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Articles by Dan Kern

What Is Sebum and What Is Its Purpose?

Sebum Is the Medical Name for Skin Oil. It Contributes to Acne, but Also Maintains the Integrity and Function of the Skin. The Essential Info Sebum (skin oil) is essential to maintaining the integrity and function of the skin and hair in mammals, including humans. Its purposes include: Preventing dryness Lubricating the skin and preventing …

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

What is vitamin B5 and does it help acne? The Essential Info We have only one study so far that shows that megadosing on vitamin B5 orally may help reduce acne, but the study was small, and was sponsored by a marketing company, so we will need to see it replicated before we make any …

What Is Pyoderma Faciale?

Pyoderma Faciale Is a Rare and Severe Form of Acne in Females The Essential Info Pyoderma faciale, also known as rosacea fulminans, is a rare, severe form of acne that occurs exclusively in females. Symptoms are always limited to the face and include intense redness of the skin and a mixture of nodules, cysts, papules, …

What Is Mineral Oil, and Is It Safe to Use on Acne-prone Skin?

Mineral Oil Is Safe to Use, but It Is Not Likely to Help Acne The Essential Info Mineral oil, also known as “baby oil” at drugstores, is a highly refined and purified oil that is created as a byproduct of refining petroleum. When applied to the skin, it creates an artificial barrier, reducing water loss from …

What Is an Acne Pustule?

Pustules Are Slightly Elevated, Red Acne Lesions with a White/Yellow Center and Contain Pus The Essential Info Pustules are what people normally refer to as “zits.” They are relatively small (less than 5 mm across), inflamed (red), elevated acne lesions with a white or yellow center that are located mainly on the face, neck, back, …

Is Oilier Skin More Prone to Acne?

Yes. People with Acne Usually Have Oilier Skin than People Without Acne. The Essential Info Skin oil is required for acne to form in the first place, and several studies have shown that patients with acne consistently produce a greater amount of skin oil than patients without acne. So the answer is yes, oilier skin …

Hypochlorous Acid: What Is It, and Can It Help with Acne?

Hypochlorous Acid Is a Disinfectant with Some Medicinal Properties, but It’s Too Soon to Tell If It Can Benefit People with Acne The Essential Info What It Is: Hypochlorous acid naturally occurs in the human body, where it helps fight infection. Manufacturers of household cleansers also chemically synthesize it and include it in their products. It is also …

How Will Swimming in Seawater Affect My Acne?

It Won’t Hurt and Just Might Help The Essential Info There is no evidence that seawater can negatively affect any skin disease, including acne. If you are acne-prone, you can safely swim in the sea. However, take the following precautions: When drying off, very gently pat your skin dry to avoid physically irritating the skin. …

How to Clear Open Comedones (Blackheads)

Mechanical Extraction Can Clear Blackheads, but Prevention of Blackheads Is the Best Means of Keeping the Skin Clear The Essential Info What Is a Blackhead? Blackheads, also called open comedones, are small, brown- or black-colored lesions that are most often found on the face, especially around the nose. They result when a pore is only …

The Genetics of Acne

Numerous Genes May Increase the Likelihood of Developing Acne The Essential Info Acne is in part a genetic disease. If your parents had acne, there is a greater likelihood that you will as well. However, due to the complex nature of acne, it is unlikely that there is a single acne gene that triggers acne formation. …