1326 Reviews
Based on All Available Studies
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Antiandrogen’s Real World Take
“Spiro” has been shown to work in a real and noticeable way most of the time. However, messing with hormones is messing with hormones and it’s best to proceed with caution.
How to Get It
Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this medication. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one.
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January 6, 2012


It works!
less oily skin
helps reduce water weight


terrible breakout when stopping
Initial breakout when starting

This product works great, but be sure to USE CAUTION when discontinuing use. I have always had moderate acne since i was a teen (im 30 now)- mostly your typical papules and postules. I had tried several products- over the counter and dermatologist prescribed. My derm prescribed spiro about 3 years ago and I used it for about a year and a half. The initial breakout that occured in the first 1-3 months was pretty bad, but it seemed to pass quickly and after that my face became clearer than it had ever been. I also have excessively oily skin, so this product actually helped somewhat with the oil as well, which no other product had. My skin was pretty much flawless! I surely thought I had overcome acne for good. My husband and I were ready to start trying for a baby, so I quit taking the spiro a few months prior to, because I knew that I wouldn't be able to take it while pregnant. I would say that my skin stayed clear for about 3-4 weeks, and then BAM- I started to develop cystic acne. I had never had a cyst in my life. Within 2 months I had cystic acne so severe that it hurt to chew food and I could not smile. My entire face was swollen- my derm said it was one of the most severe cases she'd seen. The cysts were extremely painful. I ended up having to postpone baby plans to go through 6 months of Accutane, which has gotten rid of the cysts but I am left with pretty severe rolling and ice-pick scars that will remain forever. I know that spiro has a hormonal effect on your body, and I can only chalk it up to the fact that my hormones suddenly went outta whack when i discontinued the product, leading to my outbreak of cystic acne. I'm not totally against the product, because it may have been a freak incident, but I'm currious to know if others have experienced the same. Just be sure to take caution when getting off of spiro- maybe your derm can slowly wean you off or something so that your body has time to adjust.
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October 10, 2011


Stopped my cystic/hormonal acne completely!


Dry skin
Dry mouth
Always thirsty
Frequent urination
Weight gain

This product stopped my chin/hormonal acne within a week, but also made me gain 5 lbs. I've read a lot of reviews and side effects seem to vary from person to person, so I recommend at least giving it a try if you struggle with hormonal acne. This product worked great but I'll have to find something else because I won't tolerate weight gain.
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September 12, 2011


Very effective for oiliness/acne


Had severe gastritis (stomach gnawing) for years from this - took 6 months to go away.

I'm writing this because it may help someone else out there. Sprionolactone took several months to work for me, but dramatically decreased my breakouts/oiliness. After taking it for about 2 years, I started to have gnawing pain in my stomach. I went to 4 different GI doctors over a 2 1/2 year period who insisted that it couldn't be this medication causing it. They tried many different medications (which never helped AT ALL), ran countless tests (ooh - even a colonoscopy - not fun!), took my gallbladder out and gave up on me. My pain was so severe that I didn't think I could continue to live like this the rest of my life (I'm 37). I stopped taking this drug on my own and now, after 6 months, the pain is 100% gone. Nothing else has changed. I actually recommend this drug because not everyone will react the way that I did, but if anyone starts having stomach issues, please suspect this drug as the culprit right away. I hope this will save someone the years of suffering that I went through.
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August 3, 2011


**Weight loss (operates as direutic and helped hormonal imbalance)
**visibly clearer skin
**added confidence


**way too many side effects
**long-term potential harm

I've been on Spiro 4 weeks (taking it with two prescribed daily topicals - Acanya in the morning and Atralin at night - plus Glytone as a facial wash). Less than a week after usage, I noticed visibly clearer skin and weight loss, fluid/bloating that had been consistent went away, and I even started receiving compliments on my complexion and trimmer fit which let me know they were obvious to others besides myself. By week two, I wasn't self-conscious at all about not wearing make-up. Down sides: Week One -- Diarrhea (every morning) and terrible headaches/migraines, which was bad since one warning was against taking NSAIDS such as ibuprofen, etc. Week Two -- Slightly peeling skin and fatigue as only side affects (I would need a nap *every* day) Week Three -- earlier cycle (causing me to have 2 periods in the month of July), though it was light with no cramping--a great thing :) Week Three/Four -- unbearable itching (that spread all over), hives, redness and swelling around eyes and eyelids, and allergic reaction. I had to go to urgent care TODAY for a shot because of the allergic reaction, rash, severe itching, etc. Doctor recommended discontinuing it. It's bitter-sweet because I was getting great results but have experienced way too many side effects. It's not worth it in the longrun. Bye-bye Spiro!
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July 22, 2011


Four months in and It is definitely helping considerably.


I like to exercise and I have a real problem with nausea, feeling of muscle weakness and occasional dizziness linked to this Rx. I am also menstruating every 2-3 weeks now which is not a great side effect - though worth it to me.

Have had acne my entire adult life - over 20 years. Have used almost every Rx there is. Most worked for 2-3 months and then acne became resistant. Accutane worked well while on it, but within a few months after ending treatment acne flared again. I tried Spironolactone years ago with no luck. But current Dr. suggested try again and said may not have had high enough doasge. Am on 50mg/2x per day. Is working well for my skin, but as noted in cons, it's making my regular exercise more difficult. I am also sweating much more when I exercise than I used to...?!
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July 16, 2011


Decrease in oil production
Less cysts on chin


Don't have any

I'm not getting any of the side-effects other folks are mentioning. I'm 27yrs. old, had acne for the past 10yrs. Been on Accutane 2x, blue light therapy, acne laser surgery & now trying this. Started on100mg. for 1 month. I just got switched to 200mg. at the 6wk. mark. I'm getting cysts on the lower part of my cheeks; I've never had cysts there before, so I'm wondering if anyone else has had this issue. I read about a possible initial breakout...maybe that's why this is happening. Overall, my skin is definitely drier than it was before I started this medication. I've been reading that it's taking people at least 3mos. to see improvement, so I guess all I can do is just stick with it. I'm using Ziana twice a day as well.
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July 9, 2011


Side effects are minimal
Doesn't cause nausea like other oral medication


Takes a long time to work?
Increases thirst, frequent urination

I have been on Spironolactone for about 2 months now and my skin is breakouts used to be all over my chin and forehead (t-zone), but were small. Now I am getting red cystic acne along my jaw line and neck. The dermatologist increased my dose to 150 mg per day, and that is with an antibiotic. Could someone please let me know if this happened to them? Or if there skin got much worse when they increased dosage? She said if this doesn't work it's going to be accutane, and I want to give it time before I try that. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
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July 8, 2011


Less hormonal acne
Less oily skin and hair


Takes a LONG time to work
Caffeine Sensitivity
Joint/muscle aches
Longer periods
Frequent Urination
Frequent Thirst/dehydration

I was on this drug for about 6 months before I started to see a noticeable difference. I am also prescribed doxycycline and Finicea gel. At about six months I saw a huge difference in my skin. I thought things were fine and I went off this medicine around month nine due to all of the side effects I was having and as a result, I had the worst breakout of my life with in two week of not taking this. Two months later I am back on Spiro and my face is finally starting to clear up some. While it does take a long time for some to start seeing the results it does do a nice job overall decreasing the amount of oil production.
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June 21, 2011


clear hormonal acne, less oil


thirsty, can cause hypersensitivity quite badly

I am 41 and have been suffering moderate adult acne for some years, it goes on and off. I have tried almost everything, accutane 3 times (first 2 times worked well but failed in the 3rd time), AHA peeling (worsen) and BHA peeling (helped but not 100% cleared). The past 2 years the condition got worse and I started to have cyst nearly everyday. So I asked my GP to prescribe me Spiro, I started on 25/05, 50mg per day. I saw results in 2 weeks, no new cyst nor pimple! I was so happy until the 3rd week, I had developed urticaria or hives all over my body, even my scalp was itchy, then I went to the doctor to get an injection but continued taking spiro. 4 days later the injection the condition got worse and I noticed that I am those 1 to 10 out of 100 whom may experience hypersensitivity to spiro. Now I have to stop and seek for another source. May try chelated Zinc and Omega 3 combination, heard it helps with hormonal acne too. Good luck eveyone.
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June 12, 2011


Skin cleared up almost completely within one month
Larger breasts


Weight gain
Periods are heavier and longer
Constant headaces
Didn't sleep well
Urinating often

I'm 26 years old, I've been suffering with acne for years. I went to the dermotoligst and told them I needed to get my acne under control. I had horrible painful cystic acne. She told me that it was hormonal and because I do not want to be on birthcontrol she put me on Aldactone/Spironolactone 100mg - 1 tab daily (I told the doctor that I have breakouts throughout the month not just around ovulation or menstration time) I wish she would have given me info about the sideffects of this medication because I wouldn't have been wondering what was wrong with me these past three months that I've been taking this medication. My skin cleared up within one month and it was so nice to finally not have to wear makeup all the time!! I just stopped taking this medication two weeks ago because of the increase in headaches I've been having. I gained 15lbs while on this medication and I've lost 10 in the short time I've stopped taking it. So right now I think I'm going to not continue the medication, I wish I didn't have so many issues with the sideffects :( But I know I will miss the clear skin and the giant boobs (they were seriously sooo big and swollen I swore I was pregnant)
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.