
134 Reviews

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May 10, 2019
caused cystic acne

I've had had mainly clear skin all of my life just suffering from hormonal breakouts. I never had had cystic pimples all of my life, maybe one or 2 my entire life and a week after getting Microderm I have gotten 4. Can anyone tell me if this is normal or not or when it will go away? I wanted to start getting Microderm more regularly but if this is what happens then I'll pass. My skin was completely clear before getting it and now it is absolutely freaking out.

July 10, 2018
Not worth it at all - biggest regret of my life!
Growing up I had hormonal acne during puberty. After 17, it all cleared up until I was 23. I got closed comedones all over my forehead as a reaction to a new make up product. In search of finding a solution, I had micro dermabtasion done to help - BIGGEST MISTAKE - not only did this not help, it caused SEVERE milia all across my chin and mouth area. Sandpaper feeling all over my "beard" area. Eventually, a nizoral shampoo mask and benzoyl peroxide gel daily mix cleared my forehead. But I was left with the WORST acne of my life. This milia has been persistent and has taken months to finally "almost" not even fully clear. I had to get on Retin-A .05 to unclog these suckers and even worse they turn into inflamed pustules, Whiteheads, some cysts .. just terrible. As the texture is getting better I'm stuck with hyperpigmentation and dark spots across my chin. I haven't been able to leave the house in almost 3 months and I am struggling to find hope but I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel slowly but surely. This treatment is not worth the risks, please stay away. I wish I did. I forgot to mention, i actually have very thick skin. It can tolerate a lot and it's very oily. So I didn't think I would have side effects, boy I was wrong!
October 7, 2018
Hi, how is it doing now? I have similar results and it’s been almost three months now since the microdermabrasion.
April 2, 2019

I have recently gotten a microdermabrasion as well and have been getting milia all over my cheeks and forehead... What did you do to get rid of it?

October 11, 2017
Breakouts and scars after Microderm!
I had a microderm and surprisingly broke out horribly afterwards and now with dark scaring. I did not monitor my routines such as applying makeup and others nor was I told to. There are definately are some precautions you should take after a microderm. I did some research on my own and found out it WAS a side effect that could happen YUCK! I also called the place I had it done and was told yes there could be some "purging" afterwards...WHAT? Now I'm dealing with dark scaring worst than IV EVER had, it doesn't look good at all and I'm forced to apply makeup to cover, And to afraid to have another one done or buy a series of them. HEEEELP!!!
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August 26, 2015
Do not get- if you have ACNE prone skin and very sensitive.
This procedure, is by far the worst for acne prone/sensitive skin. Purely because this procedure is best known by fully qualified professionals, and if you have a fully qualified professional ' he/she will tell you that the Microdermabrasion would not be good for your skin type (upon analysing it) I, unfortunately found this out that hard way- I have sensitive skin with a few break outs (which were under control) ' I wanted a facial that would brighten my skin as I felt it was feeling a bit dull. I went to my local beauty salon- and was told to fill out a 'Microdermabrasion form' ' which basically asks you your skin type and tells you that everyone's results are different etc etc. I noted on the form that I had skin redness and was quite sensitive. The skin therapist (supposedly qualified) ' repeated what was on the form and continued with the procedure. Long story short- my skin felt like sand paper had been rubbed repeatedly ' the next 7 days were awful. Time off work had to be taken off ' due to the skin reaction and red blotchiness. It was tight, painful and in the end started flaking. Though most of it cleared up- 3 weeks later I'm battling chin acne! Something that had stopped for over 6 years! And now it's back after the procedure. It tries to heal and then comes back with new ones the day after. I've tried everything and now have to resort to antibiotics. So ' moral of the story. If a skin therapist continues with this procedure without assessing your skin first or doing a patch test'.then take them to court.
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October 7, 2018
How’s it doing now?
May 28, 2015
Wish I Never Did It
I went to go get a microdermabrasion treatment because after years of a perfect complexion and no acne, pimples and blackheads just started re-appearing on my forehead and it was the worst acne I've had in years. I was promised by my mother and by a cosmetologist that microdermabrasion would help clear up my skin, and so I went to get a treatment. Worst decision of the year. This treatment made my acne worse ten times over. Not only did my acne spread from my forehead to my temples and my cheeks within a couple of days/close to a week (where I generally never had acne before anyways), but it made it every single blemish a bright red color; even blemishes that weren't that noticeable before became obvious. Now, months and months later I'm still battling this horrible acne. I wish that I never got those two treatments done. I definitely feel as if my acne would have stayed in one place instead of spreading like a disease. My dermatologist gave me medications and I'm hoping that they will be able to undo the damage that microdermabrasion has done...
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July 27, 2015
I am 50 so I know what you are going through, I have my acne under control somewhat now, I use black soap, BHA from Paula's Choice as this is the only place I can find it and I got a prescription from my doctor for Retin A 0.01%, my skin is soft, clear most of the time(odd pimple that time of the month). I now will not do the microdermabrasion, thank you for the information! good luck!
October 7, 2018
How is it doing now? I had similar results. 3 months out and wondering how long this is going to last.
June 14, 2013
I so wanted to love it.....


Reduced some wrinkles in my non acne areas


Made more of a hassle than a cure

My acne had "calmed down" for about 10 months, so I felt it was time to work on my scars. I have seen BEAUTIFUL results in other older women from microdermabrasion so I was convinced this would be my miracle. Unfortunately, after only one treatment (I was scheduled for 3) my face broke out in HUGE cystic acne. It is true that micro digs up all the old bacteria and "purges" your face. But it made new, huge, deep scars- completely doing the opposite of what I wanted. I was too scared to try it again, so I did chemical peels instead. Those help, but still not my miracle. In all, I would never so micro ever again.
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July 27, 2015
try BHA, I purchase it from Paula's choice, it works for acne wonderfully, it gets into the dermis to exfoliate the pores, this will help control some acne
January 28, 2016
I went due to recent hormonal breakouts. I hope they advised you to avoid make up, lotions for 24 hrs and to tone your skin. Not doing this can cause problems. I hoe u find one thing that helps xxx
April 15, 2012


glowing skin


caused severe acne that I never have

like everything under the sun not everything may work for you. I have sensitive skin and don't really suffer at all with acne,,never did just the usual 3 to 4 bumps under the skin that are like white plug small white heads that you can only notice yourself. i have micro treatments done before and remembered having the worst cystic acne of my life for a few months it eventually went away but i was still never sure of the cause of those breakouts until i had micros done again 2 years later i want to cry in tears because i can only imagine what i might face in the next few months till my skin goes back to its normal self. i have already started noticing new pimples everyday badly as before. i suffered many months with really bad painful cystic bumps because of this treatment. now i know for sure this is what cased it. i am in desperate search for something to curb the breakouts until my skin grows back to normal. i really regret getting these treatments because now i will have to face the consequences for a few months. if anyone experienced this also and found a way to curb the problem please let me know..i just need to get by for a few months
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January 28, 2016
I don't know why they allow people to have it done if they do not have blackheads, fine lines or acne issues. Seems lots of people with ok skin have this done. Never experienced an issue after treatment but previously suffered with acne cysts so I feel your pain. Did they advise no make up, moisturise really and to lightly cleanse skin for 24 hrs?
September 8, 2018
Retin-A .05% was the only thing that worked for me. The breakout took 3 months to heal ..
October 26, 2010


Supposed to clear up acne


I have very sensitive skin (didn't know it before demabrasion)

Made my acne so much worse

Left me with bad hyperpigmentation

I did not realize how much worse my skin could get until I tried home micro-dermabrasion. It was a tool and a little jar of cream with superfine crystals. It was a worse reaction than using a facial scrub. Since I had such a strong reaction to it I really cannot recommend it to anyone unless perhaps you do it under a doctor's care. My plastic surgeon says that the home kits are just too rough for people with active acne. I believe him.. I had worse dark marks and pimples after using this. There is no way to score zero, but if I could I would.
January 15, 2010


Smooth skin, evens out a little, doesn't hurt


Didn't work for me, expensive as hell...

No improvement AT ALL for me. I paied 1600 usd for 6 months of traitement and honestly I don't see any improvement, not even on my existing acne and blackheads (which they said they could help drasticly...) I do not recommend!!
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March 18, 2009


no downtime, no chemicals


causes more scarring, doesnt fade hyperpigmentation,expensive

ive had more than 10 microdermabrasions. i had them done consistently. im not happy with the results. all it did was make my skin look smooth, sort of like when i use a soft buff puff. the mild acne scarring didnt improve nor did the dark spots. in fact, the microdermabrasion left me with more scarring than i started out with. it was a total waste of money. my skin cant handle strong peels and i also work a lot so i dont have a lot of down time so i thought the microderms were exactly what i needed. i was very wrong and i now regret having them done.
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