Oral Retinoid
2786 Reviews
Oral Retinoid
Based on All Available Studies
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Note: Use with EXTREME CAUTION: Causes severe birth defects and fetal death.
Oral Retinoid
Side Effects
Oral Retinoid
Acne.org’s Real World Take
The nuclear option. It works reliably and provides long-term remission of acne, and even severe acne, in about ⅔ of people who properly take an adequate dosage. However, it permanently and irreversibly changes the skin and the body forever and users may experience long-term side effects for the rest of their lives. It’ll nuke it, but there is no going back.
Oral Retinoid
How to Get It
Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this medication. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one.
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March 24, 2020
Took Accutane Twice and each time my acne came back after 6 Months.

I took Accutane twice. I took it the first time for 6 months(20 mg) daily. And my face was clearer than ever. After exactly 6 months my acne came back. But it was not as severe as before. Then it got cystic again. And after 7 months. I thought that maybe i should take it again. I took it AGAIN. For 6 months(20mg) daily. Got really clear skin for another skin months. Then i had a relapse. Keep in mind i’m a person that takes best care of their skin. From morning to evening routine i take care of my skin as best as i could. After that i was soo disappointed. Now almost an year after my second round of accutane. I still have moderate acne. On my face , back , arms and chest. Accutane may be the solution for some but not all. Please keep in mind the side affects when starting Accutane. It made my hair very thin. And i still to this day have severe back pains. And my bones ache. And my hair is very less than what it used to be. Hopefully it works for you. But it was not an answer for me. 

July 18, 2020

That's because you took 20mg for 6 months, you didn't complete the full treatment and consume the total required dosage of 120-150mg/kg. You consumed around 3600mg, which would have been woefully insufficient. It's the people that don't intake the required cumulative dose, skip doses, and don't consume with food (fatty foods more specifically) that are more likely to experience these problems.

January 13, 2020
Acne Came Back After Two Courses

This drug was amazing and cleared my skin on both occasions rapidly. Side effects are not fun but you do it because its only for 6 months and then its 'cured' (sigh). Not the case for me at all. On both occasions the acne came back after 6 months. I am now 26 and I now and my acne is as bad as it ever was and is clustering on completely new parts of my face. How much I wished that this was my cure and this nightmare would be something of the past.

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March 24, 2020

exactly my story. 

July 18, 2020

Did you take the full dosage of 120-150mg/kg? Did you skip doses? Did you consume it with fatty foods?

July 8, 2018
Not worth it
The choice I made to start taking Accutane was not one of my best. I used to have very severe acne, to the point where I was the second most acne riddled person in middle school. but since then, while I still have it and get breakouts from time to time, I haven't considered it a problem since. However, when I heard that Accutane was pretty much the cure for acne, I decided it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. Ohh but it did. I knew it had risks when I started, but those risks and side effects are very rare. I figured what were the chances they would happen to me? I was only on it for a little over a month, and the problems only became apparent to me when I stopped. It caused severe anxiety, a massive change in personality, and I felt like I was losing touch with who I am. When I made the choice to stop, some of the more serious problems showed up for a little bit. I started hearing things that weren't real, I lost my appetite, and I became one of the most irritable people you could ever meet. After talking to my doctor about these symptoms I was experiencing, I was told that it was causing a condition called psychosis. If I had continued to take these pills, I would have had to live with that for the rest of my life. Taking Accutane is like a Russian roulette and I got the bullet. Now that I've been able to clear my head, I noticed the memories I made while taking Accutane just don't feel real to me anymore. It was like I was watching a movie; I remember, but I know it wasn't real. While my head was under this spell, I managed to make some of the worst mistakes in my life. My friends had stopped wanting to be around me because they didn't like how I was acting. There was a girl who I really liked who stopped wanting to be around me because I started acting weird and creepy. I put a couple people in prison because I was in a bad mood. I was so filled with emotion, I cried more on Accutane than I had since I was six years old. I probably scared the shit out of this girl too, because she wants me to stay out of her life now. I had so much anxiety about it and I kept on bothering her about how she doesn't want to hang out anymore. Nothing felt worse than to have someone who once enjoyed your company start avoiding you at all costs. Once I realized how much I've been scaring her, my anxiety got worse and I had the first anxiety attack that I've ever had in my life. I felt like the worst person in the world and thought they should lock me up. After stopping the pills, I had to go to therapy for the first time ever, and I was put on a new medication to fix the problems that the old one caused. The thing is, for most people Accutane really works! But after experiencing the worst of the side effects first hand, I just can't recommend it. I don't wish to have my experience shared by even the worst of my enemies. It was the strangest point in my life and I regret the decision to take it more than any choice I've ever made. Even with my head cleared, I'm still going to have to deal with the consequences of my actions while I was on it. My college room mate switched on me, and now I'm going to have this girl hating me forever. I'm just glad I stopped taking it in time. I got a taste of what living with psychosis can be like and I swear if I had to live like that forever then I would have ended myself.
February 17, 2019

I hope you're alright now. :animals_n_nature_82:

March 4, 2018
Accutane and initial breakout
My doctor prescribe me accutane 20mg a day as i am having severe acne, its an end of 2nd week and i am experiencing initial breakouts dnt know why my doctor prescribe me this for 20 days and call me again for checkup, Is really accutane works?? coz m still having breakouts every new fay with a new pimple on face
December 5, 2017
Meh so far... help?
I'm on my 45th day of accutane treatment of 30mg a day. My acne has been breaking out worse than it ever was before, but otherwise I am experiencing basically negligible side effects. Slightly dry lips, but that's it. Is my dosage too low? Is that why my breakout is so prolonged? I'm 19, 60kgs.
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January 23, 2018
Breakout should completely stop by month 3. Yes you need 60 mg for a full recovery. Good luck
October 25, 2017
Cure for some
I'm giving Acctuane two stars because it was a total cure for both of my brothers. Unfortunately for my sister and I, we both relapsed a few months after stopping. The dermatologist recommended taking a second round, but at the end of my first round my hair was falling out. I still have bald patches on my hairline. Not cool.
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July 8, 2017
Accutane is effective however its not for everyone
(I am 15 years old, female, living in the UK, had acne for 4 years, severe acne for over a year, mild eczema, originally prescribed 15mg- moved after 1 month to 30mg- was taken down to 20, then to 10- and then brought off with in about 2 weeks of originally reducing my dose) For me Accutane ruined my skin, and my life for a short while- yes, it may be effective but I believe isn't for everyone, and should be carefully considered as it is so incredibly subjective. I had previously been on multiple different prescription and topical treatments for my acne with little to no effect on my skin. I was offered hospital treatment and presented with the idea of Accutane as a short term powerful drug that would make my skin temporally worse, but eventually cure my acne. After around 1 week of taking the drug, my lips were destroyed and peeling and my nose was constantly filled with blood. After 3 weeks of Accutane, my skin developed cystic acne and became hugely inflamed and painful even to gently touch. I was then told that my treatment would last at least 9 months. Around 2 months into the treatment, my skin was still horrendous and painful and I was still experiencing side effects such as aching joints, dry scalp, nosebleeds, worsened eczema hugely, dry lips and large cystic spots. I then came to the realisation that I was constantly crying upset and down, and that this wasn't because of anything notable. Some days I struggled to get up out of bed, I wanted to curl up and stay still all day, I found no pleasure in ordinary things that I would usually enjoy, I didn't want to go places. I told the hospital, they reduced my dose and told me to see how I feel. As my mood and attitude didn't change, they brought me down to 10mg. As I still remained in the same state, they took me off the drug completely. After just a few days Accutane free, I felt better and could really reflect in just how bad I felt. Accutane made me feel awful and only worsened my skin. I have now been off Accutane for 3 weeks, and my skin has actually started to improve on its own, I have little inflammation and redness, I don't regularly even get new spots and if I do they are very small and leave quickly- my skin has never looked so good! I have just begun treatment with the contraceptive pill and antibiotics to further improve my skin. For me- Accutane wasn't worth ruining my skin further for, it never helped me it just caused me issues.
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July 17, 2017
Update: decided to start slow the first week been taking 30 mg in the morning for the past 2 days. This morning woke up with mild chap lips but nothing to crazy. Face is still greasy as hell. Planing on upping my dose next week too 3× a week 60 mg. Will update next week on how things are going.
May 6, 2017
Accutane just didn't work for me
I must be the 1% accutane didn't work for :( I'm a girl, and this is more common to happen with girls due to hormonal acne. I think another issue is I picked the ENTIRE time while on accutane, and maybe if I had never picked my skin would have healed. Now here's why I'm giving accutane 2 stars. Before accutane, I never really broke out on my cheeks. But during accutane, I started breaking out a ton on my cheeks (which scars the worst on my face), and it never ended. It's subsided, but I still break out on my cheeks. Accutane worked wonders on my 2 older brothers, so if you have severe acne I say give it a go. My acne honestly wasn't bad at all, to be completely honest I think my picking caused my acne. Unfortunately, nothing can really fix that. The only reason I went on accutane is because I was allergic to all antibiotics for acne and nothing topical worked. I'm now on Retin-A and it seems to be working well :)
April 15, 2017
For Anyone Concerned About Trying This Drug
I want to begin this by saying that i was in your position. I had bad acne. I'm writing this to provide some insight to what it's been like the last 3 years after my course of accutane (some information that i would have eaten right up before i started treatment). Let me start off by saying - this drug works. For most, if not all of middle/high school, I had very bad acne that was resistant to doxycycline, minocycline, proactiv, Murad products, benzoyl peroxide, sailicylic acid, and all the wipes i could get my hands on. You more than likely will be free from acne at least for a few years after treatment, and it's absolutely wonderful! Being able to walk around without having to check mirrors for a new red/white bump on your face is as great as you think it would be. Looking back it seems like i was a completely different person. You're probably thinking: if it works so well, why the lackluster rating then?! This drug works wonders but there is absolutely a reason as to why they're so serious about prescribing it. They are very cautious because this stuff is freaking legit - it alters your body in a permanent way. Once you've finished your course there is no going back. In fact, at the time of writing they still do not understand exactly how it works - but it affects acne. This was originally made to be a drug for cancer patients (yeah, people that had nothing left to lose and were willing to try something that could potentially debilitate them if it meant surviving! crazy right?) So I went on the medication and throughout the course felt nothing but the normal side effects of dry lips, skin, nosebleeds, dry eyes and easily scarring (just a scratch on accutane can turn into a permanent scar hah, i have a few reminders). Things went through without a hitch and i was acne free! I would notice people staring at me, and if i could guess what they were thinking it would be "How in the hell did that pizza face get porcelain clear skin?!" Strangely, the side effects of this medication slowly ease their way into your life after treatment (the effects are permanent after all). Expect something along the lines of joint pain, gastrointestinal issues, and mental health dips. These tend to be the most serious. When people get these issues they disregard it as natural, how in the world could they be associated with something they took 3, 5, even 10 years ago? Long story short in convincing you this are legit, the original manufacturers of accutane (Roche) went out of business due to lawsuits and had huge payouts of millions upon millions of dollars to peoples lives they had negatively changed (mostly focusing on permanent gastrointestinal issues). I could talk about this for hours but to avoid making it THAT lengthy, here's the summary: I can't stress enough how EXTREMELY important it is for you to consider these potentially permanent side effects. When i took it i couldn't care less about side effects, all i wanted was my acne to be gone! But there are people who used to play sports, ran, and workout - now experience severe pain by simply walking due to joint issues (and it's seemingly permanent unfortunately). If your acne isn't really that bad, or could go away within a couple of years normally, it is up to YOU to consider taking this drug. There are dermatologists out there who will prescribe this to people with just a few pimples, which is unecessary given how serious the side effects could be. Read up on peoples experiences years after their treatment and make an informed decision!!! God bless :)
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December 15, 2017
Your comments are right on the money , long term side effects are REAL , and can be life altering. This drug should only be used for Severe cystic acne , not for a couple of red spots that’s criminal it really is . Even for severe acne all other avenues must be exhausted before going on chemotherapy because that’s what it is .
April 9, 2017
Sort of worked, only while I was on it
I went through an accutane treatment when I was 16. I am 28 now. I recall being extremely dry, and no moisturizer would help. I also remember being so depressed that I asked for help and went on antidepressants shortly after my accutane round (about a yearish). My skin cleared up while I was taking it, but the drawbacks were not worth it. My acne returned as soon as the treatment was over. I know now I have hormonal acne and rosacea so perhaps Accutane wasn't the best choice. I personally think it's too severe of a treatment for anyone under 18 - heck, for any age really - and if you are considering it, please go through all other possibilities first, like getting a blood test done for hormonal imbalances and attack the acne that route. I also suggest seeing an esthetician as they can do some amazing, cleansing facials. It won't solve the problem permanently but it's a far more enjoyable experience than Accutane - you are pampering yourself and won't be poisoning yourself with vitamin A. Plus de-stressing can help with acne ;) My acne is exactly the same as it was before I took it. I don't mean to sound doom and gloom - this is simply my perspective on it. It could work beautifully for you if you have severe cystic acne that is unresponsive to hormonal treatments. Just be wise and perhaps see it as a last resort.
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.