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feeling worse than ever


Posted : 11/11/2017 10:52 am

Pimples are caused by hormones and lifestyle issues, stress and diet. It is a temporary problem which can be easily solved by having a healthier lifestyle.

On top of that, you can have a skincare routine.

  • use exfoliants regularly for less blocked pores
  • use antibacterial stuff to avoid infection
  • Don't over cleanse and disturb your skins natural balance

Please take care of your skin and be patient. Your skin will glow soon.


Posted : 11/11/2017 4:08 pm

4 hours ago, Juwalker said:

You may need to be on it a bit longer. Everyone is different : Will depend on dosage, how effective absorption has been etc. Try and stay positive. When do u see ur derm next ? All the very best.

Hey there,  my next derm appointment is in february .
 I do try to stay positive but sometimes It´s just too much :( 


Posted : 11/13/2017 1:57 pm

30mg sounds low I was on 40mg for one month and 50mg for four months. Accutane makes the skin more fragile so it heals slower. The marks will last longer so do not pick at pimples I know it's hard. I liked the higher dosage better when I was on it. Better and faster results.

Juwalker liked

Posted : 11/30/2017 6:18 pm

Well, hello guys.
Update: my skin is getting more and more clear each day... This is awesome, I haven't had a pimple in my forehead for more than a month, my cheeks are less red and they are smooth, my red marks are also starting to fade. I only noticed today that my skin really is looking better and for the first time since I've started accutane I was able to say "wow, my face is actually looking good".
Now, don't get me wrong, I still get a pimple here and there sometimes and I still have a lot of red marks but overall my skin looks nice and I'm feeling very positive... Let's hope It continues to improve

leelowe1 and Juwalker liked

Posted : 12/20/2017 5:16 pm

Hey !
So , I just wanted to say that so far my skin looks pretty much the same as it did on november 30 . My forehead is still clear , my cheeks are looking better , etc . The problem is : I am still breaking out a bit .... ok , It´s not the same as before but still ... For example , I´ve been having some pimples on my nose (a place where I usually don´t break out) , they are red but not painful and they usually go away after like  2 days, but it really annoys me. yesterday I noticed one (this one is barely noticeable but It is there) and today I have one more , uuuugghhh , why can´t this just stop. I think my course is almost over , maybe two more months or so. Is it normal to still break out a bit at the end ? I mean , I´m grateful that my skin is looking better and that I´m not getting cysts or really painful pimples anymore , but I´m also kind of sad that I still get a pimple or two and this week has been hell because I got a little one on my left cheek and these 2 on my nose  :/ 
