Sea Salt

105 Reviews

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August 22, 2016
So glad I decided to try this
I don't apply the water/sea salt solution all over my face but in areas that I get the occasional cyst or whitehead and they'll be gone within 1-3 days :) I'm glad I opted for this and ditched the harsh cleaners to just treat certain areas (my cheeks mainly). I've been using gentle cleansers and this to kill any acne bacteria and my face has been improving nicely ^^ Still got a slight hyper-pigmentation problem but most of those marks have faded
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August 11, 2016
unbelievable results for such a simple thing
After a decade of fighting acne, the regimen worked for me over the past 3 years or so. However, earlier this year the BP quit working as well for some reason-- tho my face gets much worse if i stop using it completely. I randomly decided to try the saltwater routine, and I kid you not it started working day one. Cysts formed heads, small bumps dried out, no reddened face or other complaints. I've been using it every time I wash my face for a week and I'm totally clear again. Recipe: boil water, add sea salt until it stops dissolving, let cool, place in spray bottle in fridge My routine: wash face am and pm, apply salt water by spraying a paper towel and dabbing face, let dry and apply bp/moisturizer.
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August 4, 2016
I use this as a toner after using my dove bar every two days. It's definitely helped my spots and leaves my skin feeling clean. However this is drying so I can only use it every second day. I fill a glass full with very hot water and pour some sea salt from marks and spencer ( a supermarket ) and wait until i have finished cleansing.Then I simply pour some cold water in the glass and pour it over my face. I rub it in and wash off with cold water. Wouldn't reccomend for very dry skin unless you have a good moisturiser but anyone else should try it
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July 23, 2016
Its helping!
I am almost 16, have naturally oily skin and had problems with acne since the 7th grade. Days ago I started to use this home rhemedy of sea salt and water, putting it in a spray bottle and spraying my face, leaving it on overnight. It seems to be helping already, aside from the Clean & Clean blackhead eraser scrub... I was wondering though if I should continue on using the facewash or should stick to sea salt water.. It wasn't cheap though and I'm expected to use it.. But I was just wondering.. Any suggestions?
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August 1, 2016
Maybe you could try the sea salt for a week or two, and then switch to the facewash for a while. I did almost the same thing as you. I bought a facewash and then I stopped using it and switched to home remedies. I am about the same age as you and my mom told me the same thing
June 14, 2016
So I knew I would never post a review on here due to the methods never working for me, but for once I can post a review because this has truly worked for me. Now it didn't clear me completely but it cleared the little bumps on my forehead and stopped major breakouts. I don't know if I was suppose to experience a slight purge or not, but I did initially. I am continuing to use this daily in hopes of it completely clearing me up! I also added a few drops of tea tree oil in my mix.
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August 11, 2016
I had the same experience with the "purge", but i realized these were just clogged pores rushing through the breakout cycle.
November 28, 2017
How long did this "purge" period last for you? Im on day three and getting teeny tiny white heads in random spots.
June 5, 2016
Ocean Water
I went on a trip and swam in the ocean for a week straight and my skin was in the best condition it's ever been. I started my week with extremely dry skin with acne and ended the week in beautiful glowing skin! I went home and quickly created my own concoction. In a glass spray bottle I mixed in sea salt water (boiled together prior to adding it in bottle) and then some drops of purification essential oil and thieves. It smells delightful and goes on very evenly AND it refreshes my super dry skin. All in all, it's a win win.
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November 4, 2017
Can I ask what type of essential oil you use specifically in your homemade concoction? I really want to try out this salt water recipe but I have super dry skin too and I'm afraid of the salt water being to drying.
May 30, 2016
My #1 Acne Secret!! It works
I have tried every regimen for acne and when I say everything I mean everything. My family always laughs at me because I would always be making some new concoction to put on my face. I have acne since 7th grade: blackheads, whiteheads, and cystic acne. The treatment worked for me but I didn't want to buy a new tube of BP every month. I wanted freedom. The idea of sea salt as a cleanser was appealing to me. I have combination skin. Sea salt kills germs but is natural, cheap, and has other skin benefits. I mixed equal parts of boiling water and sea salt in an empty water bottle and shook it for 5 minutes. Before you use it, make sure it cools. Then when i want to use it, I take a cotton bottle and tip the bottle upside down. Then I wipe all over my face focusing on breakouts. It might sting which will hurt but you just have to deal with it. Then I leave it on. No rinsing. I do this every night and some mornings. The first time I used it my acne stayed the same. But after two weeks my acne is 90% clearer. It's amazing. I recommend you try. Give it at least 2 weeks. And don't expect magic skin overnight. It takes time. Also make sure you are getting enough sleep, drinking water, eating healthy, and working out! These thing will speed the healing process up much quicker! Good Luck :)
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July 27, 2016
did you keep this solution on your face the entire day?
April 7, 2016
I have literally tried everything there is out there for acne but with little results . I never write reviews but I had to for sea salt. I started doing research about acne and decided that chemicals and cleansers were not the way to go. I realized that ancestors never had acne because civilization was always near the ocean and people were exposed to sea salt more than today . I had acne all over my cheeks forhead and ching and after using seas salt in the morning and at night I am a 100 % clear. Even my scars are gone. Wow .
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May 7, 2016
The sea salt method cleared your skin completely? Even scaring? How did you use the sea salt? Thanks for your review, it helped a lot xx
March 27, 2016
Mixed sea salt with a pure whipped coca butter and made a sea salt face cream- sea salt is very drying so mixing it with a moisturizing product leaves skin both clear and smooth
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March 6, 2016
Try for blackheads!!!
I used to use the regimen twice a day to get clear (took about 3 months) but now I only use it at night, and during the day I use only lotion on my face and I'm still completely clear. 😄 but I still get blackheads on my nose and chin, so I started using vitamin e oil in addition to my daily routine (worked for my sister). It was getting rid of the blackheads slowly but it made me break out with pimples. :c so I kept trying to wait it out and once I finally decided to let it go, I started to use a warm mixture of sea salt in water on my nose and chin (I dip a rag in the water and hold it on the areas). So I knew this would make the pimples purge, which was what I wanted to clear it up, butttttt it's also getting rid of my blackheads! 😄 I've been using this about 10 times in the span of two weeks and I'm so surprised that it's also working on blackheads. Once all my pimples go away, I'll probably use this every other day or so. Btw after I use it, I wash my face and use only lotion if its during the day, or the regimine if its at night. Btw it brings pimples to a head, makes them go away, and heals scabs from popped pimples VERY quickly. Just apply neosporin on the scab afterwards and I promise you'll see a huge difference from day to day. Good luck! ☺
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May 7, 2016
This even cleared scaring?? xx