Oral Contraceptive
1503 Reviews
Oral Contraceptive
Based on All Available Studies
Strength of Evidence
Note: Improvement significantly increases after 24 weeks.
Oral Contraceptive
Side Effects
Oral Contraceptive
Acne.org’s Real World Take
All oral contraceptives appear to clear the skin about the same amount. Some people report cessation of acne symptoms and others see partial relief. However, messing with hormones is messing with hormones and it’s best to proceed with caution. But if you’re looking to take the birth control pill anyway, one of the benefits is clearer skin.
Oral Contraceptive
How to Get It
Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this medication. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one.
Read All About Drospirenone (Yasmin®, Yaz®)
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January 10, 2024
Great for my cystic acne
I started Yasmin at age 39 mainly to deal with peri menopause symptoms but from day two I noticed instant changes to my cystic acne I had been dealing with for years. I had found ways to get it slightly under control like p50 or tretinoin but taking this pill I noticed instant anti inflammatory effects on my active cysts , they just seemed to lose there stamina and were gone within days.unfortunately tho, I am nearly one pack in but I am noticing some small bumps(not sure I’d call them spots) . I can’t say if these are due to Yasmin tho, if I had to guess they could be the last of the nicotine ( as I gave up smoking too) leaving my skin, it could be from covid as I caught that too but my best guess is iv noticed since taking Yasmin that it has effected my gut, some research said that contraception could kill off some gut micro biome so I’m trying to eat much better but I’m aware that bad gut health can show on the face , so maybe it’s that. I will update if there’s any serious progression.
April 22, 2019
Not sure about this pill

I've been taking the Yasmin pill for 20 years now. It helped clear my acne a bit during puberty. However I'm now wondering if it's actually causing the cystic acne that I've had for almost 15 years, since it seems to clear up a bit every time I stop taking it for a week (which I only recently started doing). So I'm keeping the score at 3 stars.

July 5, 2018
I need advice! I'm on my 3rd pack now and have small bumps on jawline and forehead with some whiteheads, also each time I have the 7day break my skin clears what does that mean will it work or nah?
September 12, 2018
This happened to me and in the third month I stopped! I am still breaking out a little though-did yours ever get better?
September 12, 2018
This happened to me and in the third month I stopped! I am still breaking out a little though-did yours ever get better?
December 1, 2017
I've had cystic acne on my chin appearing like clockwork a week before my period and I would spend the rest of the month attempting to get rid of it, just for it to leave a scar and another one to appear the next month. This gets rid of cystic acne very fast, within a week at the least but if you're still having problems I suggest cutting out dairy for the 2 weeks before your period-- It worked for me and I was amazed. I got changed off of Vestura to Nikki and it still works for my face. However, I have had TERRIBLE mood swings and headaches. Before I realized it was the medicine, I could not go 3 days without crying my eyes out. I'm going to ask my derm to go back to Vestura because I can't go Nikki for much longer, so if you get put on a generic and you notice changes in mood and general feeling, ASK TO BE SWITCHED TO ANOTHER GENERIC. It will save your life.
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June 13, 2017
Finishing first pack... acne is only getting worse
Asking a question for people who this pill worked for clearing acne: was it normal that acne became more active in the first month? ive been on accutane a year ago, so having pimples again is painful... however, they arent cystic or anything its bearable.... but my skin has been getting worse, should i keep taking the pill or ditch it?
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June 19, 2017
keep taking it. That is definitely not long enough to see if it will work for you. You have to hang in there as difficult as it is.
July 20, 2016
Very mixed feelings about it
Originally I was prescribed Diane 35 by my dermatologist, but I decided to go with Yaz eventually because it has a lower dose of estrogen as well as a shorter 4-day period. Now I have been on Yaz for around 6 months already. While I don't really regret choosing it over Diane 35, I have to say that I do have very mixed feelings about the results that I am getting. First of all, here are the pros and cons of Yaz for me. Pros: - No weight gain at all - Sex drive remaining there - Gradually lighter period - Increased breast size - Reduction in oil production of skin Cons: - Increased anxiety level - Increased irritability - Mood swings - Breakthrough bleeding - Cystic Acne remaining there I didn't really get an initial breakout from Yaz. For the first few months I did notice some strange things happening to my skin. For example, during the 2nd month for about a week my skin went from super oily to super dry with zero oil production. But very quickly it went back to normal. Yaz has really helped me greatly in reducing the oil production of my skin. Prior to taking it, I couldn't get by one or two hours without looking like a complete oil slick. But now the oiliness of my skin is very normal and in acceptable level, even though I still consider myself having oily and acne prone skin. However, Yaz has so far failed to clear me up. Somewhere from the middle of the 4th month I have started to break out more and now I have been breaking out really badly in cystic acne. I am not certain whether the sudden onset of cystic acne is directly caused by Yaz or other factors though. Emotionally it has been a roller coaster for me in the past few months. Although I don't think Yaz is to be blamed alone for all my anxiety / irritability / depression, I do believe that it plays a part in affecting my moodiness more or less. And I really think that anyone with a family history of anxiety or depression issue should be very very cautious with hormonal treatment. Anyway I am going to stick with Yaz for another 3 months maybe, just to see if my cystic acne will improve or get worse. If it gets really out of control or doesn't have any improvement after that, maybe I will consider switching to another brand, maybe Diane 35, who knows!
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May 9, 2016
About to start my break week of Month 3 (so 7 days until month 4), and my skin is still not clear. The first month my skin was really smooth (am also taking Tetralysal and started that a month before Yasmin), month two my skin became extremely bumpy with skin coloured bumps, and now my skin is a little less bumpy but I'm starting to get quite a few whiteheads and getting a lot more spots than in the first month and my skin is still quite oily. Fingers crossed things improve in month 4.... Anyone else have a similar experience?
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October 9, 2016
I have the same experience. I'm on my 2nd month and have gained almost 5kg. Acne got worse than first month :(
April 16, 2016
Ok-ish, but once you get off...
I took Yaz for 6 months(from april 2015 to august 2015) after my gynecologist recommended it as a treatment for my PCOS. Initially, she told me to only take it for 4 months, but my left ovary still had 5-6 cysts and took it for another 2 months. Yaz did a great job for my ovaries in these 6 months, I got rid of all those cysts(and still cysts-free now), but for my hormonal acne, it was terrible the first 2-3 months. I literally didn't get out of the house for days, I developed big, painful pimples all over my face, like never before; my appetite was over the roof(I gained 2kg in 6 months, mostly water retention I think, because I was constantly fighting my emotional binge-eating feeling lol). After these horrible 2 months, my face slooowly started to be somehow "normal" again, and in my last 2 months I only had a few blackheads on my nose. Once I got off, my acne slowly came back and by november-december, my face was full of little monsters again(no cystic, painful pimples though, but a lot of whiteheads and blackheads). I think Yaz works as long as you stay on it, but you can't really take it forever :) Now I'm on metformin and spironolactone for almost 2 weeks as a treatment for PCOS and insulin resistance. Hope this one works, as now I am treating the cause of all my problems(bloody hormones!!!), not the effect.
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February 1, 2016
My YAZ Experience
I went on YAZ when I was a sophomore in high school in the hopes of it clearing my mild to moderate acne that I had had since 6th grade. It took a couple months to actually help my skin. It never made it worse, but it took a while (probably a year or so) to completely clear my skin. I was so excited I finally had clear skin! I had no problems with it until fall 2015 (my sophomore year of college). I started having migraines that were unbearable, so my doctor wanted to switch me to Aviane because it has a lower estrogen dose. I did a lot of research and read horror stories about people's skin on Aviane so I decided not to take it. Ultimately, I quit brith control all together hoping that I had grown out of my acne and boy was I wrong. I stopped taking YAZ in the middle of October and my skin was okay for a few months. I was taking vitamins and eating clean hoping it would help. Now it's January and my skin is the worse it has ever been. Horrible acne all over my cheeks, forehead, and chin/jaw area. It is so bad that I've decided to go back on birth control. I'm afraid to go back on YAZ because of the migraines and moodiness, so my doctor is having me try Sprintec (generic for Ortho Cylen) to see if it will clear my skin without the horrible migraines. I'm on my third week and my skin only seems to be getting worse, but I'm still hopeful! Overall, I would not recommend YAZ unless it is your absolute last resort for acne. And beware of going off the pill. I know everyone reacts differently to the hormones but for me personally going off YAZ has wrecked my skin. I'm giving it 3 stars because it really does help clear acne, but with that you'll have to be on the pill for the rest of your life if you want to keep your clear skin.
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October 2, 2015
YAZ Journey
Hello, this is my first time writing any review online but I figured it would be interesting to track my progress on my Yaz journey for clearer skin. I have suffered from acne (more than mild but not the most severe of cases), cheek, jaw, and chin ACNE. My acne began when I was in 6th grade, 11years old. I am now 21 and just ready to freaking live life! My life, happiness, lack of friendships/relationships have TOTALLY relied on my acne. Earlier this year I finally acknowledged the fact that I do in fact suffer from depression due to the effects of my acne. I have tried EVERYTHING!! OTC everything, benzoyl, salicylic acid, neutral washes, organic/natural washes, not using product at all, zinc, evening primrose, omega oils etc etc and I give these products months to work. I have a very healthy diet and exercise multiple times a week, my family calls me a health nut. In August of this year I decided that I was no longer responsible for my acne meaning I realized that my acne was beyond my control, there was something internally wrong. So I started YAZ in August 23 2015. I was put on for acne, oral contraceptive, and to help my heavy flow and cramps. -Month 1: started breaking out mildly on my forehead. Before Yaz, my forehead had been relatively clear, the only clear place on my face. Also my mood seemed to improve, maybe because I have hope that Yaz will help my acne. Periods are sooo much easier to deal with. -At 6weeks: Large acne on left side of cheek, but not too much. Don't know whether to blame BC or its just how its always been. Breast seem to be sore and possibly growing. They kind of hurt sometimes if I don't wear a bra. When the acne is popped they seem to smooth out quicker than before BC. I'll keep this post updated! Hopefully I'll have a success story. -3rd month completed: My skin is really smoothing out! There are finally more clear patches than acne patches for the first time in a while. I still break out, especially before my period (a few jawline breakouts). My temples have been a bit problematic, but I realize when I drink my 3 liters of water a day my temples/face stays clear. Overall I am dealing with scarring. I have also started using the Burt's Bees diaper rash (zinc 40%) and that has been more effective than benzoyl/salicylic acid. I'll see yal next month!
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.