
134 Reviews

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February 18, 2008


smooth skin, smaller pores etc etc etc but if you want to get rid of acne forever...
ACCUTANE IS A MIRACLE WORKER! use it for 4-5 months and u will NE VER have acne again!! ACCUTANE ACCUTANE ACCUTANE ACCUTANE!!!
acne dissapears within 3 weeks!!



I cant believe so many of you had bad experiences with MICRODERMABRASION!!! I LOVE IT! I think its great! My facialist does the micro treatment, then steams my face , gives me a mini glycolic peel and then does extractions, the microderm removes all the dead skin , so if you do extractions immediately after, it is a lot easier and less painful. The only down time is the redness caused by the extractions ( squeezing ) and the peel, and its gone the next day. Other than that ur face is a little red for a couple of hours. Definitely not weeks like some people mentioned, well at least not for me. It only makes sense that if u remove the dead skin from ur face , it reveals newer , softer one. i usually do it once a month and the cost including the peel and extractions is 130.00$ IMPORTANT==== make sure u go somewhere reputable, if its done wrong, obviously u wont have good results. If its too cheap (innexpensive) beware...i believe that in many cases u get wha
February 14, 2008


leaves skin soft and somehwat improves red marks leftover from old acne


Is not a dramatic enough change to warrant the cost.

I had a series of 6 microdermabrasion treatments done at my dermatologists office, scheduled one month apart. My skin felt much softer nad it did help a tiny bit with old acne marks but not enough to warrant paying $70 a session. It did nothing for my melasma either. it was a nice exfoliation though but overall I think this is highly overrated.
January 31, 2008


This product is great it helped get rid of scars and clean out the pores.My skin was super soft afterwards.


If your insurance doesn't cover it it is very expensive. leaves your skin red afterwards(only for about 2 hours). You have to take between 6-18 sesions depending on your skin condition.

I would definately recomend this because it helps your skin ALOT! My insurance covers the cost so it is very cheap for me. Due to my skin condition i only need to take 8 sessions to get the desired out come.
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December 26, 2007


i love microderm it really clears up: acne, ance scars, rough skin, & even freakles start to disapear! ive been doing microderm for about a month now & it really sluffs off all that acne caused by build up of the skin


its is pricey $80 every time

the first time it wont work so well. after time you will see the dramatic results!
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December 14, 2007


I started with the neutrogena 8 hour active products the exfoliater and those great pads. then moved on to their mushroom extract dermabrasion.


i went through a period of extra sensitive skin peeling, and accidental scarring from overuse.

After one month, my brown scars have faded almost disappearing. My acne has almost stopped completely, nothing to squeeze, nothing to cover up with make-up. When I do get a pimple it is gone within a few days. It used to flair up and spread then leave a scar. To me, it is those pads. they make the biggest difference. Also, the lotion is soooo important.
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November 2, 2007


fresher skin, improves overall complexion


not suitable with skin having active acne

your acne needs to be stopped before you can try out this treatment. Remember this is for acne scars not acne itself.I had to wait for years to try this one out and I have to admit..it did improve my scarring...by reducing the depth of the scars.However, regular care is neccessary. There is no quick fix. Microderm along with regular skin care routin and healthy diet habbits goes a long way...I paid 275 pounds for a course of six
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October 17, 2007


works well with ice pick scars (gradual process) helps rebuild skin


takes time i cant say costly as ive done it myslef and persoanlly i think its cheap

what is confusing is that people are still using this WITH acne . of course its gonna flare up your skin you will break the very sensitive skin barrier and make it worse. it would be like doing it to cut. ive done 4 treaments roulghy every 2 weeks it has worked its not a miracle though. its left my skin on my neck red for 3 days now (this is noraml right) when i do a treament the flowing morning i wake with very flat skin but its slightly rough im assuimng this dead skin that i need to take off right or will the skin heal im not sure
September 3, 2007


About ten people have told me my skin looks a lot better since I had the treatment done. Not too painful, quick recovery time, not traumatic, can do the treatments yourself


My aesthetician charges $2000 for 6 treatments (combined microderm + retin-a + ultrasonic treatments) but I learned how to do it myself so it's cheaper.

I feel very grateful that I found a treatment that helps this much when I was quoted over $5K for laser resurfacing. The scarring is not 100 percent gone but it's about 60 percent better (which is what I was told I could expect with the laser). I am experimenting with other treatments to see how much smoother it can get but am lazy about it because my skin doesn't bug me like it used to. Plus I have a hard time staying away from caffeine and I don't like to do the treatments when caffeine is in my system because I think it prevents proper healing. I highly recommend taking 6000 mg of vitamin c, plus pycnogenol and collagen supplements after micro dermabrasion because it helps the skin heal properly and proper healing is a huge part of getting a good result. I'm listing the cost as $600 because that's about how much it costs to buy your own personal microderm machine and do everything yourself.
July 24, 2007


Super Smooth Skin, more even tone, you can see results after as little as 1 session!


Im my opinon it is very costly, leaves skin very tight and red afer each session, but none the less still worth it!

I'm a 23yr. old African American woman with acne since adolescence. As soon as puberty hit, the acne hasn't stopped! I've tired every over-the-counter product, even used proactiv, dermatologist recommended prescriptions EVERYTHING! I could not seem to get rid of my acne. I can control the breakouts with products by using them religiously day, mid-day and evening...but the marks have never subsided. I have scars from pimples I've gotten years ago. Thus far, the treatments have lightened the dark marks in conjuction with using their formulated products (Americure). I'm on my 4th treatment and have seen good enough results to continue. I bought a package of 15 sessions at $125 each plus the cost of the products, needless to say if this doesn't work, I will heart broken at the least!
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July 18, 2007


It does work for particular skin problems - improves scarring and blemishes as well as improving acne conditions.
Unlikely there will be any serious side-effects.


I needed two days for my skin to settle down again after each treatment.
Microdermabrasion simply takes off a few layers of skin and thats it. It is certainly not a quick fix nor is it for all skin types.

I had this treatment when I was 45 and it saved my life. This wasn't a mid-life crisis - my face was a complete and utter mess after years of neglect. It didn't cure my acne problem but it certainly got rid of the worst of it, as well as most of the scaring and blemishes. I had 12 sessions. The more persistent minor problems needed a different approach. I can certainly recommend it for someone my age (with generally poor complexion) - but anyone under 30/35 with minor acne will probably be wasting their time (and money). If you have this treatment and have sensitive skin (like me) you should wash off (with water) anything that was put on you skin as soon as you get home - and put on normal moisturiser.
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