Starting The Regime...
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Starting The Regimen! 11.18.13


Posted : 11/24/2013 9:44 pm

Whoo hoo, girl, glad those nasties are moving on. Yep, that dryness is gonna start catching up to you. But, you're young enough that you probably won't have the same issues I had (wrinkles, ugh!) But, it will get better. I never really liked Dan't moisturizer, but Cetaphil Moisturizing lotion with jojoba worked alright and my makeup went on half way decently...your makeup won't be perfect, but it will look better! After awhile, the Cetaphil starting feeling really heavy, so I switched to Clinique. This is just my skin, so maybe Dan's moisturizer will end up being better for you! I hope so!

No new nasties to report today, yay! I did try something new this evening when taking off my makeup....I still have that annoying pimple (actually, I think it's a cyst. It's under the skin and doesn't want to come to a head, grrrr...) between my nose and beginning of my eyebrow. What I did is mixed sea salt, honey, apple cider vinegar and a little tea tree oil with some distilled water. After I cleansed and toned, I put this mixture on my face and let it sit for 15 minutes. Let's see if this will help with that annoying little bugger! I'm still keeping with The Regimen, but I really like to find natural alternatives. Don't worry though...I'm not going back to ALL natural. That was a disaster before! I'll let you know about the results tomorrow! I'm still applying the BP after all my cleansing is done and I'm also still moisturizing with the AHA at night...surprised.gif

Oh! And I started putting some honey on the active nasties after the BP...this seems to be helping a bit, but I'll keep you updated!


Posted : 11/24/2013 10:00 pm

Whoo hoo, girl, glad those nasties are moving on. Yep, that dryness is gonna start catching up to you. But, you're young enough that you probably won't have the same issues I had (wrinkles, ugh!) But, it will get better. I never really liked Dan't moisturizer, but Cetaphil Moisturizing lotion with jojoba worked alright and my makeup went on half way decently...your makeup won't be perfect, but it will look better! After awhile, the Cetaphil starting feeling really heavy, so I switched to Clinique. This is just my skin, so maybe Dan's moisturizer will end up being better for you! I hope so!

No new nasties to report today, yay! I did try something new this evening when taking off my makeup....I still have that annoying pimple (actually, I think it's a cyst. It's under the skin and doesn't want to come to a head, grrrr...) between my nose and beginning of my eyebrow. What I did is mixed sea salt, honey, apple cider vinegar and a little tea tree oil with some distilled water. After I cleansed and toned, I put this mixture on my face and let it sit for 15 minutes. Let's see if this will help with that annoying little bugger! I'm still keeping with The Regimen, but I really like to find natural alternatives. Don't worry though...I'm not going back to ALL natural. That was a disaster before! I'll let you know about the results tomorrow! I'm still applying the BP after all my cleansing is done and I'm also still moisturizing with the AHA at night...surprised.gif

Oh! And I started putting some honey on the active nasties after the BP...this seems to be helping a bit, but I'll keep you updated!

I know!!! I just hope the dry skin lets up soon! It's amazing to have my acne clear up, but the dry skin is horrid! But I don't want to be one of the ones that quit just because of dry skin. I'd rather have dry skin over acne any day. I think I will keep with Dan's Moisturizer, just because I want to keep to the same things. His moisturizer is so thick that it really helps me. It's just by the 9-12 hour span I get really dry, but before that time, it's all good. :) The BP is helping so much, and knowing that it kills 99% of acne bacteria is amazing to me! Since I figure my acne is bacterial, this BP is really helping more than I thought possible!!

I'm so happy you have no new nasties to report, and hope tomorrow you check in saying that the treatment worked!!! It's so nice being able to have clearer skin, and I know I have to make sure not to hold my skin to a higher standard just because I'm clearer. I break out, and when I do now, I think "well it's way better than it was before" so I can't complain!!

I just ordered a 16oz of moisturizer and cleanser, because I'm already half way out ahhh !!! I'd rather have backups instead of out hahah. I tend to use more cleanser, because I wash face twice (Gently) to get makeup off. :)


Posted : 11/25/2013 6:18 pm


DAY 7:




Coming off like snack skin omgggg. && believe me i know what snake skin looks like when shedding,

I work at a Petstore with them!!

I don't know whether to pick it off (looks way worse with makeup on but i'm wearing makeup) but omg...

jojoba oil isn't working just yet...hopefully this too shall pass.


I am pretty much clear right now. Just two or three actives.



I meant do I pick the dry skin off or leave it saywhat.gif


Posted : 11/25/2013 8:50 pm

Hey Alyssa!'s setting in my dear....the PEELING! You can try gently exfoliating in the morning with jojoba oil...that's what a lot of people do while on the Regimen...I have a very mild exfoliater I use in the morning that has a little bit of an AHA, but your skin may be too sensitive for that right now. But...I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOUR SKIN IS CLEARING! Awesome! Keep it up...don't give up, whatever you do!

I had a minor setback, but to be honest, I think it's a purge...I have two new pimples under my jawline...I have had some bumps there previously, so I think it's the old ones coming to the surface. And that darned cyst between the ridge of my nose and my's finally coming to the surface too, but it's just not moving fast enough, ugh! Patience is a virtue, so they say glare.gif Other than that, everything is going rather well!

YOU GO GIRL! You'll be clear before you know it!


Posted : 11/25/2013 10:16 pm

Hey Alyssa!'s setting in my dear....the PEELING! You can try gently exfoliating in the morning with jojoba oil...that's what a lot of people do while on the Regimen...I have a very mild exfoliater I use in the morning that has a little bit of an AHA, but your skin may be too sensitive for that right now. But...I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOUR SKIN IS CLEARING! Awesome! Keep it up...don't give up, whatever you do!

I had a minor setback, but to be honest, I think it's a purge...I have two new pimples under my jawline...I have had some bumps there previously, so I think it's the old ones coming to the surface. And that darned cyst between the ridge of my nose and my's finally coming to the surface too, but it's just not moving fast enough, ugh! Patience is a virtue, so they say <_< Other than that, everything is going rather well!

YOU GO GIRL! You'll be clear before you know it!

OMG please tell me I don't have to wait until a month for the dry skin to go away :( until I can use the AHA? Is it possible to go home, wash makeup off, massage skin with the jojoba oil (rough or soft?) and then put BP and moisturizer on? How long does the dry skin last? >_< I thought I would get away with not getting it but I was wrong!!!!

I'm so happy for you! Even though those two bumps formed, they heal much faster and are less aggravated!!! I'm happy about that cyst of yours! The ones on thin skin are more stubborn :/ patience! With your cyst n my dry skin!

But I guess I should b happy,.. I'd rather have dry skin then my face exploding with purges. Unless that too will come lol... I'll be posting week 2 picture tomorrow agh I'm nervous lol I hope a new one doesn't form before the pic ;)


Posted : 11/25/2013 10:41 pm

Hi Alyssa

Sorry to hear about the dryess. But it's worth it if your skin is getting clear!! My boys have the dry skin too but it's not flaking or peeling. It's just a fine layer of dry skin covering their cheeks and chin, almost like a light sunburn. They are using moisturizer, but no jojoba oil. Perhaps they're not as dry because they're not yet using the full amount of BP, or maybe because their skin was oilier to begin with. They were going to start using the full amt of BP this week but they are getting good results with a smaller amount (about half finger length). They have virtually no new pimples, maybe one or two small ones on the chin, but that's it. Everything else is healing and fading. They may stay at the lesser amount of BP for awhile and see how it goes. Maybe you could try cutting back on the amount of BP for the next few days and see if it helps alleviate some of the flakiness. Also, maybe try just patting the moisturizer on and letting your skin absorb it, rather than rubbing it. Any friction probably exacerbates the flakes.


Posted : 11/25/2013 11:24 pm

Hi Alyssa

Sorry to hear about the dryess. But it's worth it if your skin is getting clear!! My boys have the dry skin too but it's not flaking or peeling. It's just a fine layer of dry skin covering their cheeks and chin, almost like a light sunburn. They are using moisturizer, but no jojoba oil. Perhaps they're not as dry because they're not yet using the full amount of BP, or maybe because their skin was oilier to begin with. They were going to start using the full amt of BP this week but they are getting good results with a smaller amount (about half finger length). They have virtually no new pimples, maybe one or two small ones on the chin, but that's it. Everything else is healing and fading. They may stay at the lesser amount of BP for awhile and see how it goes. Maybe you could try cutting back on the amount of BP for the next few days and see if it helps alleviate some of the flakiness. Also, maybe try just patting the moisturizer on and letting your skin absorb it, rather than rubbing it. Any friction probably exacerbates the flakes.

that's actually a really good idea. Also, they might not have a problem with the dryness as much as me because I use make up, and sometimes I use the cleanser two times and that seems to dry me out more as well. I will try your advice and try just Dabbing the moisturizer on my face so the skin can help absorb it more. The rubbing my agitate the face more then the padding might. I'll try that tonight and see if it works. I'm so glad that your sons are doing better :-) seems like the dryness is so worth the clear skin :-) did your son's basketball game do well?


Posted : 11/26/2013 8:57 am

I think it really is up to you and when you want to start the AHA, if you feel your skin in ready for it, go for it! BUT, with all the drying, it may be a little sensitive and could irritate it a bit, just giving you a heads up! The dry skin is really dependent upon the person and their skin...mine never stopped after the six month period (the first time I was on the Regimen) and I had to cut down drastically. I'm a redhead with really fair skin that gets easily's EXTREMELY sensitive, so my face can only take so much....

If you're going to use the jojoba oil as a mild exfoliate, be extremely gentle, as with everything on the Regimen. Then, yes...go ahead with the BP and moisturizer and more jojoba oil, if needed. grinwink.gif

I can't wait to see your updated photos! Though you are irritated now, I bet your face looks awesome!

Everything is pretty much the same as yesterday, as far as my skin in concerned...the two new ones under the jawline are a bit more calm today...I think the honey is helping! And the cyst...well, it's a cyst, grrr....but I think that, too, is on it's way out saywhat.gif


Posted : 11/26/2013 12:24 pm

I think it really is up to you and when you want to start the AHA, if you feel your skin in ready for it, go for it! BUT, with all the drying, it may be a little sensitive and could irritate it a bit, just giving you a heads up! The dry skin is really dependent upon the person and their skin...mine never stopped after the six month period (the first time I was on the Regimen) and I had to cut down drastically. I'm a redhead with really fair skin that gets easily's EXTREMELY sensitive, so my face can only take so much....

If you're going to use the jojoba oil as a mild exfoliate, be extremely gentle, as with everything on the Regimen. Then, yes...go ahead with the BP and moisturizer and more jojoba oil, if needed. ;D

I can't wait to see your updated photos! Though you are irritated now, I bet your face looks awesome!

Everything is pretty much the same as yesterday, as far as my skin in concerned...the two new ones under the jawline are a bit more calm today...I think the honey is helping! And the cyst...well, it's a cyst, grrr....but I think that, too, is on it's way out O_O

Well, that scares me!!! I heard you only get dry skin from like week 2-4 or 5! I don't want dry skin the whole time I'm on the Regimine :( I can't handle that !!! My face is irritated and I have a couple new pimples that formed :/ but they are already popped and hopefully on their way out.. Ugh I don't even want to post a picture since my skin is red and dry and irritated -_- I will later today, hopefully wen my skin settles down a bit . It doesn't help I wash two times to get the makeup off my face :( and I upped the BP like the directions said so oh god lol... I don't understand what makes the skin peel though and get dried out? Is it the reaction from the chemical?

But that's great!!! That your skin is finally healing! I know and can relate with those stubborn cysts! I think I'm getting one right under my eye.. Wtf >:( it's where my glasses rest so I think that means I should clean them...


Posted : 11/26/2013 12:45 pm

Damn those eye pimples!!! Gah! I still have one that is just right under my left eye (the one that was making my eye puffy), but it has gone down tremendously surprised.gif I'm not sure what the chemical makeup is of BP, but the peeling could just be the reaction with the chemicals and the skin, not sure...but I would say the peeling is due to the dryness the product causes.

I know it's so frustrating sweetie! I had to endure it for quite some time until all my nasties were gone...then when the majority were gone, that's when I had to cut back due to the severe redness, wrinkles, and burning the BP was causing.

Everyone's skin is different, so if it gets way too irritating for you, you can back off on the BP for a bit until your face has calmed down a bit. I know you're anxious to get rid of your acne, but you don't have to make yourself miserable while doing so!


Posted : 11/26/2013 12:56 pm

Damn those eye pimples!!! Gah! I still have one that is just right under my left eye (the one that was making my eye puffy), but it has gone down tremendously I'm not sure what the chemical makeup is of BP, but the peeling could just be the reaction with the chemicals and the skin, not sure...but I would say the peeling is due to the dryness the product causes.

I know it's so frustrating sweetie! I had to endure it for quite some time until all my nasties were gone...then when the majority were gone, that's when I had to cut back due to the severe redness, wrinkles, and burning the BP was causing.

Everyone's skin is different, so if it gets way too irritating for you, you can back off on the BP for a bit until your face has calmed down a bit. I know you're anxious to get rid of your acne, but you don't have to make yourself miserable while doing so!

You're right, sometimes I want to not let up because I want the acne gone.... I mean right now I have like 4 active pimples but that is nothing compared to the 10+ I used to have just a week ago!

I'll give this one more week and if I'm still unbearably dry I will cut down on the BP!

I hate the eye acne :( they are so annoying and they hurt because the skin is so thin there not to mention you can't hide it because people look at your eyes when they talk to you >_<


Posted : 11/26/2013 2:23 pm


I know what you mean about the makeup... definitely takes more effort for us girls to get the makeup off so that could be contributing to the dryness. Guys can just slap some cleanser on and splash it off in a few secs and they're good to go - lol. Also, I know when my own skin is dry or flaky, makeup just seems to accentuate all those flakes -ugh! But hang in there, I'm sure it will get better. People have posted that the regimen can be a like a roller coaster of ups and downs during the early weeks, so I'm thankful that my boys are ok right now but always prepared for a setback at any time.


Hi Alyssa

Sorry to hear about the dryess. But it's worth it if your skin is getting clear!! My boys have the dry skin too but it's not flaking or peeling. It's just a fine layer of dry skin covering their cheeks and chin, almost like a light sunburn. They are using moisturizer, but no jojoba oil. Perhaps they're not as dry because they're not yet using the full amount of BP, or maybe because their skin was oilier to begin with. They were going to start using the full amt of BP this week but they are getting good results with a smaller amount (about half finger length). They have virtually no new pimples, maybe one or two small ones on the chin, but that's it. Everything else is healing and fading. They may stay at the lesser amount of BP for awhile and see how it goes. Maybe you could try cutting back on the amount of BP for the next few days and see if it helps alleviate some of the flakiness. Also, maybe try just patting the moisturizer on and letting your skin absorb it, rather than rubbing it. Any friction probably exacerbates the flakes.

that's actually a really good idea. Also, they might not have a problem with the dryness as much as me because I use make up, and sometimes I use the cleanser two times and that seems to dry me out more as well. I will try your advice and try just Dabbing the moisturizer on my face so the skin can help absorb it more. The rubbing my agitate the face more then the padding might. I'll try that tonight and see if it works. I'm so glad that your sons are doing better whistling.gif) seems like the dryness is so worth the clear skin whistling.gif) did your son's basketball game do well?


Posted : 11/26/2013 2:52 pm

I know what you mean about the makeup... definitely takes more effort for us girls to get the makeup off so that could be contributing to the dryness. Guys can just slap some cleanser on and splash it off in a few secs and they're good to go - lol. Also, I know when my own skin is dry or flaky, makeup just seems to accentuate all those flakes -ugh! But hang in there, I'm sure it will get better. People have posted that the regimen can be a like a roller coaster of ups and downs during the early weeks, so I'm thankful that my boys are ok right now but always prepared for a setback at any time.

Hi Alyssa

Sorry to hear about the dryess. But it's worth it if your skin is getting clear!! My boys have the dry skin too but it's not flaking or peeling. It's just a fine layer of dry skin covering their cheeks and chin, almost like a light sunburn. They are using moisturizer, but no jojoba oil. Perhaps they're not as dry because they're not yet using the full amount of BP, or maybe because their skin was oilier to begin with. They were going to start using the full amt of BP this week but they are getting good results with a smaller amount (about half finger length). They have virtually no new pimples, maybe one or two small ones on the chin, but that's it. Everything else is healing and fading. They may stay at the lesser amount of BP for awhile and see how it goes. Maybe you could try cutting back on the amount of BP for the next few days and see if it helps alleviate some of the flakiness. Also, maybe try just patting the moisturizer on and letting your skin absorb it, rather than rubbing it. Any friction probably exacerbates the flakes.

that's actually a really good idea. Also, they might not have a problem with the dryness as much as me because I use make up, and sometimes I use the cleanser two times and that seems to dry me out more as well. I will try your advice and try just Dabbing the moisturizer on my face so the skin can help absorb it more. The rubbing my agitate the face more then the padding might. I'll try that tonight and see if it works. I'm so glad that your sons are doing better whistling.gif) seems like the dryness is so worth the clear skin whistling.gif) did your son's basketball game do well?

I hope they don't get a set back!!! I'm just so happy they are doing well. I'm about to post my pictures for week 1, but they're not as good as I would like. =w= but oh well!!

I know what you mean with the makeup, when I don't have the makeup on the dry skin looks pretty okay and then makeup=WOW no.


Posted : 11/26/2013 3:09 pm


Well, week two is here and as promised I've uploaded pictures. They are not as good as I WOULD have hoped. My face has looked AMAZING this whole week

but then it so happens last night my skin got angry and I woke up with three new pimples. ARGH. Good news, I got them all popped already. Bad news, I'm still suffering with the dry skin and irritation. I hope it subsides at least before my birthday (sat). I think the couple new blemishes might be due to my change in diet. (This week is my bday and thanksgiving soooo I'm kinda splurging a bit LOL, don't worry I won't be weighing in on Monday wink.png)

Aside from the dryness, everything is pretty good. smile.png The blemishes look virtually vanished when I wear makeup. The left sides of the pictures are the after. Not too different but like I SAID, the face is angry today LOL.








Posted : 11/26/2013 10:15 pm are looking good girl! I know you're irritated right now, but DAAYYYUUMMM! Such an improvement!surprised.gif


Posted : 11/27/2013 1:48 am are looking good girl! I know you're irritated right now, but DAAYYYUUMMM! Such an improvement!

Y-you really think so?! ;_; thank you so much!!!! That made my night. My skin looks really good with makeup on it's just the dry skin that's killing me. I massaged my face with the J oil so I hope tomorrow I'll be a tad less flakey! Added second layer of moisturizer too n thank you for saying you saw a difference that means the world to me!


Posted : 11/27/2013 12:48 pm

Absolutely! You look fantastic!

Guess what? I have NO actives on my face today...with the exception of that darned cyst...which has come to a head! Yay! It should be on it's way out by tomorrow!


Posted : 11/27/2013 1:20 pm

I think your new pics look really good. Much less redness on your cheeks and everything looks flatter. Don't be hard on yourself... everything does look much better!

My boys look good too. No new pimples thank goodness, and old pimples are fading away. Their skin is so much flatter and less bumpy. Even though it's a slow process, it sure beats what they looked like a few short weeks ago. Their driest skin is on their chin and near the mouth, that's where they have the most redness. So they're using extra moisturizer there. Lip balm helps too.


Posted : 11/27/2013 6:41 pm

Absolutely! You look fantastic!

Guess what? I have NO actives on my face today...with the exception of that darned cyst...which has come to a head! Yay! It should be on it's way out by tomorrow!

Thank you girl!!

and OMG REALLY?! cheer.gif that's amazing!!!! the cysts suck, I know!! the one by my eye hasn't come to a head but feels like it's shrinking, i pray to god it just goes away without coming to a head!

I think your new pics look really good. Much less redness on your cheeks and everything looks flatter. Don't be hard on yourself... everything does look much better!

My boys look good too. No new pimples thank goodness, and old pimples are fading away. Their skin is so much flatter and less bumpy. Even though it's a slow process, it sure beats what they looked like a few short weeks ago. Their driest skin is on their chin and near the mouth, that's where they have the most redness. So they're using extra moisturizer there. Lip balm helps too.

That's amazing to hear about their skin!! I wish I didn't have to wear makeup because I think that isn't helping with the dryness and irritation. THOUGH I have to get used to it because I still need makeup ;) When I wear makeup it's like virtually invisible except a small cyst that formed by my eye (wth lol?!) so I'm hoping they heal soon. :) I did that jojoba massage last night and today my dry skin has gone down by 60%!!! So, if your boys start suffering more def do that!


Posted : 11/28/2013 1:37 am


I'm experiencing a small purge. :/ I have about 5 actives right now. Three of which, haven't come to a head, just you can just feel them coming. dry.png

It has to be something to do with my dry skin because ever since I got the dry skin BAM. Actives. Not a lot, I'm still wayyyy clearer than I've been in Months, but I just have to wait out the purge/dry stage :) Though I think it is my fault for the purge too, because I usually eat only healthy, but this week has been pretty emotional and with my birthday coming up and Thanksgiving my diet has been...horrendous. So, I think many new pimples are being formed because of all the chemicals going in my body from that crap food...yet I still ate it. wth, oh well. Going back to healthy eating on Sunday (after bday of course), i'll tell you, once you're used to eating healthy, when you eat bad wow...your body hates you. I don't know if i can stomach thanksgiving and all you can eat sushi on friday AND sat... eusa_wall.gif

anyways, I hope to have better news in the next week :) after my diet is better and back to normal. too many temptations...

the cyst just under my eye is still there..tried to squeeze it tonight but it was wishful thinking. I just want it to come to a head already because it's RIGHT near my eye, so everyone can see it. lakjsdaf arghhhhh sorry for the rant! Then again, this is kinda like a blog right? haaha eusa_doh.gif


Posted : 11/28/2013 3:42 pm

hang in there.. i didnt stop purging til like my 8th-10th week... gradually the purging wil be less and im close to my 4th month.. i can eat anything i want now!!


Posted : 11/28/2013 8:25 pm

hang in there.. i didnt stop purging til like my 8th-10th week... gradually the purging wil be less and im close to my 4th month.. i can eat anything i want now!!

Thanks! I'm trying!! It's like as soon as I am starting to see the light a purge happens, argh. What makes the purges keep coming? I would think it should be a one time thing. :( I can't wait until I'm on the fourth month! :D Are you clearer than when you started??


Posted : 11/28/2013 9:12 pm


The active acne on my face has really diminished but a couple new ones popped up. Mainly around my mouth, don't know what that is about. The cyst under my eye is still there... blush.png on top of a blemish just formed on the upper corner of my lip and another one above my lip. Today is not a good day but like I said...for now, I'm blaming these flare ups as my drastic change in diet more than from the Regimen. Just gotta get through two more days of eating heavy... eusa_shifty.gif then I can finally go back to normal and hoping that in turn will have my face calm down a bit. I can't really ask people to not come down to an already planned sushi dinner soooo... I'm stuck in the food department. On the bright side, the sides of my face are really going down, the active acne is thinning out, I just have to wait for the dry skin to moisten back up so I can actually wear a ponytail without feeling self conscious.


Posted : 11/29/2013 7:41 pm

Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and have a Happy Birthday too! I know what you mean about the food... my kids ate a boatload of high carb, bad-for-you food yesterday for Thanksgiving, and then did it all over again today with the leftovers. UGH!! I'm praying they don't get a whole new round of pimples in the next few days.

Right now, my younger son's face looks great... his forehead and chin are just about all clear and he looks like he hardly has any acne at all. He's lucky, he had a milder case to begin with a his skin seems to heal very quickly, the red marks seem to disappear right away for him.

My older son's skin tends to be more red and sensitive. He's got dry, irritated skin right now, more similar to what you're going through. Even though he has hardly any new pimples, his skin just looks red and more inflamed than it did earlier in the week. Plus, today he shaved with a crappy disposable razor he had lying around (too impatient to wait for me to buy him the Trac II that Dan recommends) so now his skin is even more irritated. Aaaargh!! I really hope he gets through this icky phase quickly. And I hope the same for you. It really helps to read the stories and posts from other people who have been through the regimen and what they went through in the early weeks, and how it does get better.


Posted : 11/29/2013 10:28 pm

I think it's pretty normal for these purges, Alyssa...I certainly had them! Don't get discouraged, hon. They will all diminish soon grinwink.gif ! I had a minor setback as well, so we're in the same boat comfort.gif ...I got a new one just under my chin and it feels like one wants to form on the side of my nose (Oh no...not the nose again! Ugh!) It hasn't even come to the surface, but you know those little "feels" you get when you may be getting a zit? Yep....I got the feels...poo. But, I tell 'ya...only two actives is much better than 10 or 12! We'll get through this mess...hopefully the holidays won't kill it for us!crazy.gif
