Oral Retinoid
2786 Reviews
Oral Retinoid
Based on All Available Studies
Strength of Evidence
Note: Use with EXTREME CAUTION: Causes severe birth defects and fetal death.
Oral Retinoid
Side Effects
Oral Retinoid
Acne.org’s Real World Take
The nuclear option. It works reliably and provides long-term remission of acne, and even severe acne, in about ⅔ of people who properly take an adequate dosage. However, it permanently and irreversibly changes the skin and the body forever and users may experience long-term side effects for the rest of their lives. It’ll nuke it, but there is no going back.
Oral Retinoid
How to Get It
Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this medication. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one.
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May 17, 2009


-Made my severe acne in to beautiful skin
-Self-confidence restoration


-Kind of expensive

As a teenager, I had severe acne problems. I went to the dermatologist for years, and he declared my acne as severe. It was so bad that NO acne treatments would respond, and no amount of makeup can cover my terrible acne. People often came up to me and told me that I need to see a doctor (yes it was that bad..it shattered my self-esteem)....and after a month of accutane treatment, everything started to clear up. After a few months, my skin became PERFECTLY clear and perfectly smooth and I mean PERFECT. Everybody started asking me if I was wearing make up, and I had NO visible pores on my face (Not exaggerating)! and people on the streets complimented on how good my skin looked. Now, I get occasional breakout before my period, but nothing too big...=) I love accutane. It saved my life, brought me self-confidence. yes, you will lose your hair, and you will become very dry (especially lips) but it's all worth it, trust me. It didn't make me suicidal, but I was happier.
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May 14, 2009


CLEAR SKIN!!!! This is the only important pro for me. But other pros are no more oily face and hair, make up stays put instead of dissolving after an hour.


dry lips, skin and hair which can all be taken care of with good products.Severe fatigue and joint/muscle pain in final months of treatment.Can't go out in the sun for prolonged periods, even with sunscreen I got a rash and mild sunburn.

I noticed the side effect are worse in the last couple months of treatment, the fatigue was unbelievable, and I couldn't make it to the gym more then a couple times a week due to fatigue and severe muscle strain after going. However nothing was unbearable especially knowing the course of treatment ends after 5 months and the pros of clear skin definatly outweigh the cons in the end.
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May 12, 2009


Cleared my skin up! Before this I tried soooo many creams, medicines, etc. This was my last resort and I’m happy with it!


Dry lips, dry out nose, blood test every month, doctor appointments every month, rashes on my hands and arms but my doc gave my cream and it goes away within a day. I can live with these “cons” since I’m getting CLEAR skin finally!

I'm on my 3rd month of isotretinion and I have to take it 2 times a day for 6 months. At first my parents and I were scared to go on it since we heard all the scary side effects that could happen but I know some friends that were on it and they had nothing but good things to say about it. I'm so glad I went on it! I just wish I had gone on it years ago! Its says not to drink while still taking isotretinion but unfortunately I had my 21st while still taking it but I went out and drank a little just not crazy and I was perfectly fine the next morning. It could damage your liver so make sure if you do drink while on it its only a little and you don't over due it. I recommend isotretinion if you have acne that just won't go away! I got on it when I was 20 wish I got on it when I was still in high school.
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May 12, 2009


Has results. Smoother skin. No black heads. Fixing scars. No oil. No more oily hair. No actual zits.


Initially gets worse. All scars become pink. At first, really dry skin. I have exzema so if I was in the sun for a few minutes I would get scabs all over my arms. Chapped lips. Some dry eye. Higher cholesterol.

What to expect: First week: Chapped lips First to second month: Possibly more break outs and your face becomes red. Sun light sensitivity. Second to third month: Acne scars become pink. Accutane actually remolds your scars, flattens them out. My hair is originally more oily and now it's wonderful. I always carry chapstick now. I'm on my third month and excited for the next two months. Sometimes it gets really irritating...everyday...3 pm Yaz birth control...7 pm two Clavaris [generic brand] 30mg pills. With insurance my visits are only 12 US$ and the Clavaris for a 60 days supply is 3 US$. I had tried natural masks, Clinique, Proactiv, topical creams, and everything else. This is the first thing to really SOLVE the problem and not just mask it or give a short period of relief. This gave me results, especially since I understand how it's working. This treatment solves the problem from within and not just the outside. Acne is not a skin level issue for some. :D
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May 12, 2009


My acne is gone!!! No more oily skin and No more breakouts.
I finally have my confidence and self esteem back since my early teen years(around 13).
I am 19 now.


The side effects that I experienced were minimum. Slight back pains, chapped lips ALL the time, slight hair loss(but its goes away after you stopped taking the medicine, and dry skin. Also you can't drink while on this drug :(

This medicine was my last resort. I had no other options and I was scared to take this medicine but I am glad I did. Living with acne for about 5 years does affect your relationships, self esteem and confidence. I felt like I was held back my 4 years in high school because of it. You feel somewhat less of yourself and are afraid to take certain risks. Now after taking accutane and going into college I feel like a new person. I now know when meeting new people, they will look me in the face and not judge me by my acne. I would have to say that this drug has gave me a new look on life and I plan to live it to the fullest. Accutane has saved my life in so many ways! I would have to say only use it as a LAST RESORT!
May 11, 2009


Cleared skin very quickly, no oil, cheap with insurance


dry lips and inside of nose.

Sooo scared to try accutane! I'm on my 2nd month and i LOVE it. i noticed a difference within a week. I had no initial breakout, and the most serious side effect i have noticed is dry lips, which can be easily tolerated with some chapstick or aquaphor. The monthly appointments and blood tests are a pain but totallly worth it! I take the generic version and with insurance its only $10 a month. But i guess you should factor in the derm appt every month which for me is $30. So $40 every month for clear skin?...ill take it!!!
May 8, 2009


Cleared my SEVERE acne from my face, back, neck, shoulders and chest...the side effects for me were not that bad and completely manageable. Long term improvement. Helps with scarring.


Dry nose, occasional nosebleed, dry eyes, some flaking. Acne is here again

It worked for me 19 years ago and I will do it again in a heartbeat given the opportunity. I'm going to the derm next week and hoping and praying he will prescribe it for me as nothing else has worked
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May 6, 2009


i had the worst acne when i was in 7th grade, and i tried everything, proactive didnt work and neither did over the counter drugs, finally in 8th grade i was put on accutane and have never had acne since!!!


it does make your acne worse before it gets better, makes your skin dry for a period of time and in some cases may make your skin red

this is the best medication i have ever used for acne. taking this medication has made my skin 100% better and i am more confident then ever. i have never had acne since being off this medication, and have never had more then 2 zits at a time. this product is amazing and does work. however the side effects may seem scary and extreme, they are very rare cases and its deffinately worth it. i would reccomend this product to anyone who has moderate-severe acne. i would not reccomend this product to someone who has light acne, sine the pills are very strong and and the treatments are expensive. my insurance didnt cover accutane, so i was fortunate enough to get samples every month and it cut the cost down immensly! great product and i strongly reccomend it!
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May 5, 2009


NO OIL! My hair was even oil free!! At the end of my day, instead of feeling like my face was wet with oil, it was perfectly dry, like I had just put my make-up on! Also clears skin! :)


Dry skin, making make-up look silly on your face. Redness at first, and of course dry/chapped/peely lips. Everything pretty much dries up on you, but I can deal with those things, if I can deal with acne!

This is my second time on the medication. First time took 4 months before I got results, it made me break out terribly, and it was the most painful acne I had ever had. But it cleared me up, it like took all the acne that was under the surface, and brought it all up at once. About 6 months after being off accutane, acne started coming back, not as bad, but still bad to where I always had like 4 pimples on my face at a time. Been on it 6 days so far, and already getting dry and red, but i know it works, so I am hopefull! Also I have good insurance, and only have to pay a copay of $15 for the med. Without insurance the cash price of 40mg twice a day, was listed as $720...that's only a months supply too (and it's normally a 6 month course)..Even though I know it works, I don't know if I could afford it without insurance.
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April 30, 2009


skin cleared up completely in like 2 months. 1 month left, hopefully the acne will stay away. I can go for days without washing my face, and no fear at all of acne, never have to look in the mirror to check for pimples and white heads, fantastic.


very dry skin, but much better than any acne. also very chapped lips but nothing in comparison to acne. if feel like i can look someone in the face without them having to look at acne its great, I did have suicidal thoughts but i think that depends..

... on personality and lifestyle etc etc. i strongly recommend this pill to anyone with acne no matter how severe, everyone on this site is saying how affordable the drug is, but that is if you have good insurance, if you dont have any insurance a months supply of pills will cost up around $400. mine only cost me 20$, I would just double check with your pharmacist. definitly worth the money, 5 months and possibly a lot of money for a new way of life for the rest of your life.
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.