Not Washing or Water Only

172 Reviews

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October 26, 2015
This DOES help
I did this for a month, and it does help with certain things. I saw an increase in my breakouts, however i found that the breakouts lasted a shorter amount of time. My skin became much healthier, smoother and thicker. My oiliness reduced so well, and my tone improved. The reason i do not do this anymore is because if your acne is hormonal, this will do nothing for you. + i got so much more clogged pores, however overall my skin did improve and i recommend EVERYONE tries this. Its the safest and cheapest method, and if it cures your acne then you have the cheapest cure ever!
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May 26, 2016
oh no it gave you more clogged pores? ugh :( that's what I was hoping to get on this regimen to get rid of...
September 3, 2015
Three star because IT's only my Second Day (WILL UPDATE)
OKay! So it's my second day not washing my face. On the last night that I washed my face I didn't not moisturize or put anything on it at all. I went to bed with NOTHING on my face. The next morning everything seems fine not too much oil. ( I have combo/oily skin) So I went to school like that and I felt disgusted of course since I always scrub my face squeaky clean. So after school came home didn't wash my face and went to bed. The next morning ( just this morning) was when the oils on my face started bothering me, bu I heard that the oil will eventually balance out and stop producing so much. School is over and EW so oily, but I am going to go for maybe one more day and see how things turn out. Also I have noticed that there are nasty little white stuff coming out from the pores on my nose, forehead, and chin area, but that's to be expected. I have cleaned up my diet ( Gave away my bag of Takis to my sister). My only issue with this regimen is sunscreen. Since you can't wash your face properly I didn't want to add to the gunk building up on my face. I use the Badger spf 30 BUT since I started this routine I have not used anything even sunscreen. And for me. I am all about preventative methods, as I do not want to age sooner than should, I am VERY worried about not using sunscreen. Can anyone please let me know if you are using sunscreen while your on this regimen and let me know how it's going.
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April 25, 2015
After 4 weeks, clear
After 4 weeks, I did not seem to have any active pimples. I eventually reincorporated SPF and a cleanser (albolene) into my routine because I began exercising outdoors.
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September 2, 2015
Okay, so sunscreen was one of my main concern... I really want to follow through with this regimen but I worry about the long run of not using sunscreen. But since the point is to not wash your face, I didn't want to use sunscreen because then I'll HAVE to wash my face because it' gross.
December 29, 2014
It seems working
I've been doing this for almost two weeks now And I've seen improvements already, I wash my face just with water twice a day, two days ago I stop using moisturizer too, I will update this and tell you how it's going..
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November 12, 2018
January 25, 2013


if the water is of GOOD quality, then you are not putting any harmful chemicals on your skin


If you are using tap water, you are most likely putting some harmful chemicals on your face that have not been filtered such as fluoride and chlorine.

I am reviewing the water only method, not the "not washing" method. If the water is of good, clean quality, then go for it. But if your tap water is questionable, either opt for deionized water or use a bit of facial wash (with no SLS), or spray your face with evian spray or some other mist.
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