
134 Reviews

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February 13, 2009


Made pores look smaller


Where do I start....perforated skin, left hideous burns and scabs

I went to a very reputable medical spa to receive a Microdermabrasion treatment (which I had had before with little to no pros or cons). I had two very small scabs on my face from old blemishes that were hardly noticeable. After the treatment I noticed that these spots had turned into red, oozy, raw messes. I assumed the person performing the micro knew to be NOT go over these areas. My face hurt but assumed it would be better by the next day. No such luck. I woke up with what looked like road rash in several places and a scab so large in one spot that it looks like I got into an auto accident. I can't believe this has happened. I called the office and they told me to come in THREE days later to follow up. Will never do this again. You should never mess with your face. It will take at least a week for it to at least look normal enough to be covered with makeup.
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January 16, 2008


had a glow for about a week and then the trouble started appearing....


depressed scars, ice pick scars and red marks all over. I want to cry because i used to have beautiful skin before even with my acne and now i am left with ugly skin

save your money, and be careful who you go to. plz see a dermatologist before you do anything to your face.
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December 22, 2007


um, none


do NOT get professional microderms. They are incredibly overpriced and truly do not do anything you can't do yourself. I wasted $600 and I seriously regret it. I saw NOOOO results.

DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. get an at home kit if you want to try it.
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March 4, 2007


Works slightly, shrinks some pores.


It's really a waste of money. I agree with some of the other people here who've been ripped off. I had 8 sessions of this, which cost me nearly £500 ($1000), and it only made my acne worse. My face was red, parts were bleeding, and I couldn't go out

I think that a chemical peel is a better idea.
December 28, 2006


It removes dead, flaking skin.. temporarily gives smooth even look for special occasions.


Does not give you permanent results, and veryvery expensive! What a racket it is!

I really think the dermabrasion machines are a scam, the results are not permanent, the price is outrageous... of course I did treatments when it first became popular and realized belatedly I was simply paying the cost of their equipment. Basically I think besides exfoliating your skin, the machine simply causes your skin to swell and have a temporary filling out of scars and smooth appearance--IT DOES NOT LAST!!! A rip off and a farce. Now I can use store products that pretty much give me the same results--including a dermabrasion cloth that works as well as an office visit.I would never pay 50.00 to 100.00 plus for a dermabrasion ever again. I wasted a couple of thousand dollars on the machines and I regret it.
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