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Precautions To Take Before Week Long Antibiotics And Time To Take Probiotics


Posted : 05/09/2013 4:28 pm

Hi everyone,

I am slowly starting to see the effect of eating nutrient dense food and sleeping on time waking up early. I am in no way clear. But I get 1-2 spots compared to a warzone my face was about 2 months ago. ven few days of being absolutely clear..:)

I will be having a surgery tomorrow and the doctors have told me they would have to give me an antibiotic for a week when I am healing to prevent infections.

I feel my acne issues started when my gut got weak while on a dose of antibiotics in january this year. I started experiencing mild constipation issues which I am working on even now on clearing--sure it is related to my acne. I am scared to take them again but will have to. I bought the Natren Healthy Trinity probiotic from Wholefoods.

My question is would it be sensible to consume it in the coming week while on antibiotics? If so which is an ideal time, like the time between antibiotic and probiotic.

What foods should I eat during my course of antibiotics to have the least damage to my gut.



Posted : 05/09/2013 4:54 pm

I think I would since it's just for a week. Sure the antibiotics are going to kill the probiotics so it's kind of a waste, but yeah, if you figure out when to take each then part of the day you'd have the probiotics to digest your food. I'd guess you'd want to take the probiotics some time (an hour?) before your biggest, most nutrient dense or whatever meal. And take the antibiotic quite a while after the meal is digested and nutrients absorbed. You'll have to do some research on how they work (how long the antibiotic takes going through the digestive tract, when it gets absorbed into the blood stream, etc.

This might be a good time to try intermittent fasting.


Posted : 05/09/2013 5:03 pm

Thanks Vista. Yeah I think that plan works well, but the thing is most doctors would recommend taking the antibiotics with some food and not on an empty stomach. What should I do then?

I will find about the time taken for blood absorption of antibiotic.

My natural daily eaing habit I would say 9 out of 10 times involve me having my first meal breakfast at 8am and last meal dinner before 6pm, so I do not want to try the intermittent fasting as I eat all my meals mostly in a 10 hour timeframe.


Posted : 05/09/2013 5:40 pm

what food are you eating on a daily basis?


Posted : 05/09/2013 6:20 pm

Hi whoartthou1:

I dont know if this is right and works for everyone but works for me.

I avoid tomatoes, citrus, dairy. I do consume a little ghee daily which has really helped with my mild constipation.


Oats with a banana OR idli/dosa made with very little/no oil/ and some veggies.Idli/dosa is an indian dish made with fermented batter. Eating it outside it will be greasy but at home I have learnt to cook it without much oil. Sometimes Indian homemade wheat bread ..homemade is key and cooking it right is key-- I realised I am not gluten sensitive and eating wheat Indian flat bread not naan but chapati works well for me.

Lunch: Rice with lentil dal (I add veggies to lentils too, a mix of bottle gourd, snake gourd, bitter gourd ,spinach, radish, carrots, cauliflower etc) + side of veggies (any veggies.) I make it a point to eat sweet potato or carrot almos all days.

Dinner similar to lunch.

Snack: roasted pumpkin seeds, almonds, dates.

I drink ginger turmeric tea/ cumin,fenneland corriander tea. daily (Recipes in drinks thread)

Night: basil seeds soaked in water before going to bed.


Posted : 05/10/2013 4:05 am

if u have ur dinner at 6 and then breakfast at 8 in the morning,u're anyway fasting for 12 hrs.

IF is 16hrs.but i think even 12 hrs count.

even i have more or less a 12 hr gap.


Posted : 05/10/2013 7:54 am

if u have ur dinner at 6 and then breakfast at 8 in the morning,u're anyway fasting for 12 hrs.

IF is 16hrs.but i think even 12 hrs count.

even i have more or less a 12 hr gap.

The studies into the benefits were for 16 hours.


Posted : 05/10/2013 8:56 am

if u have ur dinner at 6 and then breakfast at 8 in the morning,u're anyway fasting for 12 hrs.

IF is 16hrs.but i think even 12 hrs count.

even i have more or less a 12 hr gap.

The studies into the benefits were for 16 hours.

could u send me a link ur IF post?


Posted : 05/10/2013 12:48 pm


I think this is the post vista is talking about


Posted : 05/11/2013 8:34 am

thank u.


Posted : 05/16/2013 3:15 pm

Hi everyone I have almost recovered from my surgery and I am on my last day of antibiotics. I did quite well. Thanks for your help.

I have one issue I have one pimple on my cheek which I do not really want to get stressed about. It is almost disappearing. However its acne around my hair which is bothering me. Like right around my hairline. I posted a seperate thread on this before but got no reply. I could not shampoo my hair for 4-5 days during my surgery. It had become greasy but not overtly greasy.. However its now like I have 4 pimples standing in attention around the edge of my forehead when I pull my hair back.

I use Burt's bee shampoo. I have healthy long black hair and no dandruff. I somehow feel considering I am doing well on other parts of my face this has to be my hair and not related to diet.

Please let me know if you think the same and a better way to take care of it.
