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Binge eating = High Glycemic Load = Hyperglycemia = Acne


Posted : 10/09/2008 7:39 am


Still clear, on around 1800 calories now, spread over 3-4 main meals, 3-4 hours apart, and snack of one single apple or single orange in between meals.

Weight has stabilized for a while now.

Mood has improved considerably as well.


I don't have cravings as my problem was eating out of boredom. However if some of you are finding this hard cravings wise then I suggest you supplement with Psyllium or Glucomannan fiber, the sugar/fat free variety of pills, and water at each meal. If you load up you plate with low-calorie high fiber salads (watch the dressings) and use high fiber fruits and vegetables with salads and lean meat instead of processed starches cravings will be less as well. Even starchy wholegrain rice has a bad low fiber to calorie ratio compared to fruits like apples and oranges or vegetables like celery, carrots, broccoli.

I still have rice but very small portion once a day usually when I eat out with friends with a very low fat stir fry but at home I use lots of low calorie veggies and salads to bulk my meals up without bulking up the calories.


Posted : 10/16/2008 9:17 am

Hey all, here's my update:


I drink half a cup of coffee with a little stevia in it every few days for its laxative effect before an important day if I feel full. Too much coffee makes me jumpy so I restrict the amount to only what I need.

My digestion just sucks before 11am so I skip breakfast most days.

I use portion control every time I eat to control blood sugar, acne and inflammation.

I use caloric restriction at the end of each day for weight control.

I eat according to my own likes/dislikes, but I eat lower carb, lower protein and more fat at every meal.

If I experience any facial itching, I stop eating immediately.

If I feel like snacking, I do some exercises.


Posted : 10/16/2008 12:18 pm

This is it!! i have been on this binging diet for a week- 2 weeks so far and it does helf u stay clear but the thing i have noticed the most is, healing process is sooo fast!!! all my red marks are leaving so quick and thats all i wanteD!!! it works so well

i was always the shittiest eater in the world! i would eat twice a day 2 big ass meals in the morning and at like 1 am. now that i have split that up my acne is fading so quickly!! its unbeleivable. I think this is one of the key factors of acne. Especially hormonal acne.


I do not know why but maybe it has something to do with our motabalism at our teen+ years. Anway i dont care about the science behind it. It works for me :D


Posted : 10/17/2008 4:15 pm

For me, it seems to be about balancing foods. I would give my head a shake when my gramma used to just complain about some quality of the food we were eating (think: "this chicken is TOO DRY, my juice is TOO SOUR"), like she had nothing useful to say...but I can find no other correlation to diet and acne but this (for myself at least). Nowadays, it is not politically correct to say things like this because people are starving. By not saying stuff like this, many people will just grin and bear it (eat it).


What can I say? Crusty bread will make me worried I'll break out, even with butter. If I eat a REALLY soft, fresh (warm!!) white roll, I won't worry at all, I'll just feel so satisfied...


Raw green beans have an irritating fuzz on them and I can't eat them without getting stressed, but I can eat steamed frozen cut green beans with no problem (and they're also very satisfying/delicious..with or without butter).


Cherries DEFINITELY cause painful pimples for me, but if I have a tasty cherry glaze I'm just fine.


What did it for me was wanting to loose weight (gained from a fatty meat diet) and realizing that it's calories that matter, not protein, carbs or fat. In order to lose weight you must eat less calories and exercise.


Something clicked. I had been eating all this stuff that wasn't exactly delicious in the hopes of clearing my skin...stuff I really didn't like. In my experience, people who are on some crazy diet to cure acne will sacrifice taste and not even realize it. I know I did.


Now I eat things that are never too dry, not flaky, not too sweet/sour/runny etc. and only things that make me go MMMMMM. Things that are insanely yummy and so satisfying. I find I have had no troubles with bowel movements, no stress, no cravings, no over eating, no weight gain and NO ACNE. I smile and joke and have those hardy laughs seriosuly all the time.


Kids go by taste and have perfect skin, I mean they just won't eat certain things no matter what you tell them. The hardest part about my diet was getting out of the mindset that once I make something, even if it is yucky, I have to eat it. I DON'T!


Now I realize the importance of being a good cook lol I really think acne came about because of the population explosion. Less individualized teaching of more complex subjects (think: aerospace technology) means I don't know how to cook. I didn't even have to take hom-ek (I don't even know how to spell that....that's crazy).


I still think portion control is important for weight loss and general health, but it is not what clears my skin...In fact, it doesn't even matter if I'm only eating what I want when I crave it/not settling. If something I'm tasting doesn't blow my mind away with overwhelming goodness, I just don't eat it. I mean, you wouldn't listen to bad music or date shady people. If I'm really hungry I'll try and mix the food with something to make it better, but usually I'll do what I would have done as a kid; not eat it and do something fun. Don't worry about not eating...just say you don't like it...might as well be honest. If I'm hungry, it doesn't take long for me to think of something that I really want.


Just now I didn't want the stew my sister made for supper. I realized this instantly, just by glancing at it. I know it will be KILLER tommorrow night tho (after it softens). I'm still happier than the rest of my family and making jokes tho. I had one of those amazing warm rolls I described above. I really think there's something to this, the effects are cumulative, and would also contribute to a healthy weight and longevity. It's about being know, deciding for yourself and seeing the big picture, and waiting until you get that craving for something/smell something amazing. It makes life so exciting!


It just blows my mind that it is as simple as "I don't like that" or "I WANT SOME"


Posted : 10/20/2008 2:42 pm

This post makes a LOT of sense to me. I had anorexia from the time I was 15 until I was about 19 years old...I barely ate anything and severely restricted my calories - and I had PERFECT skin. Then, when I was about 19 my anorexia developed into bulimia (non purging). So I would eat a TON of calories in a sitting, etc. etc. I was binge eating to the extreme, and then fasting for days and then bingeing again. During this time period I developed severe acne. It was horrible! I continued to have acne problems for years following that. The only time it cleared up was when I got my wisdom teeth removed and could barely eat anything for 2 weeks (I got dry sockets). In a period of 3 days my skin cleared up almost completely! But of course it broke out again when I started eating again. I have been on Dan's regimin for about 2 years, and it does work for me but I hate to think of being on it and putting all those chemicals onto my face for the rest of my life. I still binge eat, although obviously not as bad as I used to. This post really hits home for me! It was so frustrating being anorexic and having perfect skin, and then when I actually start eating my skin goes haywire! It's like I was being punished for EATING, which makes recovery all the more difficult!


Posted : 02/11/2012 11:04 pm

bump, hows it working for the o.p., and anyone else for that matter?


Posted : 07/28/2012 4:09 am

I have tried this to no avail



Posted : 07/09/2013 9:46 pm

What research do you to back up such a claim about caloric intake ad acne? I'm sorry but correlation does not equal causation
