Vitamin B5

521 Reviews

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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July 2, 2021
works but hella expensive


The place I bought it from must have figured out it helps us and decided to rip us off. It costs literally £99 for a pouch. When I first bought it it was only around £20 (which is still expensive really). It works but you break out extremely badly with cystic spots and lots of them, on face and body, when you first start it. Then it calms down but if you stop or miss a day or few you will get cysts back again. I wish the medical community would look into this and explain why. It's not only clear it works but the cysts being caused by stopping the treatment is even weirder. This can make it even more of a commitment, chore, and disruption to your life. I had to stop it due to the price as I couldn't get any more obviously. I didn't see any hair loss but I didn't get to the mega megadosing stage yet. Do be careful if you want to do this long term, because we don't know if it's harmful or not. You can't overdose on B5 as it's a water soluable vitamin, but why would it make some people's hair fall out? This is similar to oral zinc in my experience. The skin changed to a nice clear and even looking colour on my cheeks, it's hard to explain, like the pores were smoothed out and I could actually see my skin for once. You can buy capsules and open them but be careful as mine also had a bit of calcium in them and it made the powder inside chewy (I don't swallow pills). Now foods is a good brand and you get a giant pot of it for cheap. But you can't really buy it in the UK. Do not buy from amazon or ebay unless you know the seller is a proper shop and trusted place. Pantothenic acid. 

August 20, 2015
B5 Pantothenic Acid
While I have not tried this exact brand per say, I am familiar with the main ingredient B5 Pantothenic Acid. The idea behind taking B5 is to reduce sebum production that your body produces. In theory less oil will help acne because the pores will not fill up and become inflamed with trapped debris. The B5 does its job at reducing sebum production however you need to take a significant dosage to see any appreciable results. Look into the powdered B5 which you can buy in bulk and then mix it so you can apply it on your face. It will save you having to swallow all the pills and it will be cheaper. The B5 pills are not cheap and you need to keep taking them or else your face will produce oil at the same rate before you started taking the B5 supplement. Its an alternative method that may work for others so there's no harm in trying it out for yourself
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August 6, 2015
Doesn't last - Taken on and off for a few years
I've taken this while it worked, then stopped when it no longer dried up my oily skin. Then again re-started and it worked for a time. Unfortunately it just doesn't last. yes while it works it is great, oily skin to zero and great skin. But the funny thing is right now as i've cycled it for a few years it no-longer works at all. Even Pantethine won't kickstart the oily skin reversal anymore. I no longer want to touch the stuff, the effect of it not lasting is a right teeze. So screw it, back to the drawing board to figure out what exactly is happening that makes this stuff work even for short spells. I figured out that while im skinnier it lasts longer, while chubby it takes longer to work and for less time - so cholesterol lvl is a factor. Any of u guys have the same effect as me and are researching solutions plz message me.
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August 21, 2015
Odorless garlic tabs are effective against skin bacteria and acne. The additional option is taking milk thistle to clean your liver to help skin. Esther C 500mg + and Lysine 500 mg+ increase collagine and keep skin wrinkle free.
November 10, 2015
This is about b5, not garlic
November 10, 2015
This is about b5, not garlic
February 11, 2016
Be careful with what you eat. The vitaminb5 become less efective the more trashy food i eat. Also take multiple small doses trooughout the day rather than 1 or 2 massive doses a day.
July 2, 2021

zinc gives me a similar effect to B5, try that. Far less expensive and you can just take one or two tablets as well.

October 28, 2014
It works but don't overdoze too much!
Hi! I tried Vitamin B5 for over a year and I saw some improvement. It kind of calmed my skin all over and took the edge of my acne and rosacea. However I still had a lot of blackheads, and cysts and zits would still pop up here and there. You need to take a lot of it to really see a difference, but taking 10-20 grams of Vitamin B5 a day is very bad for you in the long run (it can damage your body and give you chronic headache). I would stay around 5 grams of vitamin B5 and ad a few other things. I found a really great regime on this website: [link removed] My skin has never looked better!
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October 14, 2013
Why is everyone overdosing?
The recommended intake for adults is 5mg, you guys are talking about grams! Please do your research before taking that much. Too much of a good thing is always bad.
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February 8, 2013


It reduces oil, eventually reducing acne.
turns pastules and papules into white heads, which are smaller


takes a LONG time
You MUST use cleansers on the side, doesnt work alone
Dry lips and skin
Costs alot you need about 10g a day

Great but you need a lot of money to spend sisnce dosage is high.
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September 19, 2012


quick improvement
skin less oily


i have only been using this product for about a week taking 2-3 grams per day. whenever i brush my hair after coming out the shower i notice about 10 hairs fall out. slightly worried and unsure if i should stop

early to judge but i think it has worked so far
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March 4, 2012


Never tired

First I never tired this but will . To the last reviewer try prenatal vitiamins my hair was coming out bag do to ther reason when I use prenatal vitiamin my hair and nails grow well
February 28, 2012


-I would say it is clearing my skin up
-No hastle....takes less than a minute to take a pill
-reletivly cheap if you find it in a shop.


-Taking longer than i expected
- Mega dosing ??????

i'm really enjoying using this product mainly because it is so easy to use and i am seeing a gradual difference in my skin. One thing i'm not to sure about though is the dosage. My B5 supplement is 500mg (per tab.) Now i;m constantly reading reviews that say to take up to 10g (20 tabs!!) per day. I mean i'm still only in my teens but i think i'm mature enough to know that 20 vitamins per day could be considered mega dosing. Personally i'm going to limit myself to 2g (4 tabs) per day, because i'm scared of any side affects. Preferably 2 tabs in the morning before school and 2 before i go to bed. Besides the dosage, its true, i think this supplement is working for me - slowly but surely. Although i dont see any difference to my blackheads on my nose which is a shame, but then again i have only been using these for about two weeks. Two weeks is also the time when people say that you should start seeing results which makes sense. In conclusion vitamin B5 seems to be a natural remedy for skin and acne and i would definatly reccomend it to anybody. But please bear in mind your dosage. Seriously 20 tablets per day...everyday?!?!?
November 28, 2011


- Clears acne
- Less oily skin


- Broken, dry, brittle, frizzy, untamed hair
- Lots of tablets to take
- Can work out expensive

I started taking 1,000mg a day for a week, and then upped it to 2,000mg in week 2. I noticed a distinct improvement in my skin. My acne had decreased in a couple of weeks. I would still have approximately 1-2 active spots at any one time, but that was much easier to handle than the 10-20 spots I had any any one time beforehand. However, I started to notice that my hair texture changed. It became completely unmanageable, I could not style it at all. Within minutes of styling it would become wild, and I'd have to tie it up. I also noticed lots of broken hair, where beforehand my hair was in great condition. Therefore, I decided to stop taking B5. It has been 2 weeks and my acne has unfortunately increased again. I am going to try something else......The search begins again!
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