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What Is Helping My 14-Year-Old Son's Skin


Posted : 02/24/2015 6:41 pm

Acne is. first and foremost, genetic. It runs in my family pretty strong. My three sisters and I had it and all our respectful kids have run into it as well. It doesn't matter what you eat, if it's genetic, it's going to happen, although the severity differs from person to person.

I was fortunate that when I broke out the worst (at age 19), I found a just-opened business by an esthetician in my town. She guaranteed I would be clear in a month, and I was. Over the years I've strayed from her products, but I have always come back and especially for my kids' acne.

Fast forward many years, my son is my youngest of three. He started breaking out with mild acne about a year ago. I couldn't get him to stick to a routine because it didn't bother him yet. It got to be moderate by January and he agreed to stick to a routine.

What used to be Acne Treatment Clinic back when I was 19 (25 years ago) is now Lumiplexion. A few years ago the owner left the busy Bay Area for a quieter area up in the mountains. The business is now solely online.

My son started about mid-January doing his routine. We added a mask a few weeks ago, and since then even his sisters have noticed how he's really starting to clear up. He had started getting where he didn't want to go out of the house, and within the past couple weeks, he's much happier.

His routine:


Wash with Panoxyl 4% BP

Sunscreen with 30 SPF from Lumiplexion $20 (lasts about 4 months)


Wash with Proactive Deep Cleansing wash

Medicated sulfur mask from Lumiplexion (he leaves on about an hour) $25 (lasts about two months)

10% BP - Lumiplexion $22 (lasts about three months)

Lumiplexion also has sulfur medication for those sensitive to BP. My 17-year-old cannot use BP. Her routine is black soap wash and Lumiplexion sunscreen in the morning. At night same medicated sulfur mask and the sulfur medication. This has kept her clear for the past three years.

What's great about Lumiplexion is the owner, Pamela, gives you one-on-one attention. She will customize the skin routine originally. She will tweak it if things are not clearing. She will even tweak the medication itself to adjust it for your needs. I put the prices of what we use so you can see what her prices are. She has monthly specials if you get on her mailing list.

I hope this information can help someone with their situation.


DeLovely liked

Posted : 02/26/2015 8:57 pm

Hi Julie...your kids are lucky to have a mom who knows what they are going through and can help steer them to good resources and info! So glad your son found a skin-care plan that's working and giving him his confidence back!! :) My own 13-year-old is doing the Acne.Org Regimen and it's going great!


Posted : 02/27/2015 11:13 am

Thank you, DeLovely. I am glad to hear your son is having success on the regimen. Dan's program is great for many people. It's just not comprehensive enough to work for everybody at every age - not even a sunscreen - yikes!
