Not Washing or Water Only

172 Reviews

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June 24, 2019
Was great while it lasted

I had a period of acne in high school where I had acne because of the fried junk I ate daily but it went away after I fixed my diet, put my bangs away from my forehead and did chemical peels + just said screw it and stuck with water regimen. However, as I transitioned into college, I started eating all those junk food again like pizza and added on with the stress of being a college freshman, all that acne came back to haunt me with a vengeance. My face was literally a grave because I bought into the garbage acne companies throw at you like Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid and etc. It ended up as red as tomato from the burns (I think it caused the PIE/PIH I still have till this day 2 years later) along with the breakouts you get after you go cold turkey on BP. I was researching acne topics and stumbled upon the water regimen and it just hit a light bulb in me to try it again since it worked the first time. At first, the water regimen seemed alright in the first 2 weeks as it brightened the acne scars. There were dead skin problems so I used wet microfiber towels to gently remove them. However, I read up on how the real challenge was the 3rd week (and unfortunately I should've stopped during this week). My face exploded in acne and it just continued after the 3rd week (my family kept commenting throughout these weeks of how did my skin get so bad all of a sudden). I've decided to stop now after a month because my skin type is probably not the same as it was back then and I've been getting an increase in cysts which I don't usually get. This regimen is definitely not for everyone but it was fun while it lasted because I only had to do the bare minimum + I'm on summer vacation so it was more like an experiment. In addition, I wanted to say to proceed into this regimen at your own risk because I think it gave me seb. derm.

January 22, 2019
Tried Everything, This seems like it may work

I got a hydrating facial 4 days ago and I was going to do the no wash caveman to rebuild skin barrier, but I went out with the lotions and stuff on my face from the facial and it started to draw too much attention by day 2. So I decided to do the water only method. I got out the shower and rinsed with Luke warm water until my face felt rubbery so I knew I was getting everything off. It still feels really slick 3 days later but probably becuase the facial lady used so much lotion! So I just finished my 4th wash (I wash morning and night 10-12 hours apart after I shower) and it seems the lotion is almost surfaced and off my face. Skin is still shiny on forehead but not on cheeks anymore. It looks good. I think by day 4 my skin will be balanced again and I can keep on washing morning and night 10-12 hours apart. 


I lied. This is a 4 day update from when I initially posted this review. I don't think washing with water rebuilds the barrier when you compare it to leaving it untouched without water (or even steam from the shower). Starting today I will leave it untouched including water or steam. 

January 28, 2018
Just started this method, and asking for help!
Hi, I'm a 35 year old female and never thought I would be struggling with acne... I get the a few pimples every now and then. Nothing too serious, but enough to bug me. My main problem has always been blackheads in the chin area and some in the cheeks (still pimples without heads)... So, I see this and it makes sense, since I'm doing the "No Poo" on my hair as well.... getting everything back to it's normal PH levels. This is my 4th day or so, but I don't know the directions.... or what to expect. Is there a name for this way of cleansing? I absolutely have to wear sunscreen. I live in Florida. Please Advise:)
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July 5, 2017
Advice please
Today is my Day 7 of washing my face with water only. One the first 3 days, everythg was okay, only some whiteheads coming out around my chin. But then, on the following days, 3-4 red bumps bumping out. I'm not sure whether it works or not. I only wash my face with water in the morning and the evening. But my face is still very oily. What should I do? I am so anxiety. Should I continue?
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July 24, 2017
I would recommend using a spinning facial brush, just to get rid of any dead skin that might be building up and clogging pores :)
October 23, 2017
Using a facial brush seems like a bad idea. Counter intuitive to the whole, leave your face alone mantra and would create aggitation which is the main thing we're trying to avoid?
June 12, 2017
I'm currently into week 9. What can I say? It's been 2 and a bit months and I've seen some good and some bad when it comes to my skin. But I want to be honest and the honest truth is, thus far, I don't think this is a solution to clearing MY skin. Maybe it'll work for others but for me it's just too damn drying. I have dry skin anyway and allowing water to dry on your face and using no moisturiser is just very tough on my skin. It's regularly flaky, always dry and if I eat or move my mouth around too much I have to check in a mirror that I don't have dry skin all over the place as the skin easily flakes and it looks pretty nasty. I still get breakouts (true these are less angry and inflamed and they certainly seem to heal a bit quicker) but I'm also getting blotchy and uneven skin as well. I don't want to put anyone off trying this. Ultimately I'm glad I went as far along into this as I have. I'm usually 2 weeks max at trying things and then I give up, so to have stuck at it for 9 weeks is quite an achievement. And I have learned to be less critical of myself and not stress so much about my skin. I'm a lot more carefree about it. I still hate how it looks sometimes but I'm not having sleepless nights or feeling the desire to check myself in the mirror every 5 minutes. So with that, I've decided that come the end of this week (week 9) I'm going to incorporate a moisturisor. I've researched to try and find the most organic/natural one I can. The idea is that I will still only wash my face with water but that afterwards, I'll add the moisturisor to help stop the dryness/flakiness and hopefully this will help the overall appearance of my complexion. I should also say that, as a guy who has a beard and trims his beard hair twice a week, it's been quite difficult to do so with all this dry skin. Afterwards my face feels red raw and looks awful with all this dead skin everywhere, which I then have to try and exfoliate off gently with a wet flannel. So, all in all, the answer for me is that I don't think this is a cure. A lot of people say they get the dry skin but that it eventually subsides. For me, it just seems to be getting more dry as time goes on and actually quite uncomfortable. Also, I haven't really noticed than I'm getting any less breakouts than before, just less inflamed ones and they do tend to clear up quicker. I would say give this a go, try it for a least 2 months and see if it works for you. Hopefully by me making these updates it's helped others or will help you to decide if it's going to be right for you.
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June 18, 2017
After 1 week: My skin has had a hair few breakouts. Mostly in the areas where I usually suffer (neck, just below the jaw line) however I've also seen a lot of small white heads forming in places I don't often have breakouts. The small white heads are pretty minimal in size and aren't usually inflamed. They are easy to deal with. I've had at least 3 big cystic-like ones on my neck though which haven't been nice. Despite the negatives, my skin hasn't felt overly dry or overly greasy, which has been lovely. Into week 2 now.... I will keep updating this for anyone interested.
June 22, 2017
Please do update! I have almost tried everything and nothing worked except contraceptives. But I really don't want to take that again. Please and thanks!
June 25, 2017
After 2 weeks: My skin definitely had less breakouts that the first week. I still had a fair few whiteheads come up but they seemed to go away quickly. I had only one large spot come up and that is still under the skin. Yesterday I had to trim my beard and it today my face feels very sore. I also had to use a sponge to exfoliate as hair from my beard was sticking all over my face and neck. Since only washing with water the natural oils on my skin make little hairs and stuff stick to it which is quite annoying. Overall, I'd say my second week was a lot easier than my first but after having to trim my beard I do feel quite dry and sore. Also I ate something yesterday which I think might have broken me a little. So right now my skin looks a little rubbish but I will continue with this 'regime' into week three and post another update next week.
July 1, 2017
After 3 weeks: OK this week has been tough. More breakouts, my skin much more dry... I mean, I'm close to wanting to give this up. Say that, I do want to reach the one month mark at the very least so I'm going to keep going for another week and see where I am by next weekend. I hope into week 4 things start to get better.
July 7, 2017
After 4 weeks: Okay, I made it... I'm one day away from finishing my first month. It's be tough, I won't lie. Happily, week 4 was much easier than week 3. At least the first 3 days my skin was looking a lot better. I've had a few breaks since though so I'm still dealing with some old scaring and now some new whiteheads, but nothing too huge and angry, thankfully. End of week 3 I was ready to chuck in the towel. End of week 4 I'm still feeling a little unsure on everything but I'm certain not ready to give up. I'm hoping that as I enter into my second month (week 5) I will gradually start to see a decrease in the amount of breakouts and dry skin. Only time will tell and obviously I'll up date this for anyone reading... If anyone is reading!
July 15, 2017
Please update good sir, people are reading!
July 17, 2017
After 5 weeks: Week 5 was odd - started out with less breakouts but more dry skin and more blemished skin then as the blemishes eased off my skin broke out. So into week 6 I'm now dealing with a nasty breakout around my neck area (which is typically my problem area anyway) and still the flaky/dry skin. Not much else to report other than that. Skin seems to have a few days where it's 'okay' - few breakouts and any I get are tiny whiteheads that go within a day or two. Then I'll get a few big ones come up. I'm not seeing any drastic improvements, it must be said. However, as I'm already one month in and into month 2 now I am really keen to keep on going until I reach the 3 month mark (typically when people who've succeeded in this regime say you start to notice a huge improvement.) So I may not keep updating this weekly as there isn't much to actually update, perhaps bi-weekly or just at the end of each month.
September 13, 2017
Any new updates.. I've been flying for you! Starting my water only journey today.
October 23, 2017
Flakey dead skin is one thing (your skin will heal and flake old skin) but overall your face shouldn't be dry and uncomfortable, otherwise you'll still breakout. I would strongly recommend looking into natural oils to moisturize. Make sure they are from a good company, organic, pure, unrefined etc. Can choose an oil based on your skin type. Apply 2-3 drops when face is damp after shower etc. The dampness will allow you to spread it around. Rosehip is good for scars/red marks. Jojoba is a popular one for oily types I believe
May 16, 2017
I'm gonna give it a try.
After seeing many 5 star reviews here, I'm gonna give it a try. My pimples on my cheek is starting to increase, I am 16 years old. But suddenly, I breakout a lot, like every week. January 2016, I don't have any acne, not a single pimple, but since one appeared...I picked it, and that makes it the way it is now. I've been using face wash, and it doesn't get rid of it,'s worse and worst everyday until now. I'm a picker and I'm trying my best not to pick on my pimples. It's like a village of inflamed acne here on my cheek, I don't have any acne on my forehead, and my chin. So, I will give it a try and not to wash my face with any products but just water, I'll post an update soon in a week, or month. Second update: I can't keep my hands off my face, it was going great until.....ah, I keep touching my face and here we go, an inflamed ones. Couple of bumps on my face, annoying. I'll try my best not to disturb them and update more anytime soon.
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May 23, 2017
It's been over a week. My skin looks much healthier, and I didn't get breakouts anymore. Dead skin cells all over my face and today at the morning, I tried cleaning all my dead skin with apple cider by wiping them off, now I look like I have inflamed pimples, it seems like it is already healing now. My acne is looking much better. I will be going to update more in a week.
May 13, 2017
Advice pls :(
Hi guys so I tried this caveman regimen for 2 wks. I only wash my face with tepid water twice a day. I can say that my face looks better now coz if I got new pimps they heal after 2 days and they are not big like before but right now my nose and some part of my cheeks are dry. It's super itchy... Is it dead skin cells? Idk how to exfoliate or get rid of this dead skin cells because I have red marks all over my face, yea they are acne marks. I'm afraid that if I scrub it with washcloth it may irritate my red marks. What should i do guys? Thanks!!
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May 22, 2017
I used cotton pads to exfoliate, I even used q-tips at first not to irritate my skin
June 6, 2017
my bestfriend gently uses a damp towel or cloth to exfoliate, and i read on here that your face goes through a 5 week cycle, so wait atleast a month and a half before giving up, and if u do have to give up consult a dermatologist. & for the drying part its normal, my face is getting dry too with just using water but thats ok! just try not to over-dry your face with water.
November 27, 2016
I haven't been washing my face, chest or back with soap or cleanser for a little more than two weeks now. I only use baking soda every few days to exfoliate. My skin was substantially less oily right away, which really got my hopes up. The first few days I also noticed what other people said about pimples that surface quickly, and that are easy to deal with. After the first few days though, my skin started erupting again. I have been at constant war with it for the past weeks now, but I want to believe I'm doing something wrong. I thought that since my skin has been less oily, I'd see improvement. What can I do differently? The past few days I put some BP cream to treat the areas that were completely broken out, because I couldn't take it anymore. Any advice? Thank you!
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December 12, 2016
you're doing fine. it will take a lot of time for your skin to go back to normal. and stop using baking soda on your face. use mixture of honey and sugar as exfoliant. and splash some warm water every other day. give it at least a month. acne will definately get worse but eventually with time it will get better.
December 23, 2016
Don't use baking soda it has a alkaline pH wich is the opposite of the skins natural slightly acidic pH of 4.5-6.2
July 22, 2016
Amazing life experience, but didn't work for me
I am giving it three stars instead of only one, because i want to not only rate it based on acne, but also how eye opening this was. As someone who has struggled with acne for 10+ years and has ALWAYS worn makeup and sincerely cared what other people saw on my face, this was by far the most challenging thing I have ever done. For 4 months I did not wash my face, not even with water. I won't tell you my whole experience, because I logged it all on my page, but long story short my acne never got better, if anything it got worse since I was jumping straight from BP every day to literally nothing. But how liberating!! It was amazing to have my only night and morning ritual be brushing my teeth!! And although my acne increased gradually, I was able to see how people around me literally did not care if I had acne or not. They still treated me wonderfully, enjoyed being around me and I continued to make friends. I only wish that it cleared my acne. I am going to start back up on Dan's regimen because that has been the only thing that has worked for me, but now, I won't be as obsessed over one or two totally normal pimples, as opposed to the over 80 that I had on this "regimen." I think that everyone should try the caveman regimen for at least one month. What have you got to lose? If your acne gets worse just go back to whatever you have been doing. You never know, maybe you will be one of the lucky ones who gets cleared. Either way, you will be humbled during the process, and realize that you are more than just your appearance.
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July 25, 2016
I just read all your logs. I gave up my skincare routine in late December 2015 (stopped using Retin-A, topical antibiotics). By Jan 2015 I used only water and sometimes spayed my face with the AO Biome Motherdirt Bacteria Water. Then by March 2015 I stopped all products and stopped washing my face with water. Since then, I have had massive oil/filament buildup and dead skin. I think that's the worst part. I have never scrubbed it off with water because that would be breaking my no water rule, but I have picked off some of the worst parts with a dry fingernail, but left the majority 70% still on. I have also been trying the No Poo method on my hair at the same time. My acne has slowed but I still have some. My nose still gets oily and there are blackheads. I am going to keep on doing this exactly this way until Jan 2017. I have been eating a vegan diet mostly high carb/low fat since October 2015. This "experiment" has definitely taken a toll on my self-esteem and social life. My family has not asked me about it because I think they are scared that if they mention it they will break me and I will get more depressed (I think I already look very depressed). However, the routine has helped me not care as much about my appearance and has been mentally cleansing. I love not spending so much time in front of the mirror. I try not to look at myself too much and just relax and not care about every little thing. So ya...the dead skin is a motherf**ker but I'm continuing to chug on. I have hope that my skin just needs a year to regain strength. I'm proud of myself for lasting this long without any mess ups or breakdowns where I desperately scrub my face or start using products again. I think every person that tries this is very strong-willed. Thank you for sharing your story helped me a lot because you lasted so much longer than most!
January 16, 2016
Worked partially for me, but doesn't account for stress or other lifestyle factors
I've had acne since my early 20s and have been on Accutane 2x. First time the Accutane worked for 5+ years, second time it worked for only 1.5 years before I started getting cystic acne on my chin and jawline (nowhere else). Very strange because my prior rounds of acne had been a variety of types and anywhere on my face. I had been trying a variety of OTC product (Neutrogena Acne Wash and toner, Clean & Clear exfoliant, Clarisonic, mybody Obliterate) with varying and temporary success. I didn't want to take Accutane again and instead wanted to take an all-natural route. I have combination skin - super dry cheeks and oily t-zone. So this is what I did: Coconut oil to remove makeup Damp baby terrycloth washcloth (new one everyday) to wipe my face clean Vitamin E oil or B5 serum as moisturizer I started this in May and IMMEDIATELY, my cystic acne stopped - it was like a friggin miracle, I couldn't believe it! I got tiny red comedones on my forehead which had never happened before (I think it's because my forehead is oily so requires a toner, washing with water wasn't enough), but I was so happy with the cysts being gone that I didn't care. But 5 months later (in October), my cysts came back like crazy and my forehead comedones got a little worse and my cheeks got dry, red, and bumpy. I'm convinced it was because A) I traveled back and forth cross-country non-stop for 6 weeks, which caused sleep deprivation/irregularities, dehydration (from being on the plane so much), and eating out more, and B) Winter made my skin much drier. So, for me, I do believe that stopping use of chemical OTC products is the way to go, but with some adjustments: 1). I have to tone my oily parts - otherwise, the build up is too much. 2). I need to adapt my routine to take into account the weather (in this case, extra moisturizer in the winter) 3). And no matter what my skin regimen is, protect sleep quality, hydration, and diet AT ALL COSTS. So now when I travel, I make sure to schedule it so I can get a full 7-8 hours of quality sleep, keep up with my water intake, etc. I'm doing the above and think my cysts are slowly improving, though it's too soon to tell. (It's now January). Hope my experience helps shed light for others!
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