Not Washing or Water Only

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April 4, 2018
So originally I had a raw piece of skin about to become a scab on my face and this made me not wash my face as I didn't want to disturb the way it healed. I just let the shower water hit my face. BTW it never became a scab because I constantly left Neosporin on the raw skin and went back to normal skin in less then a week! I started to notice that my forehead cystic acne was clearing up a bit during this process. I started researching if this was a thing, not washing your face as our society has just became HUGE on beauty products. I started to hear these success stories and continued to only wash my face with warm water and finish with cold water. This got rid of about 98% of my cystic acne that is only on my forehead. Before this I had not oily, nor dry skin. Everyday I was getting another or multiple white heads which isn't normal for me. As everyday continued, my skin became VERY oily. After that I had to stop because the cystic acne that I had practically gotten rid of had became white heads everywhere and my face was VERY oily. My face was itching from how much oil was being produced on my face!! Then I got a little section of tiny bumps (clogged pores). I finally stopped washing my face with only water because the oily skin, white heads and tiny bumps. Now I have oily skin, slowly getting rid of the white heads and tiny bumps. I am 18 and I never had acne until I became overwhelmed with stress and anxiety about 5 months ago. Before this, I'd loose it because I'd have one tiny pimple on my face. Getting acne has really made my confidence fluctuate. I am stuck to say if I recommend this as most acne varies. My current routine after this is using a tea tree facial cleanser once in the morning and at night. I moisturize my face at night after I've washed my face and taken a shower. Then i put pure tea tree oil on a q-tip and run it under water then spot treat with it. This simplistic acne treatment, I've started has became effective and it seems that if I keep my stress under control that my acne will hopefully be gone! Last thing I want to say is please love youreself even if your acne messes with your confidence. I get it and it's really hard, but you just have to remember that at the end of the day if someone thinks you're not beautiful or handsome because you have acne then they don't deserve you. Remember that you're SO much more then your acne. That your acne doesn't get to determine if you'll live your life. Learn to accept the fact your acne is what it is and you're doing everything you can to get rid of it. That's all you can do!
October 27, 2016
New to this. -any advice/help would be appreciated
Hi guys, I'm really not sure what the real reason is behind my acne. I have it really bad on my cheeks and my chin and a little on my forehead. I have tried everything and it has only gotten worse. I back tracked and came to conclusion it might of been from my make up products and introducing new face washes, lotions, masks and natural methods for over a year. I feel like I have been covering up my face with make up for so long that It didn't even appear to me how much my skin has changed. I used to have perfect,clear skin. I used to wear drug store make up and sometimes didn't even remember to take it fully off and STILL had perfect skin. I started introducing face washes to my skin once I noticed a little bit of acne. Now, my face is completely covered. :( I recently started this no face cleansing regimen and I think I'm in the "getting worse stage" before it gets better. It really takes a toll on you. I sometimes get extremely depressed and will sit on the internet for hours researching on what I can possibly do or what I am doing wrong. At this point, I'm desperate. I'm going to continue to use only water to wash my face for now. However, holidays are coming up and I would like to use a light foundation to cover up any existing acne. Does anyone know a very natural way I can take off my make up that won't make my skin any worse than it is? I have extremely sensitive skin and I just want to find what works for my skin so I can stick to it. I'm trying to go without make up and although it has lowered my self esteem, I am not going to give up. I cannot wait for the day I wake up acne-free and feel beautiful without any make up. Any advice/help on a very natural non irritating make up remover would be very much appreciated. I will update with pictures of before and after if this regimen seems to work for me. Thanks :) -Ashley D.
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October 29, 2016
Hey! Please update as often as you can. I just read all your logs. I gave up my skincare routine in late December 2015 (stopped using Retin-A, topical antibiotics). By Jan 2015 I used only water and sometimes spayed my face with the AO Biome Motherdirt Bacteria Water. Then by March 2015 I stopped all products and stopped washing my face with water. Since then, I have had massive oil/filament buildup and dead skin. I think that's the worst part. I have never scrubbed it off with water because that would be breaking my no water rule, but I have picked off some of the worst parts with a dry fingernail. I have also been trying the No Poo method on my hair at the same time. My acne has slowed but I still have some. My nose still gets oily and there are blackheads. I am going to keep on doing this exactly this way until Jan 2016. I have been eating a vegan diet since October 2015. This "experiment" has definitely taken a toll on my self-esteem and social life. However, the routine has helped me not care as much about my appearance and has been mentally cleansing. I love not spending so much time in front of the mirror. I try not to look at myself too much and just relax and not care about every little thing. So ya...the dead skin is a motherf**ker but I'm continuing to chug on. I have hope that my skin just needs a year to regain strength. I'm proud of myself for lasting this long without any mess ups or breakdowns where I desperately scrub my face or start using products again. I think every person that tries this is very strong-willed. Overall, my skin is a lot less oily and I spend less on products. I'm going to continue and see if more improvement happens!
August 16, 2016
daily routine for acne free skin and glowing skin
as acne or pimple is something that come because of impurities in your inner instead of changing your routine product change your's routine for getting out of this temporary thing... 1. wake up at 6 and make a solution of 1 glass warm water,half cut lemon and salt and drink it in empty stomach as this will remove all harmful toxic from your body. 2. 6:30-7:-do exercise for half hour. 3. make 3 1 litre bottles and target to drink this anyhow in whole day. breakfast at 8 am. 5.lunch between 11-12am. 6.dinner before 8 pm. 7.go for walk at 8:30 pm. 8.sleep between 10:30 to 11. 9.thank god for what you have instead of blaming or regreting for what you have and try to accept it as some people dont even have one of their part still they are happy in what you have and keep smiling it is the best medicine. and ya eat whatever you want according to this routine as lemonade solution and water is enough to digest it and also you only have one life so please dont listen to anyone eat whatever you want to eat do whatever you want to do...please give a try to this routine i m sure it will will see result in 1 week.please do try😊 and ya give atleast 15 minute to yourself and meditate.
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April 19, 2015
For me, Acne is a heritable trait. I have tried weaning myself off products, and it works for a short period . However, my skin quickly reverts back to "normal" a.k.a. combination and pimples, and I have to "purge" it again. However, for those who want to try the washing or water only method, take these factors in consideration before you use try: Is the product you are using irritating your skin? What kind of schedule/diet do you have? Products that dry out your skin actually cause you skin to produce more oil to compensate for the loss. Diary, for the people inquiring about dietary matters, have been known to break your skin out. The product that you're using may also may not be suitable for your type of skin. It would be beneficiary to look in the ingredients in the products.
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December 29, 2014
just started
so I just started so I don't know yet. I really don't know if this is the best for me yet. I have damaged skin from harsh chemicals in products. so I stopped and my parents told me to just do this. I'm nervous because I have a forehead full of tiny bumps and dead skin from drying it out. and cheeks of acne scars. I hope this will help me. my face isn't red anymore at least. and my spots are turning into dead skin.
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July 2, 2015
How did it go???
November 1, 2014
I only used this method for about 2 weeks, it left my skin unchanged and didn't help it improve in any way, shape, or form. I only did it because I had ran out of my face wash and was too lazy to get around to buying another one. i wouldn't recommend it to people who use makeup on a daily basis, for people who have severe acne, or for extremely oily skin. Instead, just use a gentle face wash like Cetaphil per example.
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November 16, 2013
Didn't work...
I have been dealing with my mild acne for months now and thought I would give this a go since it was so simple.. After using so many harsh chemicals on my face for so long I feel like doing nothing but splashing water on my face calmed down my big pimples slighting. But that's all I can really say. I have combination skin and my t zone was oiler than ever and after a few days I noticed a few new pimples forming. So no I would not recommend doing this, acne is all about trial and error. You just need to find what's right for you.
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February 15, 2013


Feels good to let nature take over


Disgusting Skin

I tried this method after coming off the regimen. It could have been because I stopped using the regimen, but I got awful breakout. Clogged pores, disgusting skin. I tried for about a month but couldn't show up to school with nasty skin anymore so I exfoliated and it felt amazing. Try it out, but not for everyone.
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January 23, 2013




didn't cleanse well enough for me
didn't get rid of oil
my skin broke out

I tried the water only method a few months ago when my acne was quite severe, and I can't say it did anything positive for me...of course, I didn't try it for very long, so maybe people who experiment with it for a couple of months would have better results, but so far the only thing that seems to clear my skin consistently is velocity and epiduo...I wish the more natural methods would work for me, but so far they haven't.
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July 25, 2012


Fantastic results for about a month. I was absolutely ecstatic and glad it worked when it worked - the end of my senior year in high school. I really thought this was the cure.


The worst breakout I have ever experienced that had been building up under the skin the entire time - this caused an entire apathetic summer of depression, anxiety, isolation, and recovery. As well as scars and frail skin to last me much longer.

I truly wanted this to work for me and I was so excited about it, because for about a month or so my skin had never looked better. Despite my 98% clear skin, I became picky. I ceased the day-and-night daniel kern regimen I was on at the time and saw immediate wonderful results. The oil production had completely balanced out in a matter of days and eventually I had no spots at all. Little did I know, under the surface, day by day my pores became more and more clogged and upset. One night about 5 weeks in, I looked in the mirror and realized that hidden under the surface there were hundreds of tiny little red spots ALL over my face. It was absolutely horrendous. I began washing again and my face was just caked with a thick layer of dead skin, which also probably caused the clogging. Over the past couple months I have never been in a more terrified and helpless state. I have isolated my self from everyone and completely lost my mind and sense of who I am. It really has just ruined me. I have absolutely no idea what made me think that this would actually work for my hormonal teenage skin. It will most likely work wonders for some older folks or perhaps those whose faces were just not made for chemicals, but for my fickle, clog-prone skin it was an atomic bomb of sorrow. Be extremely cautious before you decide to take this plunge. I am not discouraging you, but if something as extreme as this was never meant for your skin, you will certainly be dealing with the aftermath for a very, very long time.
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