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Cut Out All Carbs And Now I Am Clear?


Posted : 05/13/2013 3:51 pm

Can you tell me why you shouldnt take probiotics with inulin, FOS, and bifidobacterium? I havent heard of this but I take a 50billion probiotic from Renew Labs and I swear it makes me break out. I know my gut flora is not balanced as I had a stool test done and even though I take 50 billion a day, it said I have no lactobacillus. Very strange

I follow the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, which is designed to balance the gut flora, and these 3 ingredients are not allowed on this diet. Inulin and FOS feed both good and bad bacteria, so if you have an overgrowth of bad bacteria, they will exacerbate it.

Here's some info on bifidus/bifidobacteria and the SCD:

Personally, I had one of the worst breakouts of my life from a probiotic that contained bifidobacteria (and it didn't have FOS or inulin). But acidophilus only improves my skin. I use Kirkman's acidophilus.

What contains FOS and inulin?


Posted : 05/14/2013 6:01 pm

Dieting in relation to acne is very complex.

I completely agree with alternativista when she says "Just a nutrient dense, anti-inflammatory, low to moderate (as in not high) glycemic impacting that doesn't include anything you have an intolerance for." The biggest problem... and MOST DIFFICULT problem to solve is what a person has an intolerance for. I could be eating a nutrient dense, anti-inflammatory diet like Alternatavista advocates, and STILL have acne because I am consuming an item that I am allergic to.

How ridiculous is that?!

Which brings us to the only 'extreme' diet I have ever recommended. An elimination diet in which you limit yourself to hypoallergenic foods.

However, whoarthou. You are a teen, right? I don't think proper diet can stop puberty from happening. Just make it a smoother transition. Why don't you try a topical for your back? Have you ever tried Acv diluted with brewed green tea? Or aspirin mask/scrub? Or a purchased BHA?

Alterntavista, I know you are misled by my photos to believe I am a teenager (I guess it is because I am skinny like a teenager). I am 23 years of age... pretty sure I am done with puberty.

I have tried apple cider vinegar diluted with water (not green tea), and it gave me the worst breakout of my life on my face. Never tried an aspirin mask/scrub. I have paulas choice BHA... Would you recommend me using that on my back for body acne?

Sorry. I thought you'd told me you were a teen. Must be someone else.


Posted : 05/14/2013 9:50 pm

Does cheese break you out?


Posted : 05/17/2013 12:41 am

once or twice a month I browse this board and you're always claiming you're clear with some new method... Hopefully this time there is some truth behind it and your recommendations ;)
