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Posted : 01/01/2007 4:47 pm

Happy New Year Everyone!!
i have kept up with the smoothie for about a week and i went away on vacation for a week. for about 2 weeks since i came back, i didn't make any smoothie i started again about a week ago, but i haven't been adding enough greens i don't think
i'm gonna start this from the beginning and start making the smoothie properly! hehe.

anyway, what is the equivalance of 1 liter of smoothie to oz? when i make my smoothie, it usually ends up being a bit less than 1 liter.

thanks :)

Glad you're motivated to start the smoothies again! :) 1 liter is a little over 4 1/4 cups and about 34 ounces. So, if you're doing almost 1 liter a day, then that's perfect! :)

I find using lots of spinach causes me to break out in a few small spots, probably the high Iodine content. Multivitamins do the same to me.

Thank you for sharing this with us - that is defitely good to know!

Currently doing this with Fresh/Frozen Fruit. Frozen Fruit works really good if you want a smoothie texture!

I'm also adding Kale/Romaine Lettuce. I drink this everyday now and my energy has boosted also I would usually feel tired and sleepy in the middle of the day. I don't anymore and always feel active.

I'm loving this routine not only good for acne but overall health as well


You are so welcome!! :) I LOVE replies like yours - so glad they're making a positive difference in your life! :)


Posted : 01/01/2007 9:21 pm

Just curious, has anyone done a green smoothie fast -- several days of green smoothies only? I've done a few juice fasts and two Master Cleanses in the past and am thinking about a green smoothie fast for a few days.




Posted : 01/01/2007 10:51 pm

Just curious, has anyone done a green smoothie fast -- several days of green smoothies only? I've done a few juice fasts and two Master Cleanses in the past and am thinking about a green smoothie fast for a few days.


I have done fasts with veggie/fruit juice, not with the smoothies, but I think it's a great idea for a fast. Some purists might disagree, but I think any minimal diet consisting of veggies for a couple days is great to give digestion a break. Seems like green smoothies would be as good a way as any to do it, plus, they're something good to look forward to instead of food and would keep you satisfied, so sticking to it would be easier. Let us know if you do it, and how it goes.


Posted : 01/02/2007 2:18 pm

yay for green smoothies!!!!!


i love drinking these things...right after i drink them

i feel so fresh and so clean clean.

i'm trying to get my sister on board with these.


here is what i use to make them:

1 apple

1 banana

1 handful of frozen (NO sugar added) fruit- favorite is cranberry

4 cups of water

2 big handfuls of greens (spinach and kale are the best, i think)


this makes about 4 full glasses and i have 2 each day.

i'm thinking about upping my intake to see what happens.





Posted : 01/02/2007 3:17 pm

Just curious, has anyone done a green smoothie fast -- several days of green smoothies only? I've done a few juice fasts and two Master Cleanses in the past and am thinking about a green smoothie fast for a few days.


I have done fasts with veggie/fruit juice, not with the smoothies, but I think it's a great idea for a fast. Some purists might disagree, but I think any minimal diet consisting of veggies for a couple days is great to give digestion a break. Seems like green smoothies would be as good a way as any to do it, plus, they're something good to look forward to instead of food and would keep you satisfied, so sticking to it would be easier. Let us know if you do it, and how it goes.


I will! As of right now, I am thinking Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I will post here when I start.



Posted : 01/05/2007 12:31 pm

yay for green smoothies!!!!!

i love drinking these things...right after i drink them

i feel so fresh and so clean clean.

i'm trying to get my sister on board with these.

here is what i use to make them:

1 apple

1 banana

1 handful of frozen (NO sugar added) fruit- favorite is cranberry

4 cups of water

2 big handfuls of greens (spinach and kale are the best, i think)

this makes about 4 full glasses and i have 2 each day.

i'm thinking about upping my intake to see what happens.

Glad you're liking the smoothies! I haven't tried frozen cranberry yet - I'll have to check that out soon. 🙂


Posted : 01/05/2007 12:58 pm

I'm glad you're enjoying your smoothies but this isn't the cure for acne. Joel Fuhrman, M.D can blow my nuts. Eating foods that are low in GI is the only "diet" that works.




Posted : 01/05/2007 1:32 pm

I'm glad you're enjoying your smoothies but this isn't the cure for acne. Joel Fuhrman, M.D can blow my nuts. Eating foods that are low in GI is the only "diet" that works.


Thank you so much for your lovely and polite post. Nothing can work for everybody, but the smoothies have worked for many. I strongly disagree with you about your low in GI diet being the only one that works, but nevertheless, I'm glad you have found what works for you. Nobody deserves to have acne.


Posted : 01/05/2007 2:55 pm

I'm glad you're enjoying your smoothies but this isn't the cure for acne. Joel Fuhrman, M.D can blow my nuts. Eating foods that are low in GI is the only "diet" that works.


There is no diet that can claim it is the ONLY one that works.


True solution: Some diets promote healthier bodies which can/usually does lead to clear skin if combined with other skin helping disciplines.

Fact: Eating more greens is good for you which promotes a healthier body.

Fact: Improving the quality of your carbs will also promote a healthier body.

Diet has one goal, to give our bodies the tools to be healthy. Then the anti-goal or opposite would be harming our bodies.

bad carbs harm your body.

I think people praise the low GI carb practice because 95% of american eat AWFUL carbs. doughnuts, white flour, tortillas, lots of bad bread, chips, etc. not to mention candy and sodas/juices.

Then they start watching the carbs they eat and say, WOW! this is the cure. Well, I don't know if low GI carbs is the end all, there is a lot more that goes into a healthy diet (such as healthy fats, amounts of fruits and veggies, water intake, vitamins/minerals/antioxidants, fiber, etc). But if you go from eating like an american and ONLY change your carbs, you will think you stumbled onto the holy grail. It really is just a small piece of the puzzle though.

Diet is a simple subject that gets way too complicated. Try the book YOU diet. I think it is the best colleciton of simple, practical dietary advice.

Be excellent,

Bobby Mckee


Posted : 01/05/2007 2:56 pm

I'm glad you're enjoying your smoothies but this isn't the cure for acne. Joel Fuhrman, M.D can blow my nuts. Eating foods that are low in GI is the only "diet" that works.


Thank you so much for your lovely and polite post. Nothing can work for everybody, but the smoothies have worked for many. I strongly disagree with you about your low in GI diet being the only one that works, but nevertheless, I'm glad you have found what works for you. Nobody deserves to have acne.


Christians rock! What's up!


Posted : 01/05/2007 3:50 pm

Great advice on improving your diet.

Read my post on clear skin to help with skin. I'm going to start doing this though, excellent dietary advice. (diet alone won't clear but it helps)

Thank you so much! Your post is excellent by the way! Glad you're going to incorporate the smoothies into your diet. 🙂


Christians rock! What's up!

haha, thanks! I'm glad you're on these boards! 🙂


Posted : 01/06/2007 8:33 am

I admit I stopped making this a while back but that's because I forgot about it. I've been drinking this three times a day for a week and my face has cleared up again. I had a horrible breakout even after Accutane and now it has all seemed to vanish. I seriously think the smoothies are what made me feel and look better. :)


are you guys gassy like me???

Yes! I was worried something was wrong because I have IBS and depression but they seem to have improved since I started drinking the smoothies again last week.


Posted : 01/06/2007 9:27 am





1 extra huge pimple :(


but the rest seems pretty good and dry i guess, so its not that visible!!


if I didnt have that new 1 big pimple i would be flawless !! (just a few scars.)


oh well.


Posted : 01/06/2007 12:01 pm

Yes, there is a lot more that goes into diet. I can agree on that, BUT what relates to acne specifically is the GI factor. To be honest by simply following a low GI diet you are essentially cutting out a lot of other crap as well and are on the path to a very healthy diet.



Posted : 01/06/2007 12:02 pm

I admit I stopped making this a while back but that's because I forgot about it. I've been drinking this three times a day for a week and my face has cleared up again. I had a horrible breakout even after Accutane and now it has all seemed to vanish. I seriously think the smoothies are what made me feel and look better. 🙂


are you guys gassy like me???

Yes! I was worried something was wrong because I have IBS and depression but they seem to have improved since I started drinking the smoothies again last week.


That is so great!! Thank you for sharing this with us! 🙂




1 extra huge pimple 🙁

but the rest seems pretty good and dry i guess, so its not that visible!!

if I didnt have that new 1 big pimple i would be flawless !! (just a few scars.)

oh well.

Sounds like your skin is in really good shape with very minimal acne, so my guess is that the smoothies will probably work great for you! Remember to give them at least 6 weeks for the true results to kick in. I drank about 7 cups everyday for a month before I noticed I was no longer getting new blemishes. Now I just drink 4 cups a day. 🙂


Posted : 01/06/2007 12:10 pm

The problem I have with this Green Smoothie bullshit, is that yes these smoothies are good for you but if you have these in the morning then eat garbage the rest of the day you'll end up with acne. It's not concrete.


Jesus loves the chilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllldren.


Posted : 01/06/2007 12:18 pm

The problem I have with this Green Smoothie bullshit, is that yes these smoothies are good for you but if you have these in the morning then eat garbage the rest of the day you'll end up with acne. It's not concrete.

Jesus loves the chilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllldren.

I agree with you. I have stated many times that I eat about an 80% healthy diet (I even state this in my signature) and that if you're eating lots of junk, the smoothies alone probably will not work for you. However, a healthy diet alone, without adequate greens, isn't enough, therefore, I believe the smoothies are necessary and highly beneficial.


Posted : 01/06/2007 12:51 pm

Hey Independant thinker,


I am doing these and loving them but i only have time and the funds to make 1 batch a day which usually comes to about a litre of green smoothie. Is this enough to see results or should i try and drink more?


Posted : 01/06/2007 1:15 pm

I haven't eaten junk food in over a year so this is quite exciting! :) It's nice to have confidence again.


Posted : 01/07/2007 12:15 am

Hey Independant thinker,

I am doing these and loving them but i only have time and the funds to make 1 batch a day which usually comes to about a litre of green smoothie. Is this enough to see results or should i try and drink more?

If you're doing one liter a day, that is a little over 4 cups, so that's perfect. If you're acne is mild, one large handful of greens daily in your smoothie should be adequate. If in 6 weeks you're not seeing results, I would then double the amount of greens. Good luck! 🙂


I haven't eaten junk food in over a year so this is quite exciting! 🙂 It's nice to have confidence again.

Aww, that's great! 🙂 I'm really glad this has given you hope, and I really hope the smoothies work out for you!


Posted : 01/07/2007 5:57 am

Well its been exactly 4 weeks into the smoothies. Ive been drinking 6 cups of this stuff a day and I have been using about 2 handfuls of greens (I rotate b/n spinach, kale and chard). I also cut wheat out of my diet.


Unfortunately I havent seen any improvement in my acne. Right now I am breaking out everywhere and I think my skin is worse than when I started. But I dont blame this on the green smoothies. . . . my skin goes in phases from bad skin to very bad skin so I think it's just made no difference.


Well I did have high hopes for this but I guess Im gonna have to mark this off as failed regimen no. 87. I'll keep doing this for a few more weeks strictly cos I think its healthy but I don't think this has any effect on me. . . I guess Im dependant on BP forever . . . .grrrrrrrr. Thanks for everyones help here, . . this may work for u, but then again it may not.


Oh and just one last thing . . . fuck acne


Posted : 01/07/2007 6:22 am

Hey Independant thinker,

I am doing these and loving them but i only have time and the funds to make 1 batch a day which usually comes to about a litre of green smoothie. Is this enough to see results or should i try and drink more?

If you're doing one liter a day, that is a little over 4 cups, so that's perfect. If you're acne is mild, one large handful of greens daily in your smoothie should be adequate. If in 6 weeks you're not seeing results, I would then double the amount of greens. Good luck! 🙂

haha Yeh i guess my real question was how large are your cups but sounds a little inapropriate 😉 Thanks for your help Independant Thinker


Posted : 01/07/2007 10:28 am

Been doing it for almost a week....


And No improvements, no energy boasts or anything like that.


I used to always eat pretty healthy, so I think this would only work if your not a healthy man.



yawn, I guess I'll still do it anyways because I have 6 pcs of fruit inside it


Posted : 01/07/2007 12:33 pm

Well its been exactly 4 weeks into the smoothies. Ive been drinking 6 cups of this stuff a day and I have been using about 2 handfuls of greens (I rotate b/n spinach, kale and chard). I also cut wheat out of my diet.

Unfortunately I havent seen any improvement in my acne. Right now I am breaking out everywhere and I think my skin is worse than when I started. But I dont blame this on the green smoothies. . . . my skin goes in phases from bad skin to very bad skin so I think it's just made no difference.

Well I did have high hopes for this but I guess Im gonna have to mark this off as failed regimen no. 87. I'll keep doing this for a few more weeks strictly cos I think its healthy but I don't think this has any effect on me. . . I guess Im dependant on BP forever . . . .grrrrrrrr. Thanks for everyones help here, . . this may work for u, but then again it may not.

Aww, Pandaboy I'm so sorry! 🙁 I really hope you'll continue them strictly for at least a few more weeks though - you really should give them at least 6 weeks at the very minimum, so you really haven't been doing them long enough yet. It took me a little over 4 weeks before I noticed that I suddenly wasn't getting any new blemishes. I hope they'll work out for you. 🙂


haha Yeh i guess my real question was how large are your cups but sounds a little inapropriate 😉 Thanks for your help Independant Thinker

1 glass for me is one cup, which is around 8 oz. Do you use the metric system? If so, I drink about 2 pints a day. 🙂


Been doing it for almost a week....

And No improvements, no energy boasts or anything like that.

I used to always eat pretty healthy, so I think this would only work if your not a healthy man.

yawn, I guess I'll still do it anyways because I have 6 pcs of fruit inside it

If you look at the first post, you'll read that you need to give the smoothies at least 6 weeks before expecting any differences. Also, I was a very healthy eater before I started the smoothies. I strongly disagree that it only works if you're unhealthy - it's important to eat a mostly healthy diet along with the smoothies.


Posted : 01/07/2007 4:16 pm

Could you tell me if you cook the greens (spinich, kale, collards) before you add them?
