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Im In Bp 2.5% In Over A Month.


Posted : 03/29/2013 5:22 pm

To make the long story short, I now have what I think is an " adult acne ". And, as I was looking for some remedies, I 've decided to try using BP2.5% (Benzac AC in particular). The first couple of weeks was torable, considering waht I have read, but now, I don't know if this is still....

The acnes were reoccuring, like the first few days it will dry out and seem to fade, but come in a few weeks it will resurface again. Plus, the stinging feel it has on me. Im only applying it once a day, and still, the effects were still the same.

I also think that me applying the moisturizer also contributes to the broke outs and so, I tend not to, but then, I ended up applying it, because of the dryness. I am using Cetaphil Moisturizing cream (just over a week now, just decided to give it a try) but it seems it doesn't work well.

Any comments and opinions about my situation will be gladly appreciated! Thank you :)


Posted : 03/29/2013 7:56 pm

I use the same moisturizer.. and it works great. Apply it at night after you let your bp dry, give it like 20-40 minutes then apply it. Remember to wash your hands before you use it since you will be using your hands.




I thought cetaphil wasn't doing nothing because my flakes would go away while the moisturizer was on but as soon as I washed my face the flakes would come back..I found out what the problem was.


I was using too much bp. If you use too much bp your defeating the purpose of the moisturizer. I use to think the more bp I used the better it would work well that's not the case it gave me really dry skin and broke me out bad. Flakes may cover up acne but in the long run will make it worse.


Just put on a pea sized amount on each section, forehead cheeks nose chin etc. That's it at first it might feel like you didn't use enough but trust me with bp a little goes a long way, after that let it dry then put on the cetaphil and go to sleep.


Posted : 03/30/2013 4:54 pm

Thank you. That maybe the cause of the problem. Anyways, Im just only over a month using it, maybe in the coming months I will see the results. Thanks so much for that. :)


Posted : 03/30/2013 7:30 pm

Thank you. That maybe the cause of the problem. Anyways, Im just only over a month using it, maybe in the coming months I will see the results. Thanks so much for that. 🙂

Your welcome.
