
134 Reviews

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June 26, 2013
Microdermabrasion review


gets rid of red marks
brightens complexion



I had microdermabrasion done a few years ago to help smooth out the area where my scars had healed (thanks to the dermaroller). It was really bumpy because of the new skin. I got it done every 2 weeks for about 3 months and then monthly for a few months. My complexion was bright and smooth. After the 3rd treatment, my red spots disappeared. My skin was smooth and the scars I had were less visible. I loved it. It will NOT get rid of indented scars. Had to stop getting treatments because my dermatologist moved to the other side of town (30min. drive) and I can not find any good estheticians on this side of town.
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February 20, 2013


pain free
cost effective
smooth skin


multiple treatments

Well it would be nice to go in for 20 min and walk out with absolutely no acne scars but until someone invents a miracle machine i'll be settling for microderm. I've done 2 treatments so far. I do not see a huge improvement on my scars but before i started treatments i would always have 2-3 active pimples on my face. I'm noticing for at least 2 weeks after treatment i don't get any breakouts. Maybe one but over the course of 2 weeks that's not bad! My skin is smooth, it just feels clean. I go to a cosmetic center, they use a diamond tipped wand and apply lotion afterwards to calm down the skin. I have no pain when she's working on my face. I wouldn't recommend for someone with widespread active acne. If you have one or two at the time, it's not bad. But i noticed the one time i had an active pimple the wand and pressure she applied made it like pop under the skin, so there was just a dried-blood color spot there for a few days!
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April 10, 2012


-Quick, Simple
-Reduces minor scarring and spots


-Slight flakiness and sensitivity to light for a few days after
-Not real cheap

So far I have only had one treatment, but I will definitely be continuing with microdermabrasion from now on! The treatment was simple; a little rough feeling, but nothing bad. Initially I noticed my skin was smooth and clean. The next day I definitely saw a reduction of the redness and size of my scarring. This is continuing to improve with each day. My only recommendations with Micro are to stay out of the sun for extended periods, and try to avoid skin makeups. Makeup tends to accentuate the flakiness...not attractive :P
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August 4, 2011


Works lesser acne and scars.


Does not work for heavy scars and kind of expensive.

First time I paid 150.00$ and had less extreme acne, so it worked pretty well on the scars. Now my acne has gotten more severe and it no longer works like it use to, so I suggest only using it if your acne is light to mild moderate.
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January 4, 2011


- improves skin appearance and texture
- little to no pain
- can be relaxing (if you go to a good spa)
- reduces scarring
-gives you that glowing skin look


- expensive
- takes time to see results

- I did 5 microdermabrasion sessions over the period of 4 months. - Important to note: The condition of my skin at the time was very mild acne (I got the odd zit). I was mainly going to address my red acne scars. Plus I was hoping to have overall better looking skin texture (that glow we all want). - After my first treatment I didn't notice much of a difference in the scarring but my skin felt great and clean. The microdermabrasion did not cause any further acne. - After the second and third treatment I kept taking photos of my skin and noticed that my cheeks had a nice glow to them and the scarring was indeed starting to fade. - I stopped after 5 treatments because I just couldn't afford the $125 each session. - Now that I make more money I am going to start going for more treatments. Living in a big city with lots of pollution I think this is a great alternative to a facial for someone that want's to focus on minimizing acne scars rather than just extractions. If you go to a good spa, they will play relaxing music, do extractions if you need it, and use a cool gel on your face after so that you leave with barely any redness on your face. - I recommend microdermabrasion for anyone who is patient (doesn't need a quick fix for getting rid of scarring) as this procedure won't clear skin after one treatment. You will definitely see results after a 4-5 treatments. I didn't notice until I starting taking photos of my skin. -It isn't invasive so the risk is minimal. - I recommend going somewhere reputable rather than whoever has the cheapest price. I hope this helps!
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October 26, 2010


Cleared up some pimples and whiteheads
My skin is no longer as rough.


Blackheads remained.
Dry skin.
I'm a student= no more money. Meaning, it can be a bit pricey for some people.

It's already been 3 weeks or so, and my cheeks area that had digusting redness and tiny pimples are gone. Acne scars have reduced dramatically, and are fading. Made my skin look healthier and lighter. They also gave me a product to use daily that can whiten acne scars and fight acne. So far so good. My face had been a bit dry lately, but apparantly it's because it's trying to fight the existing acne underneath my skin, trying to dry it out is the best way. I'm probably going to make another appointment next month and let my mom pay. :)
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July 25, 2010


- affordable
- painless
- relaxing



Someone recommended microdermabrasion to me to help get rid of the slight scars/brown spots I have on my face, so I decided to give it a shot. I went a few times and it cleared up the scars I had on one side of my face completely! The other side was always worse than the other so it will take a bit more time. It leaves your face smooth and really does work over time. Very pleased with it so far!
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October 5, 2009


smooth skin, cleared some blackheads, made my complexion look better, still waiting to see what else.


Two days later I had to stay home from school for one day because my skin was so flaky.

I got my first microderm on wednesday. It inflamed my face at first, but it was faded by the next morning. It really helped because I had so much dead skin and my pores were really clogged. I am hoping that with the more treatments I get, the more it will fade my red marks=D
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September 27, 2009


I used a manual microdermabrasion cream called EPIIDERM PROFESSIONAL STRENGTH, from a regular seller on Ebay. What an amazing cream! At this cost I was worried at how effective it would really be.. Great skin, less scarring already A+++


You do need to massage it in for 3-5mins each time, initially twice a day.. then less often as you see results. There isn't much cream for the money.. 60gms.. but enough to last 2wks. Skin a little red initially but no itchiness or sideeffects really

I think if you suffer from bad acne, almost severe, have many scars from it, and frequent breakouts, this natural product works very very well. It contains crystals to abrase the skin and remove dry skin, smooth out the contours, and the ingredients prevent further breakouts. It works in many ways, and all in the comfort of home. Will be buying my second tub now.. and in another 2 weeks I will be almost ready to appear with my top off at the beach. Confidence is now back.. and I love the fact that I didn't lose faith and tried this cream. P.S. You will need someone to apply it for you if you have back acne as I did.. difficult to work the cream in those areas. But great results!! :)
September 23, 2009


Skin looks amazing. Scars are down 50% after just two treatments. Makeup goes on smooth and soft- people won't even be able to tell you're wearing it!


You walk out feeling like a tomato. It's very expensive (I pay $190 a session) but it's well worth the money. I don't think it would work on severe or active acne, but it's awesome for superficial scars.

I was skeptical about getting it, but boy am I glad I did. I didn't notice much of a difference after the first treatment (but my friends said I was glowing). Well, after the second treatment I definitely noticed the fading of my scars! I'm thrilled (and it's only been two weeks!) The place I go to uses an exfoliating mask, then a diamond tip laser, then a pigmentation machine, then follows up with a vitamin C treatment. I think that's why they can guarantee such great results in every patients (and it's perfect for people like me that only have a few little scars- results are pretty much instant). Would recommend this to anyone with light, stubborn acne scars and/ or a lot of cash to spare.
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