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How to Get It
Have a dermatologist or plastic surgeon? Make an appointment to get this procedure done. Don't have a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find a dermatologist or the American Society of Plastic Surgeons to find a plastic surgeon.
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September 22, 2009


I had fantastic results from the subcision combined with the fraxel laser treatment.


It hurt a little bit. I was mentally prepared, having read a lot about it and wanting the procedure done badly enough, but I could see a teenage-me having trouble with it.

I have wanted to have my scars removed since I was 13 and waited until now (23) till my acne mostly went away. I had a variety of ice-pick, boxcar, and rolling scars as well as enlarged pores. I did a lot of research and found the right doctor for me online - his website is [link removed]. He predicted a 45-75% increase and was very honest about what I could expect. I tried not to get my hopes too high, but after the first subcision/fraxel/tca cross I was delighted. I've had 1 TCA Cross, 2 Subcision, and 3 Fraxel. I have been done with subcision now for about two months and have 1 Fraxel treatment left. The price I listed as what I paid is just for one subcision treatment.
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April 20, 2016
Jacqui, can you please provide the name of your doctor? thanks
April 28, 2009


was cheap, but probably will cost more to fix


caused atrophy to the area treated, and purple marks has been 4 months since my treatment

I have rolling acne scars and what looks like tiny white heads that wont pop just on my chin area- i went to DR Rullan after reading about him here and other sites- he injected a small amount of cortisone to a pimple and subsized- two sides of my chin also put acid in a large pore on my nose (sorry i cant think of correct terms for procedures) he burned some of the white head type things with a hot needle thing and then lasered the whole area- for a few weeks i was hopefully and it seemed like the acid worked, but then i developed a scar nodule where subscison was done- he injected that with saline along with more of the white head type bumps which seemed to work for a week- its now 4 months later and it looks worse then when i originally went in- purple marks more white bumps, hard lump on one side where subscision was done sunken in where cortisone was injected- also sinking at the top and bottom of the subscision area- looks like a dog bite now not sure what to do next
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April 13, 2009


my scars are practically gone.


I paid $850 for the treatment. I believe this can be done a lot cheaper. Doctor said it would be about 4 days downtime. I believe you need at least 6-7 days.

Thur I had first subcision followed by fraxel laser. After reading the internet for 3 weeks straight, I decided to do the procedure. I was a little nervous, because I have literally tried everything. When I say everything, I have really tried it all...microdermabrasion (about 12-25), pixel laser (about 7-8), Yag laser (had about 10-15 shots in my face), the palomar laser (about 5-6). I have tried it all and spent a lot of money doing it. I remember one dermatologist telling me as long as it took you to get these scars, it will probably take that long to remove them. Well, he was right and wrong. Everyone who is trying to get rid of acne scars, please believe me when I tell you that no laser will work unless you raise the scar. Unless you have very superficial scarring, laser will be a WASTE of money. Day 4, I have on makeup, because of the fraxel procedure. I can already see an improvement. I may opt for another round of both, but I am leaning towards palomar laser on
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November 3, 2016
you didn't mention anything about subcision
June 13, 2009


It definitely helped one scar a lot (so far--assuming it doesn't go down ;-). But the other scars have been more stubborn. But I am optimistic.


Requires having it done more than once; Is expensive ($700 each time); So far (knock on wood), I don't think this has worsened any of my scars.

I just had my 3rd round of subcision performed today. I see more scars than my derms seem to (want to) see (or treat!), and I do wish they would treat all of my scars, not just the most glaringly obvious. But the derm said to me today, "I can't treat something I can't see." I understand that, but it does depend on the lighting, and the uniform florescent doctors' offices' lights don't hit the face at that awful angle that brings out all the scars on the sides of the face. So, if you can find a caring, experienced, patient dermatologist who is willing to spend time on and with you, who doesn't think you're being nit-picky when in fact you are the patient who is paying hundreds of dollars for the treatment, then I would recommend seeing that doctor. I have been to supposedly the "best", but since one gentleman pushed injections and the other treated all of my scars in less than 2 minutes flat, I think it's hard to know who to go to. I am making the rounds.
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July 28, 2008


Immediate improvement


! week minimum downtime.

A very effective option if you have depressed scars oversmall areas. The only discomfort was the injections used to numb the areas that were to be 'subscisioned',and possibly the sound of the connecting tissues being cut, since you know its your own face but can't see or feel a thing! I'm very fair, so the blue marks on my face looked as if I'd been bashed in a street fight, but it took just 3 days to subside. I didn't need any of the painkillers that the doc gave me. The swelling took atleast 4 days to reduce. Now its been 9 days since the surgeru, and only the injection/needle puncture marks are very slightly visible, which infact look like old acne scars. The ice pick scars have gone totally, and I heard that the whole treated area looks even better after a month. Definetely worth it, if you have a good doctor.
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April 20, 2016
What is the name of your doctor? thanks
September 16, 2009


made one of my rolling scars better, and made general area smoother


next to my larger rolling scar i have a line-like depression that was not there before

So subcision did help my skin but I have a line-like depression scar that was not there before...It has been 3 months since procedure and skin is maybe 30 % better...but the new line scar pretty much makes me think that cancels out the improvement. Doctor did say it would take a few times to get maximum results and mentioned lasering down the area afterwards but we didn't do it first time. So i have to go for another round of subcision or geta dermal graft to correct line. The doctor was skilled but I don't think itw as completely his fault that the line happened to I can't hate on the procedure. Just get your expectations down up front.
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July 27, 2011


Works amazingly well on rolling and dented scars.


Does not work on boxcar scars.

I have a couple of dented rolling scars from acne and boxcar scars from chicken pox. I had just one subcision on both these scars. Rolling scars responded really well. I'd say about 80% improvement. Don't expect to see the results immediately. It takes time for the skin to level up. Give it about 2 months time to work. Downtime is 2-3 days. For working folks, you could return to work on Monday if you have the procedure on Friday. There are several positive and negative reviews about subcision in this forum which are posted under a week after the procedure. Anything under a month is too early. Scars could look better or worse during this period due to swelling. Boxcar scars, IMO, showed 0% improvement. But I'm still giving this procedure 5 rating as I was fully aware that boxcar scars wouldn't respond. The $700 that I paid included consultation fee from an earlier visit and excision of ice pick scars. This combo was way cheaper than the price my doctor quoted for lasers ($3K+).
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March 27, 2016
Can you please provide your doctor's name? thanks
November 12, 2016
Can you please give me the name of the doctor who performed this? Congratulations on your great improvement!!!!
October 29, 2019

Is it subcision with some sort of filler or nano fat ? or just subsicion on its own.  And did the needle leave a mark on the entry point??

March 27, 2008


healed fairly quickly, no downtime.


some discomfort during the injections to numb your face before the procedure. Cost.

I have only had one so far and am due to go back for the second treatment next week. My doctor thought I would need 3-4. It looked much smoother right away but now that it has healed from the first treatment I only see a slight improvement. I would like to combine these with a laser resurfacing, but on reading the laser treatment reviews on another page I am more confused than ever. I had been reading about Fraxel and how it was currently considered the most effective treatment for acne scars, it shocked me to read so many bad reviews.
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June 8, 2010


Works very well on some scars. I got over 50% improvement for some of the scars. Can be combined with laser or filler for additional improvement. Works best on rolling scars that do not flatten when stretched.

I highly recommend this treatment if you have rolling scars.


Long downtime (7-10 days)
Possible lumpy area at treatment spot (though rare)
Does not work on ice picks
Doctors tend to miss some scars so make sure you point them all out or mark them with a pen before

Overall it is a great scar treatment for rolling scars. It is not perfect though but I think this is the best treatment for rolling scars at the moment. Make sure you do your homework on it and find an experienced doctor. The price I paid if for the entire face. If you have the downtime, money and rolling scars, I highly recommend it.
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January 11, 2008


Effective for boxscar


Open-wound for a few days but fade quickly

It doesn't hurt although it left some mark for a few days. Very effective and I would say my scar improved at least 60%. Highly recommneded.
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.