flare up this morning. Probably bc I didn't think I needed to fill my new script last night for my new cortisone cream. ugh so my luck! It was really itchy and even painful at some spots. But I used my Hydroval and four hours later it isnt' so bad.


Otherwise I hope things keep improving I have a lot of scaring that is making me look splotchy but the number of actives is decreasing. Let me know what you think :)


Take care everyone!




Note: I want an eyebrow was sooooooo badly! But I decided to test out the whole waxing on accutane thing a month ago and it didnt' go so well. I don't know what part of my brain thought it would be good to test that theory on a brazilian .... but in the game Michelle vs. Hot Wax.... the hot wax won :P I mean it was worth it bc I was going on vacation but ladies if you don't have a high pain tolerance, stay clear !


so needless to say... no eyebrow wax for me! I've heard threading is a good alternative but I've never tried it? Any suggestions???


Posted : 02/25/2010 3:37 pm

I'm so glad that things are going well! I love reading posts like this! They just brighten my day.


Posted : 02/26/2010 11:21 am

Day 85


faithinhim - Thanks for you message! You just brighened my day too :) I hoping eventually my log will be more inspirational and less the horror story..... well maybe not quite horror story :P



So skin wise.... this sounds so stupid but I swear I an actaul improvement since yesterday...


Maybe I'm grasping and hoping too much but hey I'll take what I can get...I only have one real active, the second one up and vanished which is great... wish they all would lol. Both cysts are smaller again and the two healing spots are healing up nicely. Just a bunch of scaring but even that is less red today.


I know I'm being silly.... but let me know what you are in the same room with same camera setting...even the same time of day, so they should be comparable...



Overwise - eczema is still acting up today. But all else is the same.


Posted : 02/26/2010 2:43 pm

Hey girl! I definitely know what you mean about seeing almost an overnight improvement. My derm actually told me that a lot of her patients say this! I've noticed sooo much improvement over the last week, too. Yay for us! I've not been on here much lately but it seems like you're doing well! :)


Posted : 02/26/2010 6:28 pm

Your improvement is remarkable! It's great to see that kind of rapid progress...I know what you mean as well.


It's funny your wedding is in October. My sister just got engaged and her wedding is going to be in November, and I actually have a similar mentality as you in that respect. I'm determined to be clear for the wedding, cause I'm a groomsman and need to be up on the altar (I think? I don't know much about weddings and I'm kind of ignorant when it comes to them). Either way, I think we're beating our countdown!


Posted : 02/27/2010 7:50 am

dear michellemac: Your progress is really so amazing!!!


Posted : 03/02/2010 10:22 am

Day 89



OMG ECZEMA! really that will be my quote of the day :P


I think eczema is actually making a play at ruling the world (aka: my world) and it's starting with my poor arms!


I think I jinxed myself last week. My derm gave me a stronger script for the rash and i thought hmm well I have this whole tube of stuff that works 99% of the time, so I'm not going to bother getting a new one! ... BAM Saturday = eczema world domination...and of course my hydroval stopped working all together... unless you count burning itchy reaction working...which I don't :)


So last night I got the new cream, and apparenlty it's STRONG. the pharmacist told me not to leave it on my fingertips after rubbing it in... well you can image how much fun it is to wash the cream off my fingers and palms while leaving it on the backs of my hands.... ugh fml. I mean talk about your worlds stupidest challenges.


Anywho, Eczema still isn't better but I'm hoping after a couple days of this cream it will improve.


My nose is also better! It was so awful all weekend I wasn't breathing out of my nose so I could avoid the dried up blood and grossness. Well along with my eczema script my derm gave me some antibacterial gel stuff too. I got to stick that up my nose last night but it worked awesome! When I woke up and blew my nose this morning there was basicall no blood! It was sooo cool that hasn't happened in about three months now! ... ah the highlights of my days lol :P


Skin wise - I have a new active on my forehead, with a nice white tip but it feel like it won't last too long. But I have this mother of a spot that's slowly making its way up on my chin. I mean this sucker feels deep ...ugh hoping it gets distracted and goes away!


The active on my cheek from last week got so big this weekend that I actually had to pop it! It was painfully swollen and I just couldnt' take it anymore so I squeezed the little bugger... and of course there's still a bump there and it will probably last forever now... go me!


The cyst on my cheek is all but gone but theres a black spot that looks like trapped blood under the skin, where it use to be. I have no idea how to get rid of it!


Otherwise, dry dry dry! But I'm of to Florida again in two weeks so that should help slightly... I hope.


fel_han - Thank you so much! It's slow progress but slow is better than none I guess :)


Gov't Guy 26 - Thanks! I think the rapid progress lasted pretty much the one day but it's still nice to know it can happen! And I know we'll beat our countown to the weddings! And even if you aren't on the alter it's the pictures that are my biggest worry but I know we'll both look awesome!


mallory - I'm so glad to hear your doing well too! I need to catch up on your log soon :) I think the overnight improvement is just my bodies way of saying "Don't worry it is getting better" it always seems to happen right when I feel fed up and frustrated lol It's nice to have a little reassurance that you can see on your face!


Take care everyone!


Posted : 03/02/2010 3:03 pm

.... you know what sucks...



When your entire country parties their ass's off, IN THE STREETS! and drinks until they just can't anymore in celebration of an amazing event that won't ever have the same exact exhilleration again.... AND YOU MISS IT!


...ugh honestly, all I see is thousands of facebook pics of the incredible party that was the city of Toronto, and I mean once in a life time shut the city down incredible party! And I stay'd home because well.... that situation minus liquor = me a big stick in the mud.


Blah :P I'll just have to have my own damn party to celebrate in July when I'm off the tane :) ... of course I'm sure traffic won't stop for me quite the same way lol


Posted : 03/02/2010 3:21 pm

Those pictures show an amazing difference in just one day! That's awesome!


Posted : 03/03/2010 8:59 am

BOOOOOOOO for missing out on partying


but YAYYYYYYYYYYYY for the improvement! Things are really looking good!


Posted : 03/04/2010 9:17 am

Day 91 - Week 13!!!


Hello ladies and gents, I'm almost half way through my course :) YAY I think I may actually celebrate when I hit 15 weeks :D ... maybe with a bottle of champagne :) or rather a sniff bc that will make me plastered lol :P



So updates:


Skin - >fingers crossed< is good. No actives! REALLY! I have a LOT of healing spots and scars and a few spots on my forehead, chin and the sides of my cheeks that feel like they're threatening to show up soon ... But for today ... or this morning at least I'm ok!


Still very dry and peeling most days but nothing I can't handle. I think most ppl at work have now come to accept that my face just flakes off my about lunch time lol


Eczema - still trying to take over my world unfortunately. The new script is super strong and is working verys lowly and making the skin on myh ands really really delicat. I keep getting nicks and cuts everywhere! So even if the eczema clears up it still looks like I stuck my hands in a blender and hit pure! But again not the end of the world.


Otherwise nothing else to complain about ( Yet lol, lets give it a day and see if I can still say that)


Hope everyone else is going good too!




Posted : 03/04/2010 9:19 am

Day 91 - Week 13!!!


Hello ladies and gents, I'm almost half way through my course :) YAY I think I may actually celebrate when I hit 15 weeks :D ... maybe with a bottle of champagne :) or rather a sniff bc that will make me plastered lol :P



So updates:


Skin - >fingers crossed< is good. No actives! REALLY! I have a LOT of healing spots and scars and a few spots on my forehead, chin and the sides of my cheeks that feel like they're threatening to show up soon ... But for today ... or this morning at least I'm ok!


Still very dry and peeling most days but nothing I can't handle. I think most ppl at work have now come to accept that my face just flakes off my about lunch time lol


Eczema - still trying to take over my world unfortunately. The new script is super strong and is working verys lowly and making the skin on myh ands really really delicat. I keep getting nicks and cuts everywhere! So even if the eczema clears up it still looks like I stuck my hands in a blender and hit pure! But again not the end of the world.


Otherwise nothing else to complain about ( Yet lol, lets give it a day and see if I can still say that)


Hope everyone else is going good too!


headtrip_honey - thanks! I guess I'll just have to make up for the partying this summer :)


faithinhim - I know the change in one day was kind of awesome! It worried me that I woudnt' see more improvement again for awhile but I think things are pretty much staying slow and steady... it's better than not at all!




Posted : 03/04/2010 10:09 am

You're looking good!


I'm strangely enough not flaking that much...and I'm not really even moisturizing. I use jojoba oil to "wash" my face, as it were, so that leaves a film on my face which helps, I suppose. My nose is peeling like crazy, however, but that's my own fault because I won't leave it alone. I've been putting Aquaphor on it, which is helping.


My eczema has spread to my middle finger. It doesn't itch anymore, and if I could stop picking at it (I know, I know... ) I'm pretty sure it would go away.


Posted : 03/04/2010 2:23 pm



How do you wash your face with the jojoba oil? Do you just use it like you would use soap? I've mixed it in with my moisturizer at night but the effects are still not great just good. I find aquaphor is still the best bet for my dryness.


But I managed to convince myself that it broke me out when I went to florida... I know it didn't, it was my stupid raging hormones off the pill, but it's a stupid mental block so it's always my last resort.


That sucks that your eczema is spreading too, it's an evil thing ugh. I would pick if it didn't hurt so much! It hardly ever itches but i do get this stabby tingly pain. But it's more the look of it thats so awful!


thanks for the encouragement! :) I just hope the good skin days keep up!


Posted : 03/04/2010 3:01 pm


How do you wash your face with the jojoba oil? Do you just use it like you would use soap? I've mixed it in with my moisturizer at night but the effects are still not great just good. I find aquaphor is still the best bet for my dryness.

But I managed to convince myself that it broke me out when I went to florida... I know it didn't, it was my stupid raging hormones off the pill, but it's a stupid mental block so it's always my last resort.

That sucks that your eczema is spreading too, it's an evil thing ugh. I would pick if it didn't hurt so much! It hardly ever itches but i do get this stabby tingly pain. But it's more the look of it thats so awful!

thanks for the encouragement! 🙂 I just hope the good skin days keep up!

I just massage the jojoba oil into my face (it works really well if you're wearing makeup, because it breaks down makeup really easily), then take a warm washcloth and start taking it off. It takes several go arounds because, you know, oil doesn't like mixing with water, but in the end you end up leaving a slight "film" on your face anyway, which works well as a moisture barrier.


Posted : 03/04/2010 11:13 pm

Hello there. I was reading your log and came to the bit about missing the hockey related partying in Toronto, and I thought ditto! I live there too but was abroad at the time and I am soooo sad to have missed seeing the big street party shenanigans. I wondered if there's any chance we'd have the same derm, too, but it sounds like yours helpfully gives you stuff, whereas mine gives me about five minutes of his time and nothing more. Anyway, your skin is looking great and I am sure it will be perfect by the time of your wedding. P.S. I am finding myself bizarrely jealous of your good blood results.


Posted : 03/05/2010 1:28 pm

Day 92 - Meh???



So things are still going ok... Theres a new active trying to pop up on my forehead but it reminds me a bit of an iceberg bc I'm pretty sure majority of it's mass is still lurking below the surface just waiting to sink a big ass ship :)


It will probably come into it's full glory once I'm away for the weekend. I'm going snowmobiling in norther ontario.... now I know by being in Canada I'm pretty north already.... I'm going beyond no mans land... It's like moose and wolf country only lol But it also means I'll probably be staying in a "cottage" that is actually just a shack sans mirrors of any kind. And I always end up having the inevitable conversation about why I put makeup on when I'm in the middle of no where....


... because Mrs. poreless perfect, I believe I would run out into the forest and live with the animals if i had to stand beside you while our skin is compared :D thanks though lol


Meh I'll just have to suck it up and bring a compact :P


Other than the iceberg I'm just super dry around my mouth but I'm going to make sure to use my Aquaphor all weekend to combat the dry flakiness.


Honey - I'll definatly give the washing with the jojoba oil a shot too! It sounds like it stands a chance of protecting my skin a tab while I"m heading down stupid snowy trails at 150 km an hour :D ... at least I hope it does. Hope you have a great weekend!


Jezika - Hey sucks we both missed the party! I heard that Dundas square was closed and it was the biggest and most high energy party you've ever seen! My derm is honestly the best doctor I have ever met in my life! He's a nice guy and he seems to really care about his patience. He even asks me to email him every couple of weeks so he knows how I'm doing and so he can suggest things if I need them! If you want a new derm I'd be happy to give you his info :)


Otherwise thx for the compliment and well I don't know what I did to have such good blood results. I eat mostly like crap but take all my vitamins so somehow it's a good combination :) Have a great weekend!


Posted : 03/05/2010 1:59 pm

your skin looks amazing, glad the treatment is working well for you.


very pretty i may add


Posted : 03/05/2010 8:31 pm

Glad you are improving!!!


Sit tight girl, it will be over before you know it!!


My skin took the full five months before I could actually say I am clear. But I am!


wishing you well!


Posted : 03/06/2010 12:30 pm



....turns out there's another girl with a tane log who's engaged now.






Posted : 03/07/2010 11:47 pm

Hey Michelle!


Thank you so much for what you said in my log. It means a lot that we all have eachother and can support/bitch about what we have to go through w accutane! :)


You're making so much progress and it goes by so fast! Picking is my worst enemy too. I've actually been putting a small piece of gauze tape on my face if I get an active that's tempting me. I'll walk around, go to the gym, whatever... If anyone asks, I'll say I got scratched by my cat/got a mole removed/anything haha... other than the truth that I might have a massive zit begging me to pop it. But it has worked wonders for me. Luckily, I think I MIGHT be in the clear w getting actives now that I'm on day 97.. but I never say never - yet.


Good luck and I'll check back to see how you're doing!


